B 34-29 Sumatipañjikā

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 34/29
Title: Cāndravyākaraṇa
Dimensions: 35 x 4.5 cm x 81 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Vyākaraṇa
Acc No.: NAK 5/734

Reel No. B 34/29+

Inventory No. 80820

Title Sumatipañjikā


Author Sumati

Subject Vyākaraṇa

Language Sanskrit

Text Features commentary on the Cāndravyākaraṇa, referring to the Cāndravṛtti and Cāndradhātupāṭha

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete, damaged

Size 35.0 x 4.5 cm

Binding Hole 1, rectangular, left of centre

Folios 107

Lines per Folio 5–6

Foliation letters in the left-hand margin and figures in the right-hand margin of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 5/734

Manuscript Features

This MS comprises a commentary on the Cāndravyākaraṇa, referring both to the Cāndravṛtti and the Cāndradhātupāṭha. The MS really consists of three parts or portions, all alike in style of writing and outer appearance, but each having a foliation of its own. Each part will be described individually in the "excerpts".

Part one comprises the commentary on the pratyāhārasūtras up to 1.1.159, that is to say, the first pāda of the first adhyāya. Of this portion, fols. 1 and 44 are missing. Damaged are fols. 2–11; 36; 38–91. The writing on fol. 91v is partly rubbed off.

Part two comprises the commentary on sūtras 1.4.1–48 (fols. 1–11 and exp. 109 below) and 1.4.144–148 (fols. 12–13), that is to say, the beginning and end of the fourth pāda of the first adhyāya. The fols. containing the missing sūtras in between have been lost, the foliation of fols. 12 and 13 being 'corrected' by a later hand. This portion of the MS ends with an unnumbered fol. (exp. 109 below), containing the commentary on sūtra 1.4.48, probably the original fol. 12. All of these folios are slightly damaged. The writing on fol. 1r is partly rubbed off.

Exposure 99 below, being situated between fols. 4 and 5, shows an additional folio, looking alike the other folios and seemingly belonging to the same MS, but containing the commentary on 1.1.15, already occurring on fol. 17r of 'part one'. There is yet another additional folio on. exp. 111 above, containing a portion of the commentary on the pratyāhārasūtras, already occurring on fol. 2r of 'part one'. Lines 3–5 of this folio contain the following verse, written in Maithilī and having nothing to do with the text proper:

27<ref>A stylised form of the holy syllable oṃ.</ref> || brahmāṇīpramukhāś ca bhṛṣṭapṛthukaṃ lājāḥ surendrāśanaṃ
mudgam māṣakacānakaṃ ca yavakaṃ dravyaṃ jhaṣādraṃ (4) palaṃ |
tailaṃ sindhujabhair[⌣]ādisahitā cintāmaṇiḥ siddhidā (!)
śrīsiddhiḥ samayo ʼstu vāñcchitapha(5)lan devyāḥ prasādāt sadā<ref>The third pāda of this Śārdūlavikrīḍitaṃ is lacking one syllable.</ref> ||
samayaviyevākyaḥ (!) ||

Exp. 110 shows the two empty backs of the folios on exp. 109 below and 111 above.

Part three ending, unlike the two other parts of the MS, without a (sub-)colophon, equally refers to the sūtras and the Dhātupāṭha of the Cāndra system of grammar, but it remains unclear if it really belongs to the Sumatipañjikā being described here.

Another interesting feature of this MS is the manner of citing the sūtras of Candragomin: sometimes, the sūtra to be cited is first referred to by its two initial akṣaras, and then once more given in full, as in: vido || vida 5 1 laṭaḥ 6 1 1 1 || (part 2, fol. 3v3–4), which stands for Cān. 1.4.12 vido laṭo vā.

The two numbers following each word are to indicate the respective case and number of the word, thus 5 1 meaning ablative (pañcamī, fifth case) singular. Interestingly, also indeclinables as va are marked in this way. One more effect of this procedure, however, is the splitting up of the sandhi between the individual words or components of the sūtra.


(part 1) Beginning

dvitīyeti sarvvatra dvitīyā | praśabdāt suḥ | ṇam aprahvatve śabde ṇo na<ref>Cān. 5.1.62.</ref> iti natvaṃ | ekakartṛkayoḥ pūrvvād<ref>Cān. 1.3.131.</ref> iti ktvā | kuprādayo ʼsupvidhau nityam<ref>Cān. 2.2.24.</ref> iti samāsaḥ | aikārtha<ref>Cān. 2.1.39.</ref> iti supluk | /// (2) -ktvo lyap<ref>Cf. Cān. 5.4.6.</ref> iti lyap | lakārapakārayor llopaḥ | prādyantaro ʼduro ṇa iti<ref>Cān. 6.4.114.</ref> ṇa〇tvaṃ | tataḥ suḥ | lyabantasya svabhāvato ʼsaṃkhya(m) iti | supo ʼsaṃkhyād<ref>Cf. Cān. 2.1.38.</ref> iti luk || sarvvajñam i⁅t⁆i /// (fol.2r1–2)

