C 80-7 Suśrutasaṃhitā

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: C 80/7
Title: Suśrutasaṃhitā
Dimensions: 53.5 x 4.4 cm x 127 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Transitional Gupta
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Āyurveda
Date: MS 301
Acc No.: Kesar 699

Reel No. C 80-7

Title Suśrutasaṃhitā + Sauśrutanighaṇṭu

Remarks This is one of the oldest manuscripts from Nepal. Its existence has been known among historians for decades. The Sauśrutanighaṇṭu is added to the end of the Suśrutasaṃhitā proper.

Subject Āyurveda

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Transitional Gupta

Material Palm-leaf

State incomplete and damaged in places

Size 53.5 x 4.4cm

Binding Hole(s) 2

Folios 152 (see Manuscript Features)

Lines per Folio 6 to 8

Foliation Letter numerals on the left margin


Date of Copying Mānadeva Saṃvat 301 (Sunday, 13th April, 878 C.E.; see below)

Place of Copying Gaṇadevadevakula



Owner/Deliverer Vaidyavasvarman

Place of Deposit Keisar Library

Accession No. KL 699

Manuscript Features

This bundle consists of folios from two different manuscripts that were produced in different times. The majority of the folios comes from a manuscript copied in 878 CE. The rest, which can be distinguished by the foliation written horizontally, are written in a later script. That this bundle is a mixture of originally two manuscripts can also be learned from the fact that there are number of folios that share the same folio numbers. Often the text on a folio with horizontal folio numbers is found on the folios of the other series (the one with vertical folio numbers in an older script). The older manuscript includes the Nighaṇṭu. It starts with the folio numbered 200 although the number should have been 210. The folio that would have been numbered 211 is numbered 210 and the text of the Nighaṇṭu continues to the folio numbered 219 (there is no folio numbered 218). There are more folios that do not record the texts of the Suśrutasaṃhitā or the Sauśrutanighaṇṭu prpoer, such as tables of contents, etc.

It might be noteworthy that the scribe who wrote wrote this manuscript was a Buddhist; the manuscript starts with “oṃ namaḥ kamalahastāya” and the Nighaṇṭu part starts with “oṃ namaḥ sarvvajñāyānuttaravaidyarājāya.”



Beginning of the Suśrutasaṃhitā

oṃ namaḥ kamalahastāya|| athāto vedotpattim <<ā>>adhyāyaṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ|| atha khalu bhagavantam amaravaram ṛṣigaṇaparivṛtam āśramasthakāśirājaṃ divodāsa[[dhanvantari]]m aupadhenavavaitaraṇaurabhrapuṣkalāvatakaravīragopurarakṣitabhojāsuśrutaprabhṛtaya ūcur (bhagava)[[ñ cha]]r(ī)ramānasāgantubhi⁅r⁆ vyādh(i)bh(ir vi)/// dhavedanābhighātopadrutāṃ (sa)nāthān anāthavad viceṣṭamānān vikrośata<<‥‥>>ś ca mānavānam abhisamīkṣya abhisamīkṣya manasi naḥ pīḍābhavat teṣāṃ sukhaiṣiṇāṃ rogopaśamārtham ātmanaś ca prāṇayātrārtham āyuśvedam icchāma upadśyamānam atrāyattam aihikam āmuṣmikañ ca śreyas tad bhagavantam upasannā sma śiṣyatve/// (fol. 1v1–2)

