A 38-4(2) Cāndravṛtti

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 38/4
Title: Śabdalakṣaṇavivaraṇapañjikā
Dimensions: 55 x 5 cm x 101 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Vyākaraṇa
Date: SAM 2005
Acc No.: NAK 4/311
Remarks: Apart from two more fragments of commentaries on the Cāndravyākaraṇa, there are two incomplete MSS of the Cāndravṛtti appended to this MS. The date 2005 could be misread for Nepalsamvat 205. This colophon seems to have got lost. Cf. also A 932-5.

Reel No. A 38-4(2)

Inventory No. 58738

Title Cāndravṛtti


Author Dharmadāsa

Subject Vyākaraṇa

Language Sanskrit

Text Features commentary on Candragomin's Cāndravyākaraṇa

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete, damaged

Size 55.0 x 5.0 cm

Binding Hole 2

Folios 21 + 3

Lines per Folio 5-6

Foliation partly letters, partly figures in the middle of the left-hand margin of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 4/311

Manuscript Features

The following folios are extant: 2-13; 15-17; 19-24. Of fols. 2-7 there are only fragments left (about one third of the writing is lost). Some of the other folios are also slightly damaged in themargins as well as by worms. Moreover, the writing has been partly rubbed off on some folios. The actual order of folios on the microfilm is as follows: 6; 2; 8-13; 19; 15; 20-24; 5; 3; 7; 4. The extant parts of this MS contain portions of the commentary on the fourth adhyāya only. There is a secondary foliation in the right-hand margin.

There are three more damaged folios, similar in appearance and script to those described above, which have been microfilmed on exps. 100-103. These, however, seem to contain another (sub-)commentary on the Cāndravyākaraṇa, that is, it does apparently not comment on the Cāndravṛtti of Dharmadāsa. The extant portions of this MS comment on sūtras of the third pāda of the first adhyāya. An extract of this MS reads as follows (exp. 103 top lines 5):

hasta<ref>Cf. Cān 1.3.31.</ref> || hastena prāpyaṃ hasta○prāpyam anenāde(śa)pratyāsattir lakṣyate evaṃ nāma pratyāsannaṃ yad hastena prāpyata iti | etac ca viṣayabhāvena cinote○r viśeṣaṇam ity āha | haste tv ādi | steyaṃ cauryaṃ tasya pratiṣedhaḥ | pratyudāharaṇe er ac<ref>Cān 1.3.45.</ref> tadapavāda///



/// ⁅||⁆ sarvvāt<ref>Cān 4.1.11 ff.</ref> || sarvvaśabdā (!) ○ janāntād dhite rthe kho bhavati | sarvajanīnaḥ | tadarthād ity eva | sarvajanīyaḥ || ○ || mahataś ca ṭhañ || mahataḥ sarvāc (!) ca janāntād dhite rthe ṭhañ bha○vati | māhā.janikaḥ | sarvvājanikaḥ (!) | tadarthād ity eva | mahājanīyaḥ | sarvajanīyaḥ || ○ || sarvvāṇ ṇo vā || ///⁅haṇaṃ⁆ janānivṛttyarthaṃ (!) || ○ ○ puruṣāḍ ḍhañ || puruṣād dhite rthe ḍhañ bhavati | puruṣāya hitaṃ | ⁅pauruṣeya⁆ṃ || ○ ||
(exp. 48 bottom = fol. 2r1-2)


kakut kakudasyāvasthāyāṃ<ref>Cān 4.4.134 ff.</ref> || kakudasya śarīrāva○sthāyā (!) gamyamānāyāṃ kakudādeśo bhavati vā | asaṃjātakakud bālaḥ | yaṣṭikaku (!) vā (!) | pūrṇṇakakut | madhyayaḥ (!) | panna○kakut | jīrṇṇāḥ | sthūlakakut balavān | avasthāyām iti kiṃ | śvetakakudaḥ || ○ || trikakut parvate || trikakud iti parvate bhidheye nipātyate | trikakut parvataḥ | parvata iti kiṃ ○ trikakudaḥ || ○ || vyudaḥ kākut kākudasya || vyudbhyāṃ parasya kākudasya kākud ity ayam ādeśo bhavati | vikāku○t | utkākut | kākudan talūcyate (!) || ○ || pūrṇṇād vā || pūrṇṇāt parasya kākudasya kākudādeśo
(exp. 64 top = fol. 24v5-6)


caturthasya prathamaḥ pādaḥ ○ sāmāptaḥ (!) || ❁ || (exp. 67 top = fol. 7v3)

++rthasya dvitīyaḥ pādaḥ samāptaḥ || ❁ || (exp. 55 top = fol. 13v1-2)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 38/4b

Date of Filming 22-09-1970

Exposures 112 (only exps. 46-68 belong to this MS)

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks The following folios have been microfilmed twice: 6v; 2r.
There is a retake of this MS on A 932/5.

Catalogued by OH

Date 29-08-2007


  • Liebich, Bruno: Candra-vṛtti: Der Original-Kommentar Candragomin's zu seinem grammatischen Sūtra. Leipzig, 1918.
