B 14-30 Nāgara(ka)sarvasva

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 14/30
Title: Nāgara[ka]sarvasva
Dimensions: 28 x 4 cm x 31 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari; none
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Kāmaśāstra
Acc No.: NAK 1/248
Remarks: AN?

Reel No. B 14/30

Inventory No. 45095

Title Nāgarasarvasva

Remarks also styled Nāgarakasarvasva

Author Padmaśrījñāna

Subject Kāmaśāstra

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete

Size 28.0 x 4.0 cm

Binding Hole 1, rectangular, left of centre

Folios 31

Lines per Folio 4–5

Foliation letters in the middle of the left-hand margin of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 1/248

Manuscript Features

The extant folios are 3–33. Thus, the available portion of this MS begin in the middle of the second pariccheda and end in the middle of the seventeenth of originally eighteen pariccheda-s or chapters.

In the left-hand margin of fol. 3v the word kāmaśāstraṃ and in the right-hand margin of the same folio the title nāgarasarvasva kāmasāstra has been written in Nagari characters by a modern hand. Likewise, in the top of fol. 33v an employee of the NAK has inscribed the title nāgarakasarvasvam.



prasādhayet sādhuḥ (!) nijaṃ sarī⁅ram |⁆<ref>This is the end of the third verse of the second pariccheda of the edition.</ref>
anekavādyaṃ vividhāstrapaktikaṃ (!)
supuṣpa⟪..⟫porjvaladhūpavāsitaṃ<ref>Cf. the edition: supuṣpadhūpojjvalarāśivāsitaṃ.</ref> |
prakalpitātyantamanora○māsanaṃ ||
prabuddhadhī(pā)⁅rā⁆vatakaṇṭhakujitaṃ<ref>Cf. the edition: prabuddhapārāvatakaṇṭhakūjitam.</ref> (!) |
ja(lo)○rmmisaṃlāsakavātavījitaṃ ||
surāgasindūravirāja[[i]]kuṭimaṃ (!) |
prahṛṣṭacetaḥ śu○kaśārikāravaṃ
vinirmmayed vāsagṛham manoramaṃ || ❖ ||

dvitīyaparicchedaḥ || ❖ ||

ratnottamānāṃ guṇadokhajātan
taddhārakānāñ ca śubhāśubhāni
.. varṇṇaprabhedair mani(!)maṇḍalānāṃ
prastāvataḥ satvahitāya ⁅vacmi⁆ ||
(fol. 3r1–3v1)


iti ○ suratam anekabhe(da)bhinnaṃ
sphuṭam uditaṃ parihṛtya phalgu vākyaṃ |
trividhamṛgadṛśāṃ svarūpavedī
mṛduḥ(!)kharamadhyamakarmma yojyam etat ||
anadhinagatam abalā sutan niyuktā
tanayunara..gamadṛṣṭimātrayu(ktyā) |
janayati śarmmaṇatṛptiṃ toyadṛddhaṃ<ref>This somewhat corrupt verse is missing in the edition. The first two pādas follow the metrical scheme na-na-sa-ja-ga-ga. The third pāda could be likewise metrically reconstructed by adding four more short syllables in the beginning. Moreover, the fourth pāda would yield the same scheme by reading something like janayati saramaṇatṛptitoyadṛbdham.</ref> || ❖ ||

karaṇaparipāṭiṣoḍasa || ○ || 16 ||

bhartu (!) hṛ⁅da⁆yasarvvasvaṃ (ya)d icched bhartur aṅganāṃ |
tadā vidagdhavāmānām<ref>Cf. the edition: vidagdhakāmānām.</ref> ity ā○caritam ācaret ||
komalaṃ dhṛpitaṃ (!) ghautaṃ (!) vastraṃm (!) agrāmyamaṇḍalaṃ |<ref>Cf. the edition: komalaṃ dhūpitaṃ dhautaṃ vastram agrāmyamaṇḍanam |</ref>
dadhānā pītasa(ddha)pavarttir bhūyāt priyāntike ||
sasādhvasa○ñ ca sasnehaṃ savrīḍaṃ saspṛhan tathā |
īṣadṛśyatanur nnārī paśyet kāntarintaraṃ<ref>Cf. the edition: kāntaṃ nirantaram.</ref> (!) ||
ākarṣati punas tasmin ratānīkara○te priye |
janayed a(ṅga)saṃkocakṣaṇaṃ lajābhayād iva ||
prakrānte surate paścāt kramāvirbh⁅ū⁆tamanmathā
niḥśaṅkam arppayaṅ gātraṃ matisnehād iva priye ||
yad yat samīhate draṣṭaṃ (!) hantuñ ca likhituṃ vap⁅u⁆ḥ |
tat tad a(pasāra)ye(c chī)-<ref>Cf. the edition: tat tad apasarec chīghraṃ sodvegaṃ ḍhaukanīyaṃ ca, which is verse 7c–d of the seventeenth pariccheda.</ref>
(fol. 33r4–33v5)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 14/30

Date of Filming 28-08-1970

Exposures 34

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film

Remarks fols. 24v–25r have been microfilmed twice

Catalogued by OH

Date 08-11-2006


  • Mahamati Padmashri’s Nāgar Sarvaswam: With Jagadjyotirmall’s Sanskrit and Pandit Babulal Shukla Shastri’s Anāvilā Hindi Comment[a]ry. Ed. by Babulal Shukla Shastri. 1st ed. Delhi 1994.
