B 71-14 Maitrāyaṇīyopaniṣad
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Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: B 71/14
Title: Maitrāyaṇīyopaniṣad
Dimensions: 20.5 x 8 cm x 30 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: unknown
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Upaniṣad
Acc No.: NAK 5/4696
Reel No. B 71-14 Inventory No. 34102
Title Maitrāyaṇīyopaniṣad
Subject Upaniṣad
Language Sanskrit
Manuscript Details
Script Devanagari
Material paper
State complete
Size 20.5 x 8.0 cm
Folios 30
Lines per Folio 7–8
Foliation figures on the verso; in the lower right-hand margin and in the lower left-hand margin
Place of Deposit NAK
Accession No. 5/4696
Manuscript Features
|| maitrāyanīyopaniṣat || patra 31
|| ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ yasya ||
The text contains some sub-colophons of the Maitrāyaṇīyopaniṣad but does not contain colophon itself. From the edition, we come to know that the text does not contain the Maitrāyaṇīyopaniṣad only since we find a sub-colophon of this text in fol. 11r (it is almost the end of this upaniṣad but we have still many folios; fols. 11–30). So, we assume that the scribe should have started to copy next upaniṣad but h/se did not finish it.
śrīyajurvedāya namaḥ |
oṁ brahmayajño vā (mūṣayat) pūrveṣāṃ ca praṃ tasmād yajamānaś cinvaitān agnīn ātmānam abhidhyāye /// pūrṇaḥ khalu vā ‥ dvāvikalaḥ saṃpadyate yajñaḥ … bṛhad ratho vai nāma rājā virājye putraṃ nidhāpayitvedam aśāśvataṃ manyamānaḥ śarīraṃ vairāgyam upetoraṇyaṃ nirjagāma (fol. 1v1–2 and 3–5)
āditye prāṇa etad vāva tatsvarūpaṃ nabhaseḥ sveṃtarbhūtasya padom ity etad akṣaram anenaiva tad udbudhnyat pha‥ yat ‥ ‥ sa (tyajasraṃ) brahmadhiyālaṃbaṃ (fol. 30v7–8)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. B 71/14
Date of Filming not indicated
Exposures 33
Used Copy Kathmandu
Type of Film positive
Catalogued by BK/RK
Date 12-04-2010