A 21-5 Kuśopadeśa

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 21/5
Title: Kuśopadeśa[nītisāra]
Dimensions: 21 x 4 cm x 21 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Nīti
Acc No.: NAK 4/1639

Reel No. A 21-5

Title Kuśopadeśa

Remarks besides leaves with Kuśopadeśa there are parts of several Śaiva texts

Subject Nīti, Tantra

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete

Size 21 x 4 cm

Binding Hole 1, left of the centre

Folios 21

Lines per Folio 4

Foliation letters in the left margin of the verso, figures in the right

Place of Deposite NAK

Accession No. 4-1639

Manuscript Features

This manuscript is a mixture of parts of several manuscripts. The 2nd, 4th, 13th and 18th folio contain parts of the Kuśopadeśanītisāra (the 13th from another manuscript than the others). The 1st, 3rd and 5th to 9th folio contain parts of a Tantric text, the 10th and 11th of a similar text but again from another manuscript, as well as the 14th and 15th. As for the rest of the folios it is not easy to determine to which others they belong. The writing and the layout of all of them is quite similar.

On the following folios a foliation is visible: The first carries the number "1", the 2nd "3", the 3rd "3", the 4th "4", the 5th "5", the 6th "6", the 7th "7", the 8th "8", the 9th "9", the 10th "8", the 11th "6", the 12th "4", the 13th "5", the 14th "2", the 15th "1", the 18th "6", the 19th "13", th 20th "10".



❖ oṃ namaḥ śivāya || devy uvāca ||

kathaṃ śṛṣṭi(!) samut(p)annā saṃsāraś ca katham bhavet |
yogañ ca kīdṛśan deva jñānañ cāpi kim ucyate || 1 ||
jīvanaṃ kimupāyena abhyāsaḥ kīdṛśaḥ smṛtaḥ |
ahaṃ tenābhijānāmi tad brūhi śaśiśeṣara || 2 ||

īśvara uvāca ||

rajasvalā tu yā nārī visuddha(!) pañcame haniḥ |
pīḍitā kāmabāṇena puruṣañ ca samīhate || 3 || (1v1-4)<ref name="ftn1">Here the folio numbers refer to the order in which the folios are filmed, not to their own numeration.</ref> (exp. 004)


m upayānti na nītidoṣāḥ saṃtāpayaṃti kaṃ apathyabhujaṃ na rogāḥ |
kaṃ śrīr na darpayati [[‥‥‥‥‥]] mṛtyuḥ kaṃ strīkṛtā na viṣayāḥ paritāpayaṃti || 8 ||

kratau vivāhe vyasane ripukṣaye yaśaskare karmmaṇi mitrasaṃgrahe |
priyāsu nārīṣv adhaneṣu baṃdhuṣu hy ativyayo nāsti narādhipāṣṭasu || 9 || (2r1-3)(exp. 004)


iti kuśopadeśe nītisāre sugrīvāṣṭakaḥ samāpta(!) || 7 || (2r4) (exp. 004a)

iti kuśopadese nītisāre devītārāṣṭakaṃ samāptaṃ || ○ || (13v1-2) (exp. 017a)

iti ratnarājaḥ samāptaḥ || ❁ || (fol. 16r2-3) (exp. 019)

iti kuśopadeśe nītisāre 'ṅgadakumārāṣṭakaḥ samāptaḥ || ○ || (fol. 18v3) (exp. 022a)


ke cij jānanti dhārmmāṇi(!) ke cit karmmāṇi śobhane |
ke cid dhyānaṃ praśaṃsaṃti vijñānañ ca paraḥ paraṃ || 61 ||
dharmmakarmmādikaṃ ye ca vijñānam upadeśataḥ |
sādhyaṃ cānukramaṃ kṛtvā te yānti paramāṃ gatiṃ || 62 ||
yaś cenaṃ(!) śṛṇuyān nityaṃ kathā(!) sarvvathā smṛtāṃ |
sarvvapāpakṣayaṃ tasya brahmaṇaḥ sadanaṃ vrajet || 63 ||
sakṛcchravaṇamātreṇa brahmahatyāṃ vyapohatiḥ | (fol. 9v2-4) (exp. 013a)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 21/5

Date of Filming 31-08-1970

Exposures 27

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Catalogued by AM

Date 2004
