A 928-6 to A 929-1 Fragments of Nyāya and Sāṃkhya texts

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 928/6
Title: Pratyakṣacintāmaṇi
Dimensions: 35 x 5 cm x 115 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Maithili
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Nyāya
Acc No.: NAK 5/7987

Reel No. A 928/6-A 928/1

Inventory No. 122537

Title Sāṃkhyakārikā with comm. Tattvakaumudī

Author Vācaspatimiśra

Subject Sāṃkhyā

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Maithili

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete, damaged

Size 35.0 x 5.0 cm

Binding Hole 1, in the centre

Folios 121

Lines per Folio 5

Foliation figures in the left margin of the verso

Date of Copying

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 5-7987

Manuscript Features

The manuscript contains folios of various manuscripts. In the order of filming, we find, on A 928/6:

- Two prakīrṇapattrāṇi with the numbers 1 and 20, which differ in writing and format from the following an from each other,

- A group of 62 folios, numbered as 65 to 2 (with nos. 3 and 4 missing) with the Pratyakṣacintāmaṇi,

- A prakīrṇapattra with the number 20,

- Another group of 21 folios with the numbers 111, 112, 113, 110, 107 to 101, 1 (prakīrṇa), 108, 93. In the beginning of this group there is one folio without foliation and another six in the end. The content is an unidentified Nyāya text.

Some of the folios are damaged.

The manuscript bundle continues on reel A 929/1, again with folios of various manuscripts as follows: two fragments without foliation, one with the number 173, again a broken one, one with the number 28, two broken ones, no. 52 (half broken), no. 5, two broken ones, nos. 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14-17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31-34, 36-38, 40 and another fragment, alltogether 35 folios.

Fol. no. 5 shows parts of Sāṃkhyakārikā. The preceeding three damaged folios belong to the same manuscript. The Sāṃkhyakārikā is followed by the Tattvakaumudī, which starts on 5v.



etat pavitram agryaṃ munir āsuraye 'nukampayā pradadau || āsurir api pañcaśikhāya tena ca bahudhā kṛtaṃ tantraṃ || 69 || saptatyāṃ khalu ye 'tyāste(!) 'rthāḥ kṛtsnasya ṣaṣṭitantrasya | ākhyāyikā viracitāḥ paravādavivarjjitāś ceti || 70 || (fol. 5v2-3)


iti kapilamuniviracitaṃ sāṃkhyaśāstraṃ samāptam || || (fol. 5v3-4)


oṃ namaḥ śivāya ||

ajātmakāṃ lohita[[śukla]]kṛṣṇāṃm(!) bahvīḥ prajāḥ sṛjamānāṃ namāmaḥ | prajā ye tāṃ juyamāṇāṃ(!) bhajante jahaty enāṃ bhuktabhogāṃ numas tāt(!) ||

kapilāya mahāmunaye munaye śiṣyāya tasya cāsuraye | pañcaśikhāya tathaiśvarakṛṣṇāyai te namasyāmaḥ || ||

iha khalu pratipitsitam arthaṃ pratipādayana(!) pratipādayitā 'vadheyavacano bhavati prekṣāvatāṃ apratipitsitaṃ tu pratipādayana(!) nāyaṃ laukiko na parīkṣaka iti prekṣāvadbhir unmattavad upekṣate | sa taiṣāṃ(!) pratipitsito rtho yo (jñā)taḥ<ref name="ftn1">Here and in the following instances jñā is completely distorted and looks either like hvā or dbhā or unlike any existing akṣara.</ref> sana(!) puruṣārthāya kalpata i⟪ti ⟫ty āripsitaśāstraviṣaya(jñ)ānasya paramapuruṣārthasādhanahetukāṃ tadviṣayaji(jñā)sām avatārayati || || duḥkhatrayābhighāto jji(jñā)sāt(!) tadapaghātake hetau | evaṃ hi śāstraviṣayo na ji(hā)syeta , yadi duḥkhaṃ nāma jagati na syāt , sad vā na jihāsitaṃ jihāsitaṃm(!) vā 'śakyasamucchedaṃ , aśakyasamucchedatā ca dvedhā duḥkhasya nityatvād vā taducchedopāyāpari(jñā)nād vā , śakyasamucchedatve pi śāstrasyānupāyatvād vā | (fol. 5v4-6r)


bhāvair adhivāsitaṃ dharmmādharmmajñānājñānarāgavairāgya-aiśvaryyāṇi bhāvās tadanvitā ca buddhis tadanvitaṃ ca sūkṣmaśarīram iti tad api bhāvair adhivāsitaṃ , yathā surabhicampakasamparkkād vastu tadāmodavāsitaṃ bhavati , tasmād bhāvair adhivāsitatvāt , kasmāt punaḥ pradhānam iva mahāpralaye pi taccharīraṃ na tiṣṭhatīty ata āha | liṅgaṃ layaṃ gacchatīti liṅgaṃ hetumattvena vāsya liṅgatvam iti bh⟪ i⟫āvaḥ || 40 || syād etat buddhir eva , sāhaṅkārendriyā kasmān na saṃsarati , kṛtaṃ sūkṣmaśarīreṇāpramāṇakenety ata āha || citraṃ yathāśrayam ṛte sthāṇvādibhyo yathā vinā cchāyā tadvad vinā viśeṣair nna tiṣṭhati nirāśrayaṃ liṅgaṃ | (40r2-40v1)


Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 928/6-A 928/1

Date of Filming 07-08-1984


Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Catalogued by AM

Date 08-02-2010