A 272-5 Vāyupurāṇa

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Template:JustImported Template:NR

Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 272/5
Title: Vāyupurāṇa
Dimensions: 43.5 x 12.5 cm x 337 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Purāṇa
Acc No.: NAK 2/24

Reel No. A 272-5 Inventory No. 86418

Title Vāyupurāṇa

Subject Purāṇa

Language Sanskrit

Reference SSP. p 136b, no. 5103

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material paper

State incomplete; available folios: 1–94, *95–*105 and 1–75

Size 43.5 x 12.5 cm

Folios 337?

Lines per Folio 9

Foliation Fols. 1–94 (the first foliation): figures in the middle right-hand margin on the verso

Fols. *95–*105 are unnumbered; in the extreme lower right-hand margin of fol. *105 is written the figure 10.

Illustrations Fols. 1–12 (the second foliation): figures in the extreme lower right-hand margin on the verso

Fols. 1–5 (the third foliation) figures in the extreme lower right-hand margin on the verso

Scribe Fols. 3–27 (the forth foliation): figures in the extreme lower right-hand margin on the verso

Fols. 1–3,*4–*5, 6, *7–*12 (the fifth foliation) figures in the extreme right-hand margin on the verso

Fols. 1–75 (the sixth foliation) figures in the extreme lower right-hand margin on the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 2/24

Manuscript Features

After fol. *105 (the first foliation), unknown number of folios are missing.

The three lines of fol. 7v, the second foliation is blank with the loss of the text.

After fol. 12 (the second foliation), again unknown number of folios is missing.

After fol. 5 (the third foliation), again unknown number of folios is missing.

A folio between fols. 5–6 (the fourth foliation) is not foliated, although the text is continuous.

After fol. 6 (*7) (the fourth foliation) unknown portion of text is missing.

Fol. 15 (the fourth foliation) is missing.

After fol. 27 (the fourth foliation) unknown number of folios are missing.

At the end, exp. 249b, a folio appears which is related to the text but not in sequential order.



❖ śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ ||

vāyave namaḥ ||      ||

prapadya devam īśānaṃ, śāśvataṃ dhruvam avyayaṃ |

mahādevaṃ mahātmānaṃ, sarvasye(!) jagataḥ patiṃ ||

brahmāṇaṃ lokakarttāraṃ, sarvajñam aparājitaṃ |

prabhuṃ bhūtabhaviṣyasya, sāṃpratasya ca satpatiṃ ||

jñānam apratimaṃ yasya, vairāgyaṃ ca jagatpatiḥ |

aiśvaryaṃ caiva dharmaś ca, sadda(!)siddhaṃ catuṣṭayaṃ || (fol. 1v1–2, the first foliation)


eta(!) yatraś(!) ca śeṣaś ca, karkkoṭakadhanaṃjayau |

mahākarṇau mahānīlo(!) dhṛtarāṣṭravalāhakau ||

kumāraḥ puṣpadabhaś(!) ca sumo(!)kho durmmukhās tathā-

śvanīmukho dadhimukhaḥ kālīyaḥ(!) śālipiṃḍikāḥ ||

vilvayā pu(!)ḍarīko nāgaś cāpuraṇas(!) tathā |

kapira †āsurāparaśca† (‥‥)- /// (fol. 75r8–75v1, the second foliation)


iti śrīvāyupurāṇe upo(ṭhā)tapāde ||     ||     || (fol. 73r4–5)


Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 272/5

Date of Filming 27-02-1972

Exposures 251

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Remarks two exposures of fols. 11v–12r, 23v–24r, 44v–45r, 67v–68r, 90v–91r, *96v–*97r, 3–5 (the third foliation), 45v–46r (the sixth foliation)

Catalogued by MS

Date 04-03-2008
