A 1320-7(1) Tripurāsārasamuccaya
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: A 1320/7
Title: Tripurāsārasamuccaya
Dimensions: 24.5 x 7 cm x 196 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit; Newari
Subjects: Tantra
Acc No.: NAK 6/2617
Reel No. A 1320-7
Inventory No. 104329
Title Tripurāsārasamuccaya
Author Nāgabhaṭṭa
Subject Tantra
Language Sanskrit
Manuscript Details
Script Newari
Material paper
State complete
Size 24.5 x 7.0 cm
Folios 196
Lines per Folio 5
Foliation figures in the right margin of the verso
Date of Copying
Place of Deposit NAK
Accession No. 6-2617
Manuscript Features
Two manuscripts have been filmed under this reel number.
The first contains the Tripurāsārasamuccaya and is complete with 69 folios. Throughout this manuscript notes are found in the margins and between the lines (They are difficult to read in the scan that was used for cataloguing, but in the microfilm are probably legible.). Additionally, numbers are written above the lines which give the anvaya, the natural word order. For example, in case of the first stanza, we find the numbers one to five above the words: bhavānyāḥ, śrīpādāmbhojayugmaṃ, vo, maṃgala(!), kṛṣiṣṭa(!).
The second with the Tripurāsārasamuccayaṭippaṇa consists of 128 folios and seems to be incomplete, according to the index card. Fols. 1 to 12r are filmed on reel 1320, the otheres on 1321. The latter have not been taken into account here.
oṃ namo durggāyai ||
prahva<ref name="ftn1"> In the margin: praṇata </ref>prācīnabarhipramukhasuravarānīkakoṭīrakoṭi<ref name="ftn2"> In the margin: prahvānāṃ gṛhītaviṣayāntarmmukhānāṃ svarūpasamarppaṇodyuktānā(ṃ) indrādisumūhānāṃ(!) anīkaṃ dvādaśātmīesya(!) koṭora(!)śliṣṭaṃ uttamāṅg/// </ref>
śliṣṭasyaṣṭe(!)ṃndranīlāmalamaṇi+dhupaśreṇijuṣṭaṃ kṛṣiṣṭa(!)<ref name="ftn3"> Between the lines: karotu </ref>
śrīpādāmbhojayugmaṃ nakhamukhavilasadraśmikiñjalkapuñjaṃ
siñjan<ref name="ftn4"> Between the lines: śabdita</ref>mañjīra<ref name="ftn5"> Between the lines: nūpūra(!)</ref>haṃsīmukharitam aniśaṃ maṃgala(!) vo bhavānyāḥ(!)<ref name="ftn6"> Between the lines: bhava(!) saṃsāraṃ nayati bhavānī bhavabhedapratipattiḥ(?) | bhavena bhe..pratipa+ iti (tānayatinā)(?)</ref> || 1 ||
iti śrīnāgabhaṭṭaviracite tripurāsārasamuccaye prathamaḥ paṭalaḥ || 1 || (fol. 4v3-4)
iti śrīnāgabhaṭṭaviracite +purāsārasamuccaye dvitīyapatalaḥ(!) || 2 || (fol. 11r1)
iti śrīnāgabhaṭṭaviracite tripurāsārasamuccaye tṛtīyaḥ patalaḥ (!) || 3 || (fol. 19v3)
iti nāgabhaṭṭaviracite tripurāsārasamuccaye caturthaḥ patalaḥ (!) || || (fol. 23v2-3)
iti śrīnāgabhaṭṭaviracite tripurāsārasamuccaye pañcamaḥ paṭalaḥ || || (fol. 33r5-33v1)
iti śrīnāgabhaṭṭaviracite tripurāsārasamuccaya(!) ṣaṣṭha(ḥ) paṭalaḥ || || (fol. 39r5-39v1)
iti śrīnāgabhaṭṭaviracite tripurāsārasamuccaye saptamaḥ paṭalaḥ || || (fol. 43v1-2)
iti śrīnāgabhaṭṭaviracite tripurāsārasamuccaye 'ṣṭamaḥ patalaḥ(!) || || (fol. 52r3-4)
iti śrīnāgabhaṭṭaviracite tripurāsārasamuccaye kuṇḍavidhāna(!) navamaḥ paṭalaḥ || || (fol. 58r2-3)
janmādhāragu(ro)darād ajamukhatryasānta(!)mātrāntayā
vṛtyā va(lla)bhiśaktitantuniviḍasyūtā<ref name="ftn7"> In the margin: ādikākṣānta (udgrīva?) || ... (illegible) tārakaṃ varṇṇamaṇḍalam akhaṇḍala tirā antarullasitahakṣarakṣaraṃ(?) rakṣayānti(!) paśavaḥ kathaṃ śive ||</ref>kṣamālāyutaḥ |
mantraś ca sva(vaśo)ditaḥ<ref name="ftn8"> In the margin: svayam uditena </ref> pratipadaṃ<ref name="ftn9"> In the margin: prasādhāraṃ (?)</ref> ta(tpra)tyag āśāmukhaṃ
liṅgañ ca sthitam ity ayaṃ vijayate nityo japas traipuraḥ || 14 ||
iti śrīnāgabhaṭṭaviracite tripurāsārasamuccaya(!) daśamaḥ paṭalaḥ || samāptaś cāyaṃ grantha iti || (fol. 69v1)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. A 1320/7a
Date of Filming 13-07-1988
Used Copy Kathmandu (scanned)
Type of Film positive
Catalogued by AM
Date 09-12-2010