A 1115-42 Amarakośa

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 1115/42
Title: Amarakośa
Dimensions: 23.8 x 11.1 cm x 65 folios
Material: paper?
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Kośa
Acc No.: NAK 6/2081

Reel No. A 1115-42 Inventory No. 90035

Title Amarakośa

Remarks The text covered is the Prathmakāṇḍa and Dvitīyakāṇḍa.

Author Amarasiṃha

Subject Kośa

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material paper

State incomplete

Size 23.8 x 11.1 cm

Folios 65

Lines per Folio 7

Foliation figures on the verso, in the upper left-hand margin under the abbreviation amara and in the lowe right-hand margin under the word guruḥ

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 6/2081

Manuscript Features

Available folios  2–4 and 8– 69

There are two exposures of fols. 8v–9r, 44v–45r, 57v–58r, 60v–61r and 64v–65r.

Fols. 2–4 and 69 are damaged in the upper right-hand margin of the verso and lower right-hand margin of the recto with the considerable loss of the text.

Letters are rubbed off in some other folios as well.

Marginal notes are written in some folios.



layāḥ ||

suraloko dyodivau dve striyāṃ klībe tripi(!)ṣṭapaṃ || 6 ||

amarā nirjarā devās tridaśā vibudhāḥ surāḥ ||

suparvvāṇaḥ sumanasas tridiveśā divaukasaḥ || 7

āditeyā diviṣado lekhā aditinaṃdanāḥ ||

ādityā ṛbhavo svapnā (amartyā) amṛtāṃdhasaḥ || 8 ||

barhirmukhāḥ kratubhujo gīrvvāṇā dānavārayaḥ ||

vṛṃdārakā dai(va)tāni puṃsi vā devatā[[ḥ]] striyaṃ(!) || 9 || (fol. 2r1–5)


pariṇāyas tu śārīṇāṃ samaṃtā(n nayane) striyāṃ ||

aṣṭāpadaṃ śāriphalaṃ prāṇidyūtaṃ samāhvayaḥ || 32 ||

uktā bhūriprayogatvād ekasmin ye tra yaugikāḥ ||

tāddharmyād anyato vṛttāv ūhyā liṃgāntare pi te || 33 ||     || (fol. 90v5–7)


iti śūdravargaḥ ||     ||

ity amaraḥ (fol. 90v7)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. 1115/43

Date of Filming 17-07-1986

Exposures 74

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Catalogued by BK

Date 25-09-2008
