A 53-9 Durgasiṃha's Paribhāṣāvṛtti on the Kātantra

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Filmed in: A 53/9
Title: [Kātantra]
Dimensions: 33 x 5 cm x 14 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Vyākaraṇa
Date: NS 545
Acc No.: NAK 3/383
Remarks: w vṛtti b Durgasiṃha, Paribhāṣāvṛtti; (30846+7=S

Reel No. A 53/9

Inventory No. 30847

Title Paribhāṣāvṛtti

Remarks also known as Kātantraparibhāṣā and Kātantraparibhāṣā-sūtravṛtti

Author Durgasiṃha

Subject Vyākaraṇa

Language Sanskrit

Text Features Explains 64 paribhāṣā rules of the Kātantra.

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete

Size 33.0 x 5.0 cm

Binding Hole 1, rectangular, left of centre

Folios 14

Lines per Folio 7, fol. 14v: 2

Foliation letters in the middle of the left-hand margin and figures in the middle of the right-hand margin on the verso

Date of Copying NS 545 (30 June, 1425 CE)

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 3/383

Manuscript Features

The writing on fols. 1v, 3v, 4r, 9v, and 13v is partly rubbed off.

The text states and explaines 64 paribhāṣā rules of the Kātantra, numbering each of the 63 sections at the end with running numbers within double daṇḍas. There are, however, two paribhāṣās given in section 62, thus yielding 64 paribhāṣā rules. Moreover, comparing this MS with an edition of Durgasiṃha's Paribhāṣāvṛtti in Abhyankar 1967, we find the same order and number of paribhāṣās, besides a few cases of variant readings. The number of 65 paribhāṣās instead of 64 in Abhyankars edition results from the splitting of paribhāṣā number 47 of the present MS yaṃ vidhiṃ praty upadeśo [[ʼ]]narthakaḥ sa vidhir bbādhyate yasya tu vidher nimittam asti nāsau bādhyate || in two, thus yielding: yaṃ vidhiṃ praty upadeśo narthakaḥ sa vidhir bādhyate || 47 || yasya tu vidher nimittam asti nāsau bādhyate || 48 ||.

The date in the MS is given as follows: samvat 545 āṣāḍhaśuklapūrṇṇamāsyāṃ tithau | pūrva⁅phālguṇi⁆nakṣatre | ⁅vai⁆dhṛtiyoge | śanidine |. It corresponds to 30th June 1425 AD. The calculation of the date indicates, however, that one should have written *pūrvāṣāḍhanakṣatre instead of pūrvaphālguṇinakṣatre (with hardly legible °phalguṇi°). As the date is otherwise correct and the MS seems indeed to have been written in the first half of the 15th c., the most plausible supposition will be that the copyist has confused the names of the two nakṣatras.

The stamp of the NAK has unfortunately been placed upon the writing which makes °phālguṇi° hardly legible and uncertain.

A commentary on this text is available on A 52/6.

This MS is briefly described in BSP vol. VI, p. 32, viṣayāṅka 104.



oṃ namaḥ sarvvajñāya ||

praṇamya sadasadvādadhvāntavidhvansabhāskaram |
vā(gn)ātham paribhāṣārtham vakṣye bālāvabodhaye ||

i⁅ha hi

sūtreṣv e⁆va hi tat sarvvaṃ yad vṛttau yac ca vārttike |
⁅sū⁆traṃ yonir ihārthānāṃ sarvva⁅ṃ⁆ sūtre pratiṣṭhitam [||]

iti || ye+<ref>Cf. Abhyankar 1967: yena kenacid.</ref> (2) kenacid vyākhyātukāmenāvaśyam evābhyu⁅pa⁆gantavyaṃ | tathā dhātvartha〇ḥ | arthān sūcaya⁅tīti⁆ sūtre ⁅sū⁆trayatīti vā sūtraṃ | tathā sūtrakārayoḥ sarvvavar⁅m⁆makātyāyanayoḥ sūtrāṇāṃ catuḥśatyāṃ pañcāśadadhikā+<ref>Ibid.: catuḥśatyāṃ pañcāśadadhikāyāṃ.</ref> (3) paribhāṣā noktā | atha vṛttiṭīkayo⁅s ta⁆tra ⟨tra⟩ tatra pratyuktāḥ || 〇 ⁅kāryeṣu dṛśyante | tāsāṃ yuktitaḥ saṃsiddhir u⁆cyate | yās tu śāstrīyā⁅s tās tāvad⁆ dvidhā liṅgavatyo viddhyaṅga⁅śeṣabhū⁆tā⁅ś ceti⁆ | tatra liṅga⁅ṃ⁆ +(4)⁅dyate yāsām iti tā liṅgavatyaḥ<ref>Ibid.: tatra liṅgaṃ vidyate yāsāṃ tāḥ liṅgavatyaḥ |</ref> | tāś caika⁆tra gṛhītasambaṃ〇dhā liṅgāpekṣayā pradīpavat sakala ⁅ś⁆āstram abhijvalayantīti || (fol. 1v1-4)


