B 312-1 (01) Kirātārjunīya

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 312/1
Title: Kirātārjunīya
Dimensions: 27.1 x 9.9 cm x 232 folios
Material: paper?
Condition: incomplete
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Kāvya
Acc No.: NAK 1/1454

Inventory No. B 312 - 01 (01)

Title Kirātārjunīya + Subodhaṭīkā


  • The first part of the MS doesn't contain the text of Kirāta itself (only short pratīka's).
  • Please, see Manuscript features below for additional information.

Author Bhāravi + Ḍalla / Ḍallana / Ḍalana

Subject Kāvya

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material Paper

State incomplete (in a good condition)

Size 27,1 x 9,9

Binding Hole(s) no binding holes

Folios 112

Lines per Folio 7 and 8

Foliation the first 64 folios: left margin of the verso; 65th folio: left and right margin of the verso; fol. 66 onwards: right margin of the verso (s. Manuscript features below).

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 1 - 1454

Manuscript Features

  • This MS is a part of larger bundle B 312-1 Kirātārjunīya.
  • The MS by itself consists of at least 2 clearly distinguishable "codicological units":
    • The first unit (exp. 2-66b), which appears to be primary to the second one, comprises the first 64 folios + the recto of the 65th folio. It contains the text of Subodhaṭīkā on Kirāta 4.11 - 9.1. The text of Kirātārjunīya is found in short pratīkas only. At some instances the text of the whole verse was added by a latter hand in the margin. The chapter colophons are kept short and mention only the number of the chapter. Its foliation is found in the left hand margin of the verso and was most probably added later, since it starts with "1" and ends with 65.
    • The second unit (exp. 67a-115a) starts at the bottom of 65 recto. It is 70 folios long and contains the text of Subodhaṭīkā along with complete verses of Kirātarjunīya 9.2 - 11.5. Its foliation is found in the right hand margin of the verso and it starts with "134", whereas the left hand margin has the last folio number "65". The chapter colophons are longer and contain information about the text commented upon, the name of the commentary and its author as well as the number of the chapter.
    • Acc. to paleographical features it might be possible to distinguish between several scribes involved in writing of both parts (but esp. the second one) of the MS.



parītami ||<ref> Kirāta 4.11</ref>

so 'rjjunaḥ gavām adhīpaṃ(!) vṛṣabhaṃ dadarśa dṛṣṭavān kiṃbhūtaṃ savigrahaṃ saśarīraṃ darppam iva kīmbhūtaṃ s(!)āradīm śaratkālīnīṃ puṣṭiṃ upacayaṃ dadhataṃ nābhyastāc chatur<ref>Pāṇ 7,1.78</ref> iti numniṣedhaḥ śāradītiti(?) saṃdhivelād(!)ṛtunakṣatrebhyaḥ an(!)<ref>Pāṇ 4,3.16</ref> uccair atyarthena nadantaṃ śabda(ṃ) kurvantaṃ ukṣāvajaye vṛṣabhasya parājaye sati jayaśriyā yaja(!)śobhayā parītaṃ vyāptaṃ śobhā saṃpatti(r) lakṣmīḥ śrīr iti dṛśyeta iti rudraḥ | kiṃbhutaṃ kṣatasiṃdhurodhasaṃ kṣataṃ vidāritaṃ siṃdhurodho yena taṃ kṣutam ti pāṭhaḥ tatra kṣudāraṇadhāto(r) prayogaḥ || 11 ||

vimucyamānair ⟪iti⟫api<ref> Marginal note by a different hand: yasya mantharaṃ gavāṃ himānīviṣ(!)adaiḥ kadambakaiḥ | śarannadīnāṃ pulnaiḥ kutūhalaṃ galkad dukūlair jaghanair ivādadhe || ||</ref><ref> Kirāta 4.12 </ref>

