A 203-5 Saubhāgyaratnākara

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 203/5
Title: Saubhāgyaratnākara
Dimensions: 28 x 12 cm x 79 folios
Material: paper?
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Tantra
Acc No.: NAK 4/2527

Reel No. A 203/5

Inventory No. 64162

Title Saubhāgyaratnākara


Author Vidyānandanātha; disciple of Saccidānandanātha

Subject Śaiva Tantra

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material paper

State incomplete

Size 28.0 x 12.0 cm

Binding Hole(s)

Folios 80

Lines per Page 11

Foliation figures on the verso; in the upper left-hand margin above the abbreviation sau. ra. aso saubhā. and in the lower right-hand margin under the word rāma

Scribe Viśvanātha "Gauḍabrāhmaṇa"

Date of Copying VS 1776, ŚS 1641

Place of Copying near to Hāṭakeśvara, Kāśī (Vārāṇasī)




Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 4/2527

Manuscript Features

The beginning of text is missing even if the foliation starts with the figure "1". So we can guess that the foliation was added later. The first sub-colophon of the text on fol. 2v informs the ending of the 30th taraṅga (chapter). So we can assume that the other twenty nine taraṅgas are missing.



yutacatuṣṭayajayasamasaṃkhyajapam ahaṃ kariṣye tad daśāṃśahomasaṃkhyādviguṇādijapam iti vā saṃkalpaḥ | kṛṣṇāṣṭamīm ārabhya caturddaśīparyaṃtam ayutacatuṣṭayaṃ japaṃ saptadhā vibhajya pratyahaṃ caturddaśottarasaptaśatādhikasahasrapaṃcakaṃ japitvāṃtimadine ṣoḍaśottarasaptaśatādhikasahasrapaṃcakaṃ japed iti evam ayutacatuṣṭayajapaṃ kṛtvā daśāṃśahomādikaṃ kuryād iti (fol. 1r1–3)


yathā pitror mude⟨r⟩ bhūyād aślīlam api bhāṣitaṃ ||

bālasya mahatām astu mamāpi bhaṇitaṃ tathā ||

tyaktvā kulaṃ kulabadhūḥ puramadhyavīthyāṃ

gatvā kulaṃ madhu nīpīya yathepsitaṃ yā |

mattā paraṃpuruṣam e⟪‥⟫tya tadīyasaṃgāt

tuṣṭā punaḥ svakulam eti punātu sā māṃ || 6 ||

śrīvidyānaṃdanāthena śivayoḥ priyasūnunā |

kṛte saubhāgyaratnā(bdhau) ṣaṭtriṃśo ʼgāt taraṃgakaḥ || || (fol. 79v9–80r1)


iti śrīsaubhāgyaratnākare triṃśas taraṃgaḥ || || (fol. 2v11)


iti śrīsaccidānaṃdanāthacaraṇāraviṃdadvaṃdvāṃteviāsinā śrīśrīvidyānaṃdanāthena kṛte saubhāgyaratnākare ṣaṭtriṃśas taraṃgaḥ || saṃvat 1776 śāke 41 samaya māghakṛṣṇapakṣe amāvasyā 30 guruvāsare likhitaṃ viśvanāthagauḍabrāhmaṇa kāśyāṃ madhye hāṭakeśvarasamīpe tiṣthati || (fol. 80v1–3)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 203/5

Date of Filming 10-11-1971

Exposures 85

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive


Catalogued by BK/RK

Date 14-06-2012
