A 1350-15 Amarakośa
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Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: A 1350/15
Title: Amarakośa
Dimensions: 20.7 x 9.5 cm x 117 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit; Newari
Subjects: Kośa
Date: NS 779
Acc No.: NAK 1/1136
Reel No. A 1350-15 Inventory No. 90053
Title Amarakośa
Remarks An alternative title is Nāmaliṅgānuśāsana.
Author Amarasiṃha
Subject Kośa
Language Sanskrit, Newari
Text Features
Reference BSP 9, p. 15, no. 33 (1/1136)
Manuscript Details
Script Newari
Material paper
State incomplete, available folios: 3–*119
Size 20.7 x 9.5 cm
Folios 117
Lines per Folio 7
Foliation figures in the right margin of the verso; there are two or three different (or sometimes the same) folio numbers on most of the folios after fol. 61.
Date of Copying SAM (NS) 779
Donor Kaviratna
Place of Deposit NAK
Accession No. 1/1136
Manuscript Features
The manuscript covers the text from the 21st śloka of the Svargavarga of the first kāṇḍa to the end of the whole work.
There are short marginal notes in Sanskrit and Newari.
Generally, above the lines of the text there are Newari words heading a new entry in the main text. In the main text itself, a small vertical stroke is used to separate words from each other.
-vikramaḥ ||
devakīnandanaḥ śauriḥ śrīpatiḥ puruṣottamaḥ |
vanamālī balidhvaṃsī kaṃsārātir adhokṣajaḥ | (fol. 3r1–2)
ṣaṭsaṃjñakās triṣu samā yusmadasmattiṅavyayaṃ |
paraṃ virodho śeṣan tu jñeyaṃ śiṣṭaprayogataḥ || ||
iti liṅgādisaṃgrahavargaḥ || ||<ref name="ftn1">. There are two ślokas after the sentence:
padmāni bodhayaty arkaḥ kāvyāni kurute kaviḥ |
tatsaurabhaṃ nabhasvantaḥ santas tanvanti tadguṇān ||
ity arkkavyavahārāṅgaṃ nāmaliṅgaṃ samāhṛtaḥ |
kṛtsnasya tu gatau nāntaṃ tāv apīndrābṛhaspatī || ||
ity amarasiṃhakṛtau nāmaliṅgānuśāsane
viśeṣyanighnādikāṇḍas tṛtīyo yaṃ samanvitaḥ || ○ || śubham astu || ○ || (fol. *119r7–v5, exp. 125)
samvat 779 phālgunaśuklacaturddaśyāṃ tithau saṃpūrṇaṃ likhitaṃ śrīkaviratnasya pustakam idaṃ || ||<ref name="ftn2">. At the end of the manuscript there is a śloka:
utthāya ṭiṭṭibhaḥ pādau śete bhaṅgabhayād divaḥ |
svabhāvakalpitaṃ garvaṃ kasya nāvahate janaḥ || </ref> (fol. *119v5–6, exp. 125)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. A 1350/15
Date of Filming 14-11-1988
Exposures 126
Used Copy Kathmandu
Type of Film positive
Remarks two exposures of fols. 38v–39r, 61v–62r, 66v–67r, 70v–72r and 99v–100r.
Catalogued by RT
Date 23-01-2003