tasyārjunasya kutūhar(!)aṃ kautukaṃ śarannadīnāṃ pulinaiḥ toyotthitabhāgaiḥ karaṇabhūtaiḥ ādadhe cakre kiṃbhūtaiḥ pulinaiḥ gavām kadaṃbakais samūhaiḥ mantharaṃ yathā syād evaṃ vimucyamānair api tyajyamānair api api nocityasyaucityā kiṃbhūtaiḥ himānīviśadaiḥ [[himasaṃhativad viśadaiḥ]]<ref>Marginal note by a latter hand.</ref> spaṣtaiḥ | kair iva galaddukūlair jja(ṃ)ghanai[[r iva]]<ref> Marginal note by a latter hand.</ref> prastāṃśukaja[[(ṃ)gha]]<ref> Marginal note by a latter hand.</ref>natulyair ity arthaḥ || 12 || (1r1-1v1 [exp. 2 - exp. 3a])



jaṭānāṃ kīrṇṇayā keśaiḥ sahatyā(!) paritaḥ sitaiḥ |
pṛktayeṃdukarair ahnaḥ paryyanta iva saṃdhyayā || ||<ref> Kirāta 11.3 </ref>

kiṃbhūto muni(r) dṛṣṭaḥ jaṭānāṃ saṃhatyā samuhena lakṣitaḥ saṃhatyā kiṃbhūtayā sitair śvetaiḥ keśaih kīrṇayā vyāptayā ka iva ahno divasasya paryyanta iva avasānam iva yathā divasasya paryyantaḥ indukaraiś candraḥ kiraṇaiḥ pṛktayā saṃbaddhayā bhavati tathety arthaḥ || 3 ||

viśadabhrūyuaga[[ccha]]<ref> Added in the top margin </ref>nnavalitāpāṃṭālocanaḥ(!)<ref> Malli reads °āpāṅgā°</ref> |
praleyāvatatimnānapalāśābja iva hradaḥ ||<ref> Kirāta 11.4 </ref>

kiṃbhūto muni(!) dadṛśe viśadabhrūyugacchannavāl[[i]]nyapīṅgalocanaḥ śvetabhrūyugacchannavalināpāṃgalocane yasya saḥ valina iti jarasā saṃkucitamāṃsavaliḥ so asyāstīti iḍgi(?) ka iva agādhajalāśaya iva sa kiṃbhūtaḥ praleyāvatatimlānapalāśābjaḥ pralāsya himasaṃhateḥ vratasthāvistāreṇa mlānāni paśāṇāni patrāṇi yasya evaṃbhūtam abjaṃ padmaṃ yatra hrade śaḥ(!) atra kamalapatratulye locane prāleyāvattir(!) iva valiḥ hrada iva iniḥ gāṃbhī[r]yāt || 4 ||

āśaktabharaṇīkāśai⟪ḥ⟫r aṃgaiḥ parikliśair(!) api | ādyūnaḥ sadgṛhīṇy eva prāyo yaṣṭyāvalaṃbitaḥ ||<ref> Kirāta 11.5 </ref> (182v1-9 [exp. 115a]) <references/>



|| iti caturtha sarggaḥ || 4 || (9v2-3 [exp. 11a])
|| iti paṃcamas sarggaḥ || 5 || (26v7 [exp. 28a])
|| iti ṣaṣṭaḥ sarggaḥ || || (40v1 [exp. 42a])
|| iti saptamaḥ sarggaḥ || 7 || (51r2 [exp. 52b])
|| ity aṣṭamasargaḥ || || (65/134r3 [exp. 66b])

|| iti kirātakāvye śrīḍallanakṛtāyāṃ subodhaṭīkāyāṃ navamaḥ sarggaḥ || (160r5 [exp. 92b])
iti kirātākāvye śrīḍallakṛtasubodhaṭīkāyāṃ daśamaḥ sarggaḥ || (181v8-182r1 [exp114a-b])

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 312 - 01

Date of Filming 5.7.1972

Exposures 115 (of 235)

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film Positive

Catalogued by AK

Date 18:58, 28 November 2011 (UTC)