A 310-12 Mahābhārata

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 310/12
Title: Mahābhārata
Dimensions: 19.5 x 15 cm x 4 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Mahābhārata
Acc No.:
Remarks: Udyogaparvan w. comm.

Reel No. A 310-12

Inventory No. 31501

Title Mahābhāratasaṭīka

Remarks The text covered is part of Udyogaparva with a commentary on it.

Subject Mahābhārata

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material paper

State complete

Size 19.5 x 15.0 cm

Folios 4

Lines per Folio 11

Foliation figures in the upper left-hand margin under the abbreviation u. ṭī. and in the lower right-hand margin under the word rāmaḥ on the verso

Scribe Sadāsukha Pradhāna

Date of Copying SAM 1899?

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 5/5201 (Accession Number is not mentioned in the Preliminary list of Manuscript)

Manuscript Features

The text contains the 68th adhyāya of Udyogaparva (Poona Edition) and the commentary on it (68th adhyāya).

It (68th adhyāya) is also know as Yānasandhi(upa)parva. The colophon of the root text (hīty udyoge yānasaṃdhā(!) (11) || fol. 4r10–11) clarifies it more clearly.

The commentary is written after the each verses of root text.

To distinguish root and commentary parts of the text, there are written śloaka just before the root text and ṭikā just before the commentary text.

|| śrīgaṇe(!)śajī || śrībhāratakī adhyāya prāraṃbhaḥ || śrīrāmajī(saḥ) ||


«Beginning of the root text:»

śrīgaṇesā(!)ya namaḥ ||

dhṛtarāṣṭra uvāca ||

bhūyo me puṇḍarīkākṣaṃ saṃjayācakṣva pṛ(2)cchataḥ ||

nāmakarmārthavittāta prāpnuyāṃ puruṣottamaṃ || 1 ||

śloka(!) ||

saṃjaya uvāca ||

śrutaṃ me vāsudevasya nā(4)manirvacanaṃ śubhaṃ ||

yāvat tatrābhijāne ham aprameyo hi keśavaḥ || 2 ||

śloka(!) ||

vasanāt sarvabhūtānāṃ vasutvād veda(!)yonitaḥ ||

vāsidevas ta(7)to vedyo bṛhatvād<ref name="ftn1">for vṛṣatvād</ref> viṣṇur<ref name="ftn2">for vṛṣṇiḥ</ref> ucyate || 3 || (fol. 1v1–2, 3–4 and 6–7)

«Beginning of the commentary:»

ṭīkā ||

bhūyo nāmnāṃ kar(3)maṇāṃ ca arthavit bhūtvā || 1 ||

ṭīkā ||

(5) yāvad abhijāne tāvat vadāmīti śeṣaḥ vastutastu sa aprameyo vācām ago(6)caraḥ || 2 || (fol. 1v2–3 and 4–6)

«End of the root text:»

śāśvatatvādanaṃtaś ca go(5)viṃdo vedanād gavāṃ ||

atatvaṃ(!) kurute tattvaṃ tena mohayate prajāḥ || 14 || [4–5]

śloka(!) ||

evaṃ vidho dharmanityo bhagavān madhusūdanaḥ

āgatā hi mahābāhur ānṛśaṃsyārtham acyutaḥ || 15 || (fol. 4r4–5 and 9–10)

«End of the commentary:»

tīkā ||

śāśvatatvāt śaśvadbhavatvāt || gavāṃ iṃdriyāṇāṃ vedanāt (7) lābhāt prakāśād vā goviṃdaḥ atattvaṃ mithyābhūtaṃ jagattattvaṃ satyam ami(8)va(!) svaīyasattāsphūrttidānena karoti tena hetunā lokām moṣhayati(!) (9) 14 ||

ṭīkā ||

dharme nityaṃ sannidhānāt dharmanityaḥ ||

āgaṃtā āgamiṣya(4v1)ti anṛśaṃsyārthaṃ

kuruṇāṃ kṣayo mābhūd iti kṛpāṃ karttuṃ || 25 ||     || (fol. 4r6–9 and 11–4v1)

«Colophon of the root text:»

hīty udyoge yānasaṃdhā(!) (11) || (fol. 4r10–11)

«Colophon of the commentary:»

iti (2) śrībhārathakī adhyāya samāpata(!) || mitī(!) kātisudī(!) || 3 || sau(3)māra(!) || savata(!) || 1899 || liṣataṃ(!) paradhāna(!)sdāsuṣaḥ(!) paḥ purānī(!) vā (4) śrīrāmaḥ pātu śrīrāmaḥ pātu sarva(!) (fol. 4v1–4)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 310/12

Date of Filming 05-04-1972

Exposures 7

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Catalogued by

Date 08-07-2007