Beginning of the Nighaṇṭu

himavacchailakuñjastha⁅ṃ⁆ sumanaska⁅m⁆ mahaujasaṃ|
śīrṇṇaparṇṇaphalāhāram āyurve(!)viśāradaṃ|
kṛtāgnikṛtyam āsīnaṃ pūtavalkaladhāriṇaṃ||
dhanvantarin dharmmabhṛtām variṣṭham amṛtodbhavaṃ|
suśrutapramukhāḥ śiṣyāḥ pra(!)pracchur bhiṣajottamam iti(!)||
bhagavad bheṣajānāṃ te yatpūrvvaṃ samu///3
pravyaktiṃ kāraṇaṃ deva tena sarvvan na vidyate|
bahūni nāmadheyāni bheṣajānāṃ ca bahuśruta|
śrūyante deśabhāṣābhis tena śoko hi no mahāṃ|
nānādeśābhilaptānāṃ dravyānāmnām(!) pṛthak pṛthak|
pravyaktiṃ kāraṇaṃ tan no bhaven mohapraśāntaye|
kiñcit sad api bhaiṣajyā satām ajñāś cikitsikaḥ(!)|
paśyann api na jānīte tena bu///2 hanyate|
tasmāt sarvāṇi nāmāni deśabhāṣāṃ vibhāgaśaḥ|
oṣadhīnāṃ samācakṣva ⁅sarvau 〇 ṣadha⁆viśārada| 

ity ukto bhagavāñ chiṣyaiḥ kāśirāja udāradhīḥ|
‥‥<ref>Two symbols are blotched and appear to be overwitten by something else. Most natural reading that may come here would be something like tataḥ, ataḥ, etc.</ref>ḥ prahlādayan teṣāṃ pratyuvācāmalam vacaḥ|
va+ + 〇 sādhv arthavān praśno bhavadbhir ayam īritaḥ|
(fol. 200x verso 1–3)

<references />


Since the manuscript consists of folios from different manuscripts of the Suśrutasaṃhitā and its supplement, there are at least two different colophons. The following is the colophon of the Suśrutasaṃhitā proper in the folio numbered 209 with letter numerals and 109 in Devanagari numerals:

yathākramaṃ yathāpraśnaṃ yathātatvaṃ yathāvidhi[ṃ](!)|
yathāpratijñañ ca mayā bhavatāṃ prakīrttitaṃ||
sahottaran tv etad adhītya tantraṃ svāyaṃbhuvaṃ [taṃ] ⟪vidhinā⟫ kīrttitena|
na hīyate rtthāṃ manaso bhyupetād evaṃ vaco .rā(hya)m atīva satyam iti||
mūtradoṣo mūtraghāto yonyamānuṣa eva ca||
apasmāronmādakaś caiva rasabhedas tathaiva ca|
svastharakṣāvidhāṇañ(!) ca tantrayuktiś ca doṣabhit|
ity ebhir daśakaṃ proktaṃ punaḥ kāyacikitsite|| ❁

samāptañ cedaṃ sahottaran tantram ity avo(!) nighaṇṭur bha⟪va⟫viṣyati|| ❁

⟪.. ..⟫ [[rājñi]] śrī . ānadeve pṛthusitayaśasi prodyadinduprakāśe|
kāle puṇyārjjanasya saka[la]janamanohlādiramye ⁅vasante⁆|
varśe caikottare smiṃs tritayaśatagate mādhave māsi śukle|
saptamyāṃ puṣya ṛkṣe da[..]śatakiraṇāvāsare siddhayoge|
saṃsāre sāgare smiñ jagad idam akhilaṃ glāninaṃ sampravīkṣya|
tasmāc chrīharṣacandro nniratiśayaghṛṇābhāvito moktukāmaḥ
prītyā cai . i///⌣−−⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣taṃ prākhilat(!) suśrutākhyam|
śrīgaṇadevadevakuladūnīścalakanivāsino vaidyavasuvarmaṇaḥ pustakam idaṃ paṭhitvārtham avagamya sarvaṃm satvānām upadeśaṃ vidhātuṃ pratipāditam atas tadādhiśruyābhyāṃ na kaścid dātavyam| yadā nopakriyate tadā..a . e . a pratyarthaṇīyam iti ..///

And the colophon of the Nighaṇṭu in folio 219v:

sauśrutyāṃ saṃhitāyāṃ sahottarāyāṃ nighaṇṭuḥ samāptaḥ|| • || • ||

Microfilm Details

Reel No. C 80/7

Date of Filming

Exposures 148

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film Berlin

Remarks The manuscript was photographed in the reverse order.

Catalogued by KH

