A 25-5 Māghakāvya

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 25/5
Title: Māghakāvya
Dimensions: 32.5 x 6.5 cm x 103 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Maithili
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Kāvya
Acc No.: NAK 1/1608

Reel No. A 25-5

Inventory No. 28682

Title Śiśupālavadha

Remarks also widely known under the title Māghakāvya

Author Māgha

Subject Kāvya

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Old Bengali

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete; fols. 1–34, 129–160, 163–199 are preserved; from fol. 146 onwards the leaves are partly damaged at the left-hand side, with loss of text affecting to an increasing extent fols. 171–199.

Size 32.5 x 6.0 cm

Binding Hole 1, rectangular, in the middle

Folios 102

Lines per Folio 5

Foliation figures in the left-hand margin after the word śrī on the verso; the folio after fol. 132 has been numbered wrongly as fol. 134.

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 1/1608

Used for Edition no

Manuscript Features

The MS is incomplete. Originally it must have had 200 or 201 folios, but now only 102 folios remain. The preserved folios contain the following portions of the Śiśupālavadha: 1.1–4.37a (fols. 1–34), 13.69c–16.73a (fols. 129–160) and 17.3d–20.70c (fols. 163–199). The text of the Śiśupālavadha in this MS is worth considering for the purposes of a critical edition. In canto 15 after stanza 13 comes the first stanza 15.1p of the so-called prakṣipta stanzas not commented by Mallinātha, but discussed by Vallabhadeva. After it, beginning with 15.14, follow again the stanzas commented by Mallinātha until 15.38, which is followed by the rest of the prakṣipta stanzas,15.2p–15.34p; thereafter the text continues with stanza 15.39. In the same canto between 15.25 and 15.26 the following stanza in Udgatā metre appears<ref>Cf. Rau 1949, p. 31.</ref>:

bahuśo raṇeṣu paracakra-
mathitamatvacakrasampadā (?) |
sādhu yad idam ayasakṣakalaṃ (!)
dhriyate kare(fol. 142r1)ṇa parimaṇḍalaṃ tvayā || (fols. 141v5–142r1)

Occasionally some stanzas appear in an order different from the one known from the available editions of the Śiśupālavadha.<ref>See, for example, the beginning of the text.</ref> For Śiśupālavadha 3.82d, which is of considerable text-critical importance, the MS supplies a metrically correct reading in the Pañcakāvalī metre, and deviates thus from the unmetrical versions known so far: ciravigabhaśriyaḥ<ref>Read: °vigata° i.o °vigabha°.</ref> saliladheś ca tadābhavad antaraṃ ma(2)hat || (fol. 30v1–2).<ref>Cf. Rau 1949, p. 100 and esp. p. 175.</ref> The MS is not spared scribal errors, such as the confusion between similar akṣaras (e.g. sa, ma and ya). No virāmas have been used by the scribe.
This MS is briefly mentioned in Shastri’s Catalogue of Palm-Leaf & Selected Paper Mss. (Calcutta 1905), p. 75, no. 1608 jha (see also Preface, p. xxxiii). A short description of this MS is provided in BSP 2, p. 100, no. 201, (1/1608), and the same entry is recorded on p. 101, no. 207 (1/1608), without, however, the note apūrṇam | katipayapatrāṇi prānte mūṣikabhakṣitāni | found in the first entry.


Beginning (fol. 1v)

(1) ❖ oṃ namo nārāyaṇāya ||

śriyaḥ patiḥ śrīmati śāsituṃ jagaj
jagannivāso vasudevasadmani |
vasan dadarśāvatarantam amba(2)rād
dhiraṇyagarbhbhāṅgabhuvaṃ muniṃ hariḥ ||

gata〇n tiraścīnam anūrusāratheḥ
prasiddham ūrddhvajvalanaṃ havirbhbhajaḥ (!) |
pataty adho (3) dhāma visāri sarvvataḥ
kim etad ity ākula〇m īkṣitaṃ janaiḥ ||<ref>Marginal note in a similar hand: cayas tviṣām iti ślokas tṛtīyaḥ ||.</ref>

navān adho dho bṛhataḥ payodharān
asāmūḍhakarppū(4)raparāgapāṇḍuraṃ<ref>asāmūḍha° unmetrical for samūḍha°.</ref> (!) |
kṣaṇaṃ kṣaṇotkṣipta〇gajendrakṛtinā<ref>Read: °kṛttinā i.o. °kṛtinā.</ref> (!)
sphuṭopamaṃ bhūtisitena śambhunā ||

trībhir ādikula(5)kaṃ ||<ref>Cf. Mallinātha’s note: kecid idaṃ ślokaṃ cayas tviṣām ity ataḥ prāg likhitvā vyācakṣate | (Ed. Durgāprasāda/Śivadatta 1902, p. 4).</ref>

cayas tviṣām ity avadhāritaṃ purā
tataḥ śarīrīti vibhāvitākṛtiṃ |
vibhur vvibhaktāvayavaṃ pumān iti
kramād amuṃ nārada ity abo(fol. 2r1)dhi saḥ ||

dadhānam ambhoruhakeśaradyutī[r]
jjaṭāḥ śaraccandramarīcirociṣaṃ |
vipākasiṅgās<ref>Read: °piṅgās i.o. °siṅgās.</ref> tuhinasthalīruho
dharādha(2)rendraṃ vratatī[[s ta]]tīr iva || (fols. 1v1–2r2)

