A 24-13(1) Bhartṛhariśataka

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 24/13
Title: Bhartṛhariśataka
Dimensions: 32.5 x 4.5 cm x 63 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Kāvya
Acc No.: NAK 1/1114

Reel No. A 24-13a

Title Vairāgyaśataka

Author Bhartṛhari

Subject Kāvya

Language Sanskrit

Text Features Contains stanzas from all three Śatakas.

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete

Size 32.5 x 4.5 cm

Binding Hole 1, left of the centre.

Folios 60

Lines per Folio 5

Foliation figures in the right margin of the verso and letters in the left margin of the verso

Scribe Rāmagupta

Date of Copying NS 550

Place of Copying Śikharāpurī

King Yakṣamalla

Donor Śrīnāthasiṃha

Place of Deposite NAK

Accession No. 1-1114

Manuscript Features

The first folio recto and the remaining space on the last folio have been filled with stanzas by another hand. The right edge of the first folio is broken.

Marginal corrections by the same hand. The last folio is partly broken and hardly legible. Fols. 47-49 are missing and with them the fourth text which was Rāmāyaṇasāvitrī and from which now only the colophon is preserved. Altogether the manuscript contains seven texts. After the third and the fifth text there are elaborate scribal colophons.



❖ namaḥ sarvvajñāya ||

dikkālādyanavacchinnānaṇucinmātramūrttaye |
svānubhūtyekamānāya namaḥ śāntāya tejase ||
boddhāro matsaragrastāḥ prabha/// ḥ smayadūṣitāḥ |
abodhopahatāś cānye jīrṇṇam aṅge subhāṣitam ||
ajñaḥ sukham ārādhyaḥ sukhataram ārādhyate viśeṣajñaḥ |
jñānalavadurvidagdhaṃ brahmāpi naraṃ na raṃjayati ||
brahmāṇḍamaṇḍalīmātraṃ kiṃ lobhāya manasvinām |
śapharī sphurite nābdhau kṣubdhatā jātu jāyate ||
raktatvaṃ kamalānāṃ satpuruṣāṇāṃ paropakāritvam |
asatāṃ ca nirddayatvaṃ svabhāvasiddhaṃ triṣu tritayam ||
mṛgamīnasa/// nāṃ tṛṇajalasantoṣavihitavṛttīnām |
lubdhakadhīvarapiśunā niskāranavairiṇo jagati || (fol. 1v1-5)


namasyāmo devān nanu hatavidhes te pi vaśagā
vidhir vvaṃdya[[ḥ]] so pi pratiniyatakarmmaikaphaladaḥ |
phalaṃ karmmāyattaṃ yadi kim amarai(!) kiṃ ca vidhinā
namaḥ satkarmme(!)bhyo vidhir api na yebhyaḥ prabhavati ||

vāṃchā sajjanasaṅgame paraguṇe prītiḥ svaduḥkhe kṣamā
vidyāyāṃ vyasanaṃ svayoṣiti ratir lokāpavādād bhayam |
bhaktiḥ śūlini śaktir ātmadamane saṃsarggamuktiḥ khale
citte yeṣu vasanti nirmmalaguṇās tebhyo narebhyo namaḥ ||

śiśutvaṃ tāruṇyan tadanu ca dadhānāḥ parinatiṅ
gatāḥ pāṃśukrīḍāviṣayaparipāṭīr upaśamaḥ |
sthitā aṅke mātuḥ kuvalayadṛśāṃ puṇyasaritāṃ
pibantaḥ svacchaṃ daṃmbhanam aparam ambhaḥ sukṛtinaḥ || ❁ || (fol. 17v5-18r4)

Microfilm Details

iti vairāgyaśatakaṃ samāptam || kṛtir iyaṃ śrībhartṛhareḥ || ❁ || ○ || (fol. 18r5)

Reel No. A 24/13

Date of Filming 06-09-1970

Exposures 66

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks Exp. 033 and 035 show fol. 30v/31r, exp. 034 shows fol. 29v/30r.

Catalogued by AM

Date 2003