B 8-4 Bhāgavatapurāṇa

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 8/4
Title: Bhāgavatapurāṇa
Dimensions: 38 x 5.5 cm x 39 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Maithili
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Purāṇa
Acc No.: NAK 3/191

Reel No. B 8-4

Inventory No. 8983

Title Bhāgavatapurāṇa

Remarks 10th skandha; with excerpts of Śrīdhara's commentary on some folios.

Subject Purāṇa

Language Sanskrit

Text Features The extent portion of the text is 10.74.32-10.87.26.

Manuscript Details

Script Maithili

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete

Size 38.0 x 5.5 cm

Binding Hole 1, in the centre

Folios 39

Lines per Folio 5

Foliation figures in the left margin in the verso

Date of Copying

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 3-191

Manuscript Features

Extent folios: 214-252



°bālabhāṣitam |
sadasaspatayas sarvve kṛṣṇo yaṃ sammato rhate |
tapovidyāvratadharān jñānavidhvastakalmaṣān |
paramarṣīn brahmaniṣṭhān lokapālaiś ca pūjitān |
sada(spa)tīn atikramya gop(ā)laḥ kulapāṃsanaḥ |
yathā kākaḥ puroḍāśaṃ saparyāṃ katham arhati |
varṇṇāśramakulopetaḥ sarvvadharmmabahiḥkṛtaḥ |
svairavarttī guṇair ḥīnaḥ saparyāṃ katham arhati |
yayātināiṣaṃ ca kulaṃ śaptaṃ sadbhir vvigarhitam |
vṛthā pānarataṃ śaśvat saparyāṃ katham arhati |
brahmarṣisevitān deśān hitvaitaṃ brahmavarccasam |
samudraṃ durggam āśritya bādhante dasyavaḥ prajāḥ | (fol. 214r1-4)


iti śrībhāgavate mahāpurāṇe daśame skandhe (śiśu)pālavadhaś ca(tu)ḥsaptatitamo dhyāyaḥ || 74 || (fol. 215r3-4)

... ...


ka iha nu veda batāvarajanmalayo grasaraṃ
yata udagād ṛṣir yam anu devagaṇā ubhaye |
tarhi na san na cāsad ubhayaṃ na ca kālajavaḥ
kim api na tatra śāstram avakṛṣya śayīta yadā || 11 ||

janim asataḥ sato mṛ[[ti]]m utātmani ye ca bhidāṃ
vipaṇam ṛtaṃ smaranty upadiśanti ta ārupitaiḥ ||
triguṇamayaḥ pumān iti bhidā yadabodhakṛtā
tvayi na tataḥ paratra sa bhaved avabodharase || 12 ||

sad iva manas trivṛ(!) tvayi vibhāty asad ā manujāt
sad abhimṛśanty a (fol. 252v3-5)


Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 8/4

Date of Filming 12-08-1970


Used Copy Kathmandu (scan)

Type of Film positive


Catalogued by AM

Date 25-05-2011

Bibliography Bhāgavata Purāṇa of (...) with Sanskrit Commentary Bhāvārthabodhinī of Srīdharasvāmin. Edited by J. L. Shastri. Delhi 1983. (Reprint of Nirṇaya Sāgar Press edition.)