A 998-10(3) Kāmākṣā
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: A 998/10
Title: Kāmākṣā
Dimensions: 22.5 x 4 cm x 38 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit; Newari
Subjects: Tantra
Acc No.: NAK 5/852
Reel No. A 998-10
Inventory No. 36251
Title: Kāmākṣā
Subject: Karmakāṇḍa, Tantra
Language: Sanskrit, Newari
Manuscript Details
Script: Newari
Material: palm-leaf
State: complete
Size: 22.5 x 4.0 cm
Binding Hole: 1, left of the centre
Folios: 38
Lines per Folio: 3-5
Foliation: figures in the right margin of the verso
Date of Copying:
Place of Deposit: NAK
Accession No.: 5-852
Manuscript Features
This manuscript is a combination of several manuscripts, that probably were originally independant of each other, as they are written by different hands and have their own foliation each. The language of all the text does not conform with the standard grammar, therefore not all the irregularities have been marked.
The first is the Nirvāṇadīkṣāvidhāna with 4 folios, which is complete.
The second manuscript contains texts called Nāmamantra and Caṇḍapūjāvidhāna. There the writing is rubbed off on pages 2v, 3r, 7v and 9r. On the other pages it is legible. Fols. 5, 6 and 8 are missing. Seven folios are extant.
The third consists of three folios and contains a text called Kāmākṣā.
The fourth is complete with 5 folios. It contains several short colophons, the first of which gives the name Caturpīṭha.
Then follow three folios with the Ṣaṭcakrabheda.
The next five folios probably form a part of a manuscript of which the end is lost. The verso side of the fifth folio is illegible. The NGMPP gave the probably generic name Mantravidyā to this text.
At the end there are a couple of prakīrṇapattrāṇi.
śrīdevy auvāca(!) ||
visvarupaṃ(!) śivaṃ bhūtvā jato jīvasvarupiṇaṃ |
sikṣaboddhasiddhaṃ śāstraṃ kathayāmi praśādata ||
śrībherava uvāca ||
śṛṇu devi mahāguhe lokāṇāṃ(!) hitaḥ kāmyayā ||
boddhamāṇam(!) idaṃ śāstraṃ dīkṣā kuru śulocana ||
ṇa(!) dīyate śubhe dīkṣā boddhahīne na sarvvadāt(!)
yadi dīkṣā kuru puṃśyāta(!) śāstram etat śṛṇodi(!) taṃ || (fol. 1v1-4)
buddhi te buddhiprajñāñ caḥ paścāt mokṣaṃ svaḥ niścitam |
akatravyaṃ(!) na katravyaṃ prāne(!) kaṇṭhagater apiḥ ||
katravyaṃm(!) eva karttavyaṃ prāṇe kaṇṭhagater api ||
iti matvā varet śikṣa yathā vākyaṃ tathā guru || ||
iti śrīmatasaghna<ref name="ftn1"> The colophon is quoted on the index card prepared at the time of microfilming and there it reads: iti śrīmatanandyapādāvatārite etc. That might be what was intended, though the manuscript is certainly corrupt here.</ref>pādāvatārite śrīkāmākṣārinīrgata(!)guhyaśiddhiḥ caturthapaṭala smāpta(!) || || (fol. 3v3-4)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. A 998/10c
Date of Filming: 25-04-1985
Used Copy: Kathmandu
Type of Film: positive (scanned)
Catalogued by AM
Date: 29-12-2010