E 1774-3(100) Yogāmbarakarmarājanāmadhāraṇī
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: E 1774/3
Title: Yogāmbara(sya)karmarājanāmadhāraṇī
Dimensions: 27.6 x 8.2 cm x 220 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Dhāraṇī
Acc No.:
Reel No. E 1774-3
Title Yogāmbarakarmarājanāmadhāraṇī
Remarks The titel in the colophon is śrīyogāmbarasya karmmarājanāmadhāraṇī.
Subject Bauddha; Dhāraṇī
Language Sanskrit
Manuscript Details
Script Newari
Material paper
State complete
Size 27.6 x 8.2 cm
Folios 1 (fol. 212r1‒5)
Lines per Folio 6
Foliation figures in the middle right-hand margins of the verso
Owner / Deliverer Dharmaratnavajradharya (Kathmandu)
Accession No. E 34242
Manuscript Features
❖ oṃ namaḥ śrīyogāṃbarāya || oṃ tadyathā || oṃ hūṃ haḥ svāhā || oṃ a aḥ oṃ suṃ | oṃ kṣuṃ | oṃ yuṃ | oṃ hūṃ | oṃ smruṃ | oṃ smruṃ | etc. (fol. 212r1‒2)
oṃ dhanāgre | oṃ svātani | oṃ bhubhurva || oṃ kuṃ a || khuṃ ā || guṃ i | ghuṃ ī | cuṃ u | cchuṃ ū | juṃ ṛ | jhuṃ ṝ | ṭuṃ ḷ | ṭhuṃ ḹ | ḍuṃ e | ḍhuṃ ai | tuṃ o | thuṃ au | duṃ aṃ | dhuṃ aḥ || (fol. 212r4‒5)
iti śrīyogāmbarasya karmmarājanāmadhāraṇī samāpta(!) || ○ ||
(fol. 212r5)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. E 1774-3
Date of Filming 08-03-1985
Exposures 213
Used Copy Berlin
Type of Film negative
Catalogued by AN
Date 14-02-2013