|| ○ || ekadeśavikṛtam ananyavat || (fol. 1v7)

|| 1 || (fol. 2v1) nāsvaśabdoktatvāt || (fol. 2r7-2v1)

|| 2 || yena vidhis tadantasya || (fol. 2v3)

|| 3 || arthavadgrahaṇe nānarthakasya || (fol. 2v6)

|| 4 || varṇṇāntasya vidhiḥ || (fol. 3r2)

|| 5 || anekavarṇṇaḥ savarṇṇasya || (fol. 3r5)

|| 6 || ni⁅rddi⁆śyamānānām āde⁅śi⁆nām ā⁅de⁆śāḥ || (fol. 3v2)

⁅|| 7 || sthā⁆nivad ādeśo hy avarṇṇavidhau || (fol. 3v5)

|| 8 || svarādeśaḥ paran⁅imitta⁆kaḥ pū⁅rvvavidhiṃ⁆ prat(2)ti sthānivat || (fol. 4r1-2)

|| 9 || na padāntadvirvvacanavarggāntā(4)nusvāraprathamatṛtīyadīrghalugvidhiṣu || (fol. 4r3-4)

|| 10 || yenādiṣṭāt svarāt pūrvvasthaṃ prati sthānivat || (fol. 4v3)

|| 11 || (6) prakṛtigrahaṇe cekrīyitalugantasyāpi grahaṇaṃ || (fol. 4v5-6)

|| 12 || 〇 na stibanubandhagaṇasaṃkhyaikasvarokteṣu || (fol. 5r2)

|| 60 || padayoḥ sandhir vvivakṣito na samāsāntaraṅgayoḥ || (fol. 13v7)

|| 61 || utsarggāpavādayor apavādo vi〇dhir bbalavān || (fol. 14r3)


anyathā abhyāsavikāreṣu apavādo notsarggam bādhate | anyatra bādhata evety artaḥ | athavā sarūpo ʼstriyām iti vacanaṃ | a(5)thavā yady utsarggāpavādau sāmānyena sarvvatra prāpnutas tadā vaca〇nam idam anarthakaṃ syād iti || 62 || vyākhyānato viśeṣapratipattir na hi saṃdehād alakṣaṇam || vaktur vividhaprakāreṇā-khyānāt sūtrāṇāṃ (6) samānyaviśeṣapratipattir bhavati | na yasmād asaṃdehād alakṣa〇ṇam iti | yuvābhyāṃ āvābhyām iti yuvāvāv iti rūpabhede saty apy āvayor adantatvāt svarāder dvitīyasyeti<ref>Kātantra 3.3.2: svarāder dvitīyasya.</ref> karmmadhārayāt paṃcamī dvivaca(7)nagrahaṇa-syāṃ prayojanam uktam eva syādau grahaṇaṃ | na syāśabdasyeti<ref>Cf. Abhyankar 1967: dvitīyagrahaṇasya prayojanam uktam eva | svarādeś ceti syād arthasya grahaṇaṃ na syād upaśabdasyeti |</ref> | jñāpakaṃ | rūḍhānām bahutve ʼstriyām apatyapratyayasyeti vacanam anyathā padāntākāra-lopasaṃdehe striyām iti nirdeśo ʼnarthakaḥ syād iti || (fol. 14v1) || 63 ||

(fol. 14r4-fol.14v1)


iti daurgasiṃhyāṃ vṛttau paribhāṣāvṛttiḥ samāptā || ❁ || śreyo ʼstu || samvat 545 āṣāḍhaśuklapūrṇṇamāsyāṃ tithau | pūrva⁅phālguṇi⁆nakṣatre<ref>Here the stamp of the NAK blurs the writing. </ref> | ⁅vai⁆dhṛtiyoge | śanidine | vipraśrīgayāpatinā likhito (2) yam | yathā dṛṣṭe sati tathā likhitā na doṣaṃ lekhakasya || ❁ ||

(fol. 14v1-2)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 53/9

Date of Filming 26-10-1970

Exposures 17

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks Fol. 14v has been microfilmed twice.

Catalogued by OH

Date 24-10-2003


  • Abhyankar, K. V. 1967: Paribhāṣāsaṁgraha, p. 49 ff.
  • BSP vol. VI, p. 32, viṣayāṅka 104.
