B 15-23(2) Hariścandravijayanāṭaka

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 15/23
Title: Hariścandravijayanāṭaka
Dimensions: 31 x 5.5 cm x 38 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Nāṭaka and Nāṭyaśāstra
Date: NS 276
Acc No.: NAK 1/1473

The Hariścandravijayanāṭaka is not found on reel no. B 15/23.

On the slip of paper sticked on the wooden cover of the manuscript one finds three titles written:
Mālatīmādhava, Hariścandravijayanāṭaka, and Jātakamālā.
The latter two titles, however, have been crossed out.

The manuscript photographed on reel B 15/23 consists of 44 folios.
The first four folios have no foliation and each contain fragmentary texts only.
The remaining 40 folios contain the Mālatīmādhava-Nāṭaka catalogued under B 15-23(1).