B 38-4 Sāṃkhyakārikā and Sāṃkhyatattvakaumudī

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 38/4
Title: Sāṅkhyakārikā
Dimensions: 27 x 10 cm x 37 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: unknown
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Sāṃkhya
Acc No.: NAK 5/3508

Reel No. B 38-4

Inventory No. 61311

Title Sāṃkhyakārikā and Sāṃkhyatattvakaumudī

Author Īśvarakṛṣṇa and Vācaspati Miśra

Subject Sāṃkhya

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material paper

State complete

Size 27.0 x 10.0 cm

Folios 37

Lines per Folio 10–11

Foliation figures in the upper left-hand margin under the abbreviation sāṃkhyatatva. or sāṃkhya. and in the lower right-hand margin under the word śrī on the verso

Date of Copying SAM 1656

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 5/3508

Manuscript Features

The root text is incorporated into the commentary.

A few marginal corrections appear on some folios.


«Beginning of the root text»


jijñāsā tadapaghātake hetau ||

dṛṣṭe sāpārthā cen

naikāṃtātyaṃtato [']bhāvāt || 3 || (fol. 1v3–4)

«Beginning of the commentary»

|| śrīlakṣmīnṛsiṃhāya namaḥ ||     ||

śrīgaṇādhipataye namaḥ ||     ||

śrīvāgdevyai namaḥ ||     ||

ajām ekāṃ lohitaśuklakṛṣṇāṃ

bahvīḥ prajāḥ sṛjamānāṃ namāmaḥ ||

ajā ye tāṃ juṣamāṇāṃ bhajaṃte

jahaty enāṃ bhuktabhogāṃ numas tān || 1 ||

kapilāya mahāmunaye

munaye śiṣyāya tasya cāsuraye

paṃcaśikhāya tatheśvara-

kṛṣṇāyaite namasyāmaḥ || 2 || (fol. 1v1–3)

«End of the root text»

saptatyāṃ khalu ye arthās

te rthāḥ kṛtsnasya ṣaṣṭitantrasya |


paravādavivarjitāś cāpi || (fol. 36v9–37r1)

«End of the commentary»

ekatvam arthavatvaṃ pārārthyaṃ ca pradhānam adhikṛtyoktaṃ |

anyatvaṃ akartṛtvaṃ bahutvaṃ ceti puruṣam adhikṛtyāstitvaṃ

yogo viyogaś cety ubhayam adhikṛtya [[śeṣavṛttiḥ]] sthitir iti sūkṣmaśarīram adhikṛtya ||

manāṃsi kumudānīva bodhayaṃtī satāṃ [[sadā]] ||

śrīvācaspatimiśrāṇāṃ kṛti stāt tattvakaumudī ||      || ❁ ||     || (fol. 37r4–6)

«Colophon of the commentary»

iti śrīvācaspatimiśraviracitā tattvakaumudīyaṃ samāptaṃ (!) ||     ||     || śrī ||     || ❁ ||     || śrī ||     || ❁ ||     || śrī ||     || śrī ||      || ❁ || śrīsaṃvat 1656 kilakanāmasaṃvatsare āṣāḍhavadi dvādaśī maṃdavāsare samāptaṃ || śubhaṃ bhavatu ||      || śrī ||      || śrī || ❁  || śrī ||     || ❁ ||     || ❁ ||     || śrī ||      || ❁ ||      || ❁ ||     || ❁ ||     || śrī ||     || ❁ ||     || ❁ ||     || ❁ || śrī | (fol. 37r6–9)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 38/4

Exposures 42

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Remarks two exposures of fols. 6v–7r and 36v

Catalogued by BK

Date 02-11-2006
