A 1113-15(10) Mahāsarasvatīsūkta

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 1113/15
Title: Mahāsarasvatīsūkta
Dimensions: 23.1 x 12 cm x 56 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Stotra
Acc No.: NAK 6/360

Reel No. A 1113-15

MTM Inventory No. 96425

Title Mahāsarasvatīsūkta

Subject Stotra

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material Nepali paper

State complete

Size 23.2 x 12.3 cm

Folios 4

Lines per Folio 9–10

Foliation figures in the upper left-hand margin under the abbreviation || sāṃ. caṃ. || and in the lower right-hand margin under the word || rāma || of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 6/360j

Manuscript Features



atha vedoktaṃ de v⟪i⟫[[ī]]śūktaṃ (!) ||     ||

oṃ asya śrīdevīsuktasya (!) vā(6)māṃghriṛṣis triṣṭup chaṃda ātmā devatā saptaśatīsāṃgatāsiddhyarthe jape viniyogaḥ || oṃ ahaṃ (7) rudrebhir vasubhir ity ādi vodoktaṃ sūktaṃ paṭhitvā tataḥ || taṃtroktaṃ sūktaṃ paṭhet ||

rājovāca ||

mu(8)ne kathaya sarvajña bhūyaḥ kiṃcid anuttamam ||

tatvam (!) etasya sarvasya yena siddhir avāpyate || 1 || (fol. 28v5–8)


mātṛgāmī sa vijñeyo narakāvāsatatparaḥ ||

mayaivājñāparādhena (8) brahmaghnānāṃ gatiṃ vrajet || 34 ||

ṛṣir uvāca ||

evam uktā (!) vaco devī tūṣnīm āsīn nṛpottama | (9)35 || (fol. 31r7–9)


iti rudrayāmale ghaṭataṃtre umāmaheśvarasaṃvāde brahmaproktaṃ mahāsarasvatīsūktaṃ sampūrṇam. || (fol. 31r9)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 1113/15j

Date of Filming 02-07-1986

Exposures 65

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Remarks the text is on exps. 32t–34b

Catalogued by BK

Date 27-06-2006