A 932-8 to A 933-1 (Prakīrṇapatrāṇi)

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 932/8
Title: [Prakīrṇapatrāṇi]
Dimensions: 31.7 x 4.5 cm x 413 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Date: NS 496
Acc No.: NAK 5/7495
Remarks: subject uncertain; continues to A 933/1.

Reel No. A 932-8 to A 933-1

Title [Prakīrṇapatrāṇi]

In A 932-8:

  • Exposure 3 top–4 top: written in the Maithili script; pages 1v (5 lines), 2r (5 lines), and 2v (6 lines); one binding hole in the center; 1v starts with "❖ oṃ atha kalaśasthāpanavidhiḥ|| oṃ bhūr asi bhūmir asy aditir asi viśvadhāyā viśvasya bhuvanasya dhartrīḥ(!) pṛthivīṃ pṛthivīṃ yaccha pṛthivī dṛha(!) vīṃ(!) mā hīṃsīḥ iti bhūmimantraḥ||".
  • Exp. 4 bottom–5 top: one folio of a palm-leaf Meghadūta manuscript written in Maithili script; 5 lines per side; covers 1.62 to 2.5.
  • Exp. 5 bottom–9 top: a grammatical work? on verbs, folios 15, 17, 19 and 20.
  • Exp. 9 bottom-10 top: a folio of a manuscript written in Maithili script; the text dedicates one verse each to teach appropriate time for saṃskāras (annapraśana, cūḍākaraṇa, etc.) and some other activities (karṇavedha, kṛṣikaraṇa, etc.); the verse number starts with 7 and ends with 13; all the verses are in śārdūlavikrīḍita meter.


  • Exp. 13 bottom–14 top: Murāri’s Anargharāghava, act 4.


  • Exp. 128 (only verso photographed): the beginning of a brief commentary on Aṣṭādhyāyī 5.1.
  • Exp. 129 (verso) and 130 top (recto): a folio of a Śiśupālavadha manuscript.

In A 933-1:

  • ...
  • Exp. 8 bottom–9 top: a folio (numbered 9) of Gopadatta's Saptakumārikāvadāna?
  • Exp. 17 top–18 top: two folios of the Nyāyavārttikatātparyaṭīkā. One folio has only one side photographed.
  • Exp. 25 bottom: recto (verso not photographed) of the last folio of a manuscript of Dāmodaragupta's Kuṭṭanīmata.
  • Exp. 50 bottom–51 top: Saptakumārikāvadāna(?) folio 4.
  • Exp. 51 bottom–52 top: a grammatical work, first folio. Starts with "❖ vighneśāya namaḥ|| pūrvvasūripraṇītānāṃ kālikānāṃ vivedanaṃ(!) kriyate pāṇinīyānāṃ śiṣyāṇāṃ bodhahetave||1||".


  • Exp. 146 bottom–147 top: a folio of a 9th or 10th century manuscript of the Svacchandatantra.


  • Exp. 157 bottom–158 top: a folio of a 9th or 10th century manuscript of the Svacchandatantra.
  • Exp. 158 bottom–159 top: a folio of a 10th c. manuscript of the Tantrasadbhāva?
  • Exp. 159 bottom–160 top: a folio of a 9th or 10th century manuscript of the Svacchandatantra.
  • Exp. 200 bottom–201 top: a folio of a manuscript of Bhavabhūti’s Uttararāmacarita. Text belongs to act 3.