B 365-6(1) Gṛhavāstulakṣaṇa

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 365/6
Title: Gṛhavāstu
Dimensions: 40 x 7.4 cm x 20 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Karmakāṇḍa (vaidika, āgamika, tāntrika etc.)
Acc No.: NAK 1/7857
Remarks: AN?

Reel No. B 365/6a

Inventory No. 40603

Title [Gṛhavāstulakṣaṇa]

Remarks This is the first part of a MTM which also contains the text of the Vātāyamsthāpanalakṣaṇa, Nāgavāstulakṣaṇa and Khopayā samyakayā dharota


Subject Jyotiṣa

Language Newari

Manuscript Details

Script Newari (pracalita)

Material paper (loose)

State incomplete

Size 40.0 x 7.4 cm

Binding Hole

Folios 21

Lines per Folio 4

Foliation figures in the right-hand margin on the verso.

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 1/7857

Manuscript Features

The MS contains the following texts:

Available folios of the Gṛhavāstulakṣaṇa:

Exposures Folios. No. of vāstu
1–4 2r–5r 6–40
5t 5v 41–43
5b 7r 54–58
6–10 7v–11v 59–100
13 1v 1–5
19b 6v 49–53
20t 6r 44–48



First column

thvate che bhudare paści(2)masa, che chaṣā,
pakṣimu(3)khanāma dhāya, thva chesa (4) vāsa yātasā dhana moyu(5)va ||

Second column

uttarasa diga(2)sa che chakhā da(3)nasā yamamukha(4)nāma dhāya, nā(5)yakahmaṃ siyī(6)va ||
(fol. 1v1st column1–2nd column6)


Fifth column

bhadrāsana kṛtārthatva (2) ṭaṃgusvānasiṃ ṛśi(3)putra
khayarasiṃ ṛṣi(4)putra
cyāsi, gaṃgā(5)putra

Sixth column

cakrena dāridra .. (2)
ṭaṃgusvānasiṃ bhradvāja (3) ṛṣiyā kāya,
pāla(4)siṃ konālajāti
(fol. 11v5thcolumn1–6th column4)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 365/6

Date of Filming 14-11-1972

Exposures 24

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Remarks This MS is to be found on exp. 1–10, 13, 19b, 20t

Catalogued by KT/JM

Date 15-03-2005