A 20-9 (Chandoratnākaraṭīkā)

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 20/9
Title: [Chandograntha]
Dimensions: 30.5 x 4.5 cm x 23 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Chandaḥśāstra
Acc No.: NAK 1/736

Reel No. A 20-9

Inventory No. 13458

Title [Chandoratnākaraṭīkā]

Remarks No specific title of Ratnākaraśānti’s autocommentary on the Chandoratnākara is mentioned in the MS.

Author Ratnākaraśānti

Subject Chandaḥśāstra

Language Sanskrit

Text Features

Reference Hahn 1986, pp. 77–100.

Acknowledgement Professor Michael Hahn (Marburg/Germany)

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete; only fol. 1 is missing (the information on the original index card is wrong); fols. 2, 3, 9–15, 23–24 are partly damaged at the margins, with loss of text.

Size 30.5 x 4.5 cm

Binding Hole 2, rectangular, the left binding hole area from top to bottom

Folios 23

Lines per Folio 5–6

Foliation figures from 1 to 3 and afterwards letters in the left-hand margin on the verso; in the blank area for the left binding hole a second hand has added figures, some of them inaccurate; a third, modern hand has added one more foliation, corrected the errors in the second foliation (on fols. 5v, 8v, 9v, 10v, 11v, 12v, 13v, 14v, 15v, 16v, 22v, 24v) and deleted the superfluous number 39 on fol. 10r

Date of Copying NS 179

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 1/736

Used for Edition yes (fols. 2r–4r ed. by Hahn 1986, pp. 77–100; Hahn’s complete edition has not been published yet)

Manuscript Features

“The general appearance of the manuscript is that it is old, carefully written, and remarkably free of mistakes.”<ref>Hahn 1986, p. 78.</ref> The MS is nonetheless not quite free from errors, only some of which have been corrected in the margins.

This very old MS is particularly valuable, for it was written apparently not very much later than the completion of Ratnākaraśānti’s commentary. The date in the MS is given as follows: ❖ samvat acūḍe māghaśuklapratipada puṣpako<ref>Read: *pustako.</ref> (!) yaṃ ./// This corresponds to January 17th 1059 AD.

The figure-numerals and letter-numerals used in this MS run as follows: 2, 3, lka (4), tṛ (5), phu (6), grā (7), hrā (8), ḍe (9), lṛ (10), lṛ/1 (11), lṛ/2 (12), lṛ/3 (13), lṛ/lka (14), … tha (20), … tha/3 (23) (cf. Bendall 1883, Table of Numbers).

For a small portion of Ratnākaraśānti’s #Chandoratnākaraṭīkā (the beginning of the pratyatya section) appended at the end of Tathāgatadāsa’s Chandomāṇikya see reel no. A 20/16.



(1)ñ ca jātiś cety anena prabhedena || a⁅kṣara⁆saṃkhyaṃ vṛttaṃ || saṃkhyā gaṇa〇nā | akṣaraiḥ saṃkhyā yasya tad vṛttaṃ bhavati || mātrāsaṃkhyā bhavati jātiḥ || sā jātir bhavati mātrābhiḥ saṃkhyā yasyāḥ || yo varṇṇaḥ ke⁅v⁆///<ref>Read: kevalo.</ref> (2) pi s⁅phu⁆ṭam uccarati sa ucyate svaraḥ | sa tu saṃkṣepatas trividhaḥ 〇 | hrasvo ⁅d⁆ī⁅rghaḥ plu⁆taś ca | tatra mātriko (!) hrasvaḥ | sa ca pañcadhā | a i u ṛ ḷ || dvimātro dīrghāḥ | so ṣṭadhā | ā ī ū ṝ e ai o au ⁅|⁆ ///(3)mātraḥ<ref>Read: trimātraḥ.</ref> plutaḥ | sa tu navadhā | yathāṣṭau dīrghā likh⁅y⁆an⁅t⁆e tathā〇ṣṭau plutāḥ | ke⁅vala⁆ṃ trikāṅkabhinnāḥ | ḷ3kāro navamaḥ | 〇 tad evaṃ dvāviṃśatiḥ svarāḥ | (fol. 2r1–3)


(1)⁅rṇṇā⁆ vivarjitā laghubhiḥ |
gurumiśritāś ca varṇṇā
ya〇thaiva tāvatya iha mātrāḥ ||

la 23
gu 17
va 40
la 23
va 40
gu 17
dau | dvigurūn dviguṇīkṛtya pra///5–6 (2)rṇṇān dviguṇīkṛtya varṇṇān laghūn apanayet | ante 〇 miśrayet | evaṃ saptapañcā〇san mātrāḥ syuḥ || mātrāsaṃkhyā .///5–6

(3) puṇyam ajāyata yan me
janasya vidyām imāṃ pra〇sādayataḥ |
tat paramārthe paramāṃ
jagato 〇 vidyāṃ prasādayatu || ○ ///5–6 (fol. 24r1–3)


samavṛttāni ⁅|| ○ |⁆| (fol. 11r1)

arddhasamavṛttāni || ○ || (fol. 12v5)

vaktra[pra]bhedā〇ḥ || (fol. 14r1)

caturūrddh[v]aprabhedā[ḥ] || ○ || (fol. 15r2)

udgataprabhedāḥ || (fol. 15v2)

⁅p⁆r⁅ac⁆upitaprabhedāḥ [||] (fol. 16r4)

samavṛttāni<ref>Read: *viṣamaº i.o. samaº.</ref> (!) || ○ || (fol. 16r4)

āryājātaya〇ḥ || ○ || (fol. 18v4)

vaitālīyajātayaḥ || 〇 || ○ || (fol. 19r6)

mātrā〇saṃjñakajātayaḥ<ref>Read: *ºsamakaº i.o. ºsaṃjñaº.</ref> (!) || ○ || (fol. 20r4)

uktā jātaya[ḥ |] … (fol. 20r4)


(4) kṛtir iyaṃ śrīratnākaraśāntipādānāṃ ||    || 〇 || ❁ || ❖ samvat acūḍe māgha〇śuklapratipada puṣpako (!) yaṃ .///? (fol. 24r4)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 20/9

Date of Filming 31-08-1970

Exposures 26

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks The folios of this MS have been microfilmed unsequentially; the frames on reel no. A 20/9 in their present order contain all the folios of the MS except fol. 1, as follows: cover, 24v, 24r–23v, 23r–22v, 22r–21v, 21r–20v, 20r–19v, 19r–18v, 18r–17v, 17r–16v, 16r–15v, 15r–14v, 14r–13v, 13r–7r, 7v–8r, 8v–9r, 9v–10r, 10v–11r, 11v–12r, 12v–6v, 6r–5v, 5r–4v, 4r–3v, 3r–2v, 2r.

Catalogued by DD

Date 29-11-2002


  • Bendall, Cecil (1883): Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts in the University Library, Cambridge, with Introductory Notices and Illustrations of the Palæography and Chronology of Nepal and Bengal. By Cecil Bendall. Cambridge 1883.
  • Hahn, Michael (1986): “Ratnâkaraśânti’s Autocommentary on His Chandoratnâkara”, in: Vicitrakusumāñjali. Volume Presented to Richard Othon Meisezahl on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday. Edited by Helmut Eimer. Bonn 1986, pp. 77–100. (Indica et Tibetica, 11).
