A 23-12 Kīcakavadha

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 23/12
Title: Kīcakavadha
Dimensions: 36.5 x 3.5 cm x 12 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Maithili
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Kāvya
Acc No.: NAK 1/1608

Reel No. A 23-12

Inventory No. 33643

Title Kīcakavadha

Author Nītivarman

Subject Kāvya

Language Sanskrit

Text Features a short poem in five chapters belonging to the yamakakāvya class of texts

Manuscript Details

Script Maithili

Material palm-leaf

State complete; the writing is partly rubbed off.

Size 36.5 x 3.5 cm

Binding Hole 1, rectangular, in the middle

Folios 13

Lines per Folio 4

Foliation figures in the middle of the right-hand margin after the word śrī on the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 1/1608

Manuscript Features

This MTM contains Nītivarman’s poem Kīcakavadha in full. The note “fragmentary” on the original index card is incorrect. Immediately after this text begins a copy of another yamakakāvya, namely Mānāṅka’s poem Vṛndāvana, of which only the first stanza and the first half of the second stanza are available, on fol. 13v3–4 (cf. A 23/12b).

The text of Nītivarman’s Kīcakavadha has been edited by De on the basis of two MSS in Bengali character from the collection of the Dacca University Manuscript Library.<ref name="ftn1">See De 1929; cf. NCC, vol. 4, s.v. kīcakavadha.</ref> The same publication contains an edition of Janārdanasena’s commentary Tatvaprakāśikā prepared from the MS of the India Office Library (IO 3931). De did not have access to Nepalese MSS.



⁅śrī haraye⁆ namaḥ ||

jitaḥ sucaritochedī smaro yaṃ duḥsaho mayā |

itīva deham akarod abhinnaṃ yaḥ sahomayā ||

bibhartti hāram anaghaṃ yo bhasmābhir (!) ahiṃ sitaṃ |

tejaś ca manmathaśarair indriyārthair ahiṃsitaṃ ||

yasyā⁅hu⁆(2)r atigambhīrajalada⟪ḥ⟫pratimaṅ galaṃ |

sa vaḥ karo⁅tu⁆ niḥśaṅkaṃ [[hu]]dayaṃ<ref name="ftn2">Read: niḥśaṃkam udayaṃ i.o. niḥśaṅkaṃ [[hu]]dayaṃ.</ref> prati maṅgalaṃ ||

yā 〇 trilokanatā mūrttir upāyena jugopa tāṃ |

⁅yo vaha⁆t kaṃsanidhanaprayuktām ṛjugopatāṃ (3) ||

babhāra vapur ambhojaprabhayā pūtanābhi yaḥ |

papāta karmmaṇā yasya prabhayā pūtanā bhiyaḥ 〇 ||

sa punātu vraje yaś ca gorajaḥpātaru⁅kṣitau |

śiśu⁆r ucchidya jamajau<ref name="ftn3">Read: yamajau i.o. jamajau.</ref> niṣpipe(4)ṣa tarū kṣitau || (fol. 1v1–4)


pathiṣu ca ku(2)ravo jalāśayānāṃ

saha kusumaprabhayāravindinān te |

bhayapihitadṛśa (!) pra⁅naṣ]ṭa⁅di⁆(śo

da)dṛśu〇r<ref name="ftn4">One short syllable, most probably before dadṛśur, is missing. There either na or pra° would have been expected.</ref> astamitaṃ ravin dinānte ||

iti bhavatu daśā tavāhitānāṃ

sakalamah⁅īja⁆yabhūta vāhitānāṃ |

(3) (śa)va<ref name="ftn5">Read: vasa i.o. (śa)va.</ref> sukham u⁅da⁆yād ahīyamāna⁅ḥ⁆

sakaladharādharaṇād ahīyamānaḥ || (fol. 13v1–3)


iti śrīkīcakavadhe mahākāvye prathamaḥ .. r.. .. .āptaḥ<ref name="ftn6">Read: *sarggaḥ samāptaḥ*.</ref> || (fol. 3r3)

i〇ti kīcakavadhe mahākāvye dvitīyaḥ sarggaḥ || (fol. 5r2)

iti kīcakavadhe mahākābye tṛtīyaḥ sarggaḥ || (fol. 8v2)

iti caturthaḥ sarggaḥ || (fol. 12r2)

iti śrīn⟪i⟫ītivarmma kṛtau kī〇cakavadhe mahākāvye pañcamaḥ sarggaḥ || (fol. 13v3)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 23/12a

Date of Filming 04-09-1970

Exposures 16

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks Fols. 3–6 appear in the following order: fols. 2v–6r (exp. 4), fols. 6v–3r (exp. 5), fols. 3v–5r (exp. 6) fols. 5v–4r (exp. 7) and fols. 4v–7r (exp. 8).

Catalogued by DD

Date 15-10-2003


De, Sushil Kumar

1929: The Kīcaka-Vadha of Nītivarman with the Commentary of Janārdanasena. Edited from Original Manuscripts, With an Introduction, Notes and Extracts from the Commentary of Sarvānandanāga by Sushil Kumar De. Dacca 1929. (Dacca University Oriental Publications Series, No. 1).

New Catalogus Catalogorum

1968: New Catalogus Catalogorum. An Alphabetical Register of Sanskrit and Allied Works and Authors. Editor: V. Raghavan. Associate Editor: K. Kunjunni Raja. Volume Four. Madras 1968. (Madras University Sanskrit Series 29).