End (fol. 34v)

pravālahastāḥ (4) pramadā ..vātra |
puṣpekṣaṇair llambhita〇locakair vvā
madhuvratavrātavṛtair vvrabhatyaḥ<ref>Read: vvratatyaḥ i.o. vvrabhatyaḥ.</ref> ||

vihagāḥ kadambasura(5)bhāv iha gāḥ
kalayanty anukṣaṇam anekalayaṃ |
bhramayan (!) upaiti muhur abhram amaha (!)
pavanaś ca dhūtanavanīpavantaḥ (!) ||

vidvadbhir āgamapa (fol. 34v3–5)

Beginning (fol. 128r)

(1) dadhat |
śrīpatiḥ patir asāv avaneś ca parasparaṃ
saṅkathāmṛtam anekam anisvadatām (!) ubhau ||

End (fol. 160v)

adhigamya ca randhram antarā
janaya(5)na (!) maṇḍalabhedam antataḥ |
khanati kṣatasaṃhatiḥ (!) kṣaṇād
api mūlāni mahānti kasyacita (!) ||

ghanapatrabhṛto nugāminas
tarasākṛ- (fol. 160v4–5)

Beginning (fol. 163r)

(1) na tatkṣaṇaṃ
nijaṃ vapuḥ punar anaman<ref>Read: anayan i.o. anaman.</ref> nijāṃ ruciṃ ||

yad utpatata (!) pṛthutarahāramaṇḍalaṃ
vyavarttata drutam abhidūtam ulmukaḥ |
tato abha〇vad (!) bhramitam ivākhilaṃ sadaḥ || (fol. 163r1–2)

End (fol. 199v)

jaladaiḥ abhitaḥ sphura⁅dbhir uccair
vi(5) /// ||

jva⁆lataḥ praśamāya citrabhānoḥ
pralayāplāvam ivābhidarśayantaḥ |
⁅vavṛṣur vṛṣanādino nadī ⁆ (fol. 199v4–5)


|| śiśupālavadhe mahākāvye nāradasambhāṣaṇo nāma prathamaḥ sarggaḥ || (fol. 10v1)

iti māghakṛtau śiśupālavadhe mahākāvye mantranirṇṇayo nāma dvitīyaḥ sarggaḥ samāptaḥ || (fol. 21r1)

iti māghakṛtau śiśupālavadhe 〇 mahākāvye kṛṣṇaprayāṇako nāma tṛtīyaḥ sarggaḥ samāptaḥ (3) || (fol. 30v2–3)

iti śiśupālavadhe (2) mahākāvye yudhiṣṭhirasamāgamo nā〇ma trayodaśaḥ sarggaḥ || (fol. 129r1–2)

śiśupālavadhe mahākāvye caturddaśaḥ sarggaḥ || (fol. 139r1)

śiśupālavadhe mahākāvye śiśupālaprakopo nāma (3) pañcadaśaḥ sarggaḥ || (fol. 153r2–3)

iti śiśupālavadhe mahā(3)kāvye saptadaśaḥ sarggaḥ || (fol. 171v2–3)

iti śiśupālavadhe mahā(2)///⁅k⁆āvye dolāyuddho nāmāṣṭādaśaḥ sa〇rggaḥ || (fol. 181v1–2)

iti śiśupālavadhe mahākāvye ūnaviṃśatimaḥ (!) sarggaḥ || (fol. 192v5)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 25/5

Date of Filming 06-09-1970

Exposures 104

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative


Catalogued by DD

Date 22-05-2003


  • Durgāprasāda/Śivadatta (1902): The Śiśupâlavadha of Mâgha with the commentary (Sarvankashâ) of Mallinâtha. Edited by Paṇdit Durgâprasâd and Paṇdit Śivadatta of Jeypore. Third Edition. Revised by Vâsudev Lakshmaṇ Śâstrî Paṇśîkar. Bombay 1902.
  • Rau, Wilhelm (1949): Vallabhadeva’s Kommentar zu Māgha’s Śiśupālavadha. Ein Beitrag zur Textgeschichte des Māghakāvya. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophischen Fakultät der Philipps-Universität zu Marburg vorgelegt von Wilhelm Rau aus Gera. Marburg 1949.
