A 937-2 (Bauddhacitrasaṅgraha)

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 937/2
Title: [Bauddhacitrasaṅgraha]
Dimensions: 22 x 8.2 cm x 22 folios
Material: thyāsaphu
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit; Newari
Subjects: Bauddha; unspecified
Acc No.: NAK 4/1599
Remarks: or Bauddhadevatācitrasaṅgraha; I (4+2 col

Reel No. A 937/2

Inventory No. 6601

Title #Devatāpratimālakṣaṇarekhācitra



Subject Śilpaśāstra


Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material thyasaphu

State complete

Size 22.0 × 8.2

Binding Hole

Folios 22

Lines per Folio


Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 4/1599

Manuscript Features

1. There is no text in the manuscript. Only available text is as following:

asvesvānamā ⟪śi⟫ vipaśvī
❖ palesvāna sikhi
❖ sisimā viśvabhuva
❖ lākhesimā krakuchaṃda
❖ duṃmbalasi kanakamuni
❖ nyagodha kāśyapa
❖ aśvastha(!) śākyamuni (exp. 5)

2. Sketches of 28 nakṣatras with the name of nakṣatra, vāhana and colour. (exps. 10–13)

3. Identified some figures saptabuddha, mahākāla, yoginī etc.

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 937/2

Date of Filming 07-09-1984

Exposures 30

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film Positive


Catalogued by JM/KT

Date 18-09-2010