(part 1) End

tathoktaṃ | rajanicara-(5)///-ndīkṣitānāṃ sakhāyaṃ | svadrajabalamahimnā ʼdhi(pk)acāpaḥ prakurvvan | tadupahatavidhīnāṃ nandakas tātsunīnām atigatam imam uccair ūcur abhyandya-(6)///-ti || vṛttisthitodāharaṇai saha | prahṛtyādivi(ru)dralakṣyan nāmnābhir atra darśitaṃ | śiṣyopādhyāyānām abhimataphalasiddhir yathā syā-(fol. 91v1) ///-sāne | āśiṣīty<ref>Cān. 1.1.159 (and 6.1.78).</ref> uktaṃ śāstrakāreṇeti | (fol. 91r4–91v1)

(part 1) Colophon

rājñā śrīguṇa(kāma)mallavibhu⟨ṃ⟩nā svasyaikarājye kṛte |
varṣe smin diśam uttame śatatame⁆ − − ⌣ − (2) /// [− ⌣ −] |
− − − ⌣ ⌣ − ⌣ − ⌣ ⌣ d⁅i⁆ne tārādha(n)iṣṭhā(nv)ite
nāmneyaṃ sumatir yathābhilikhitā − − ⌣ − − ⌣ − ||<ref>Allowing for the many akṣaras of this folio being rubbed off, there seems to be little chance for this verse in the Śārdūlavikrīḍita metre to be restored fully. Parts of the writing, however, seem to have been deepend by a later hand whenever the reading seemed clear enough.</ref>

ravikaviśaśisomyo vyo(3)///[⌣ −] ⁅bh⁆ānti yāvat |
sumatir api maneṣāvad (!) atra prāti(s)a〇sya |
sudinakarajīvo jīvako nandako ʼpi |
bhavatu ca bhubhṛtāṃ (!) śrīmañjughoṣo nubhā(4)/// ||

sumatipañjiyāṃ (!) prathamaḥ pādaḥ samāptaḥ || ❖ ||<ref>The remaining parts of line four and five have almost entirely been rubbed off.</ref> (fol. 91v1–4)

(part 2) Beginning

(3)///-[d e]kavacanam iti | prathamaikavacaṃ (!) su || tasya sor<ref>Cān. 5.1.66.</ref> iti sulopaḥ 〇 || laḍādīnām<ref>Cf. Cāndravṛtti on Cān. 1.4.1.</ref> iti || laṭ liṭ luṭ lṛṭ loṭ || luṅ laṅ lṛṅ liṅ āśiṣiḥ (4)/// [-ṅ || eteṣām vi⁆śeṣakarān || anubandhān utsṛjya || lakāra〇mātrasya sthānāḥ || tibā⁅dayo⁆ bhavantīty arthaḥ || kiṃ ⁅bhū⁆(ya)s tibādaya iti na jñāpa- (fol. 1r3–4)

(part 2) End

(6) karttari śap<ref>Cān. 1.1.82.</ref> | jho ʼntaḥ<ref>Cān. 1.4.3.</ref> | ato deṅi<ref>Cān. 5.1.101.</ref> | tada ity asmāt | su aujas<ref>Cf. Cān. 2.1.1.</ref> | tyadāntasādiṣu ca | (dv)er iti dakārasya atvaṃ | ato deṇi pa(r)arūpatvaṃ | ta[[ḥ]] sa[[ḥ]] ⁅sau⁆<ref>Cān. 5.4.70.</ref> | ⁅iti⁆ (fol. 13v1) takārasya sakāraḥ | etattadoḥ sulopo kor anañsamāse hal⟪i⟫[[ī]]ti<ref>Cān.5.1.134.</ref> sulopaḥ | ecīty<ref>Cān. 5.1.84.</ref> autvaṃ | jas | jasaḥ śīr<ref>Cān. 2.1.8.</ref> iti śībhāvaḥ | śalopaḥ | ād adeṅ<ref>Cān. 5.1.82.</ref> | etvaṃ | evam anye (2) ʼpi draṣṭavyāḥ || (fol. 13r6–13v1)

(part 2) Colophon

cāndre vyākaraṇe sumatipañjikāyāṃ pratha〇mo dhyāyaḥ samāptaḥ || ❁ || (fol. 13v2)

(part 3) Beginning

❖ vaha prāpaṇe<ref>Cān. Dhātupāṭha 1.632.</ref> || bhāvāpyayor<ref>Cf. Cān. 1.2.67.</ref> iti ktaḥ || vyāpye || śakādibhya<ref>Cān. 5.4.135.</ref> itīḍabhāvaḥ ||
kakārakitkāryārthaḥ | sa hi vaho[[r o]]d iti<ref>Cān. 5.2.138.</ref> vahe vakārasyotvaṃ || kiti teṣām<ref>Cān. 5.1.20.</ref> iti yaṇ ik | yaṇ ik ity o(2)kārasya pūrvvarūpatvaṃ || ho ḍha<ref>Cān. 6.3.62.</ref> iti hasya ḍhatvaṃ || (fol. 1r1–2)

(part 3) End

(3) vṛdhu vṛddhau<ref>Cān. Dhātupāṭha 1.509.</ref> || aś arśāḥ || śṛdhu || am armmāḥ || mṛdu marddane<ref>Cf. Cān. Dhātupāṭha 1.516.</ref> || an arnāḥ || 〇 nṛtī nāṭye<ref>Cān. Dhātupāṭha 4.6.</ref> || ac arkāḥ || kṛtī veṣṭanacchedanayoḥ<ref>Cf. Cān. Dhātupāṭha 6.13 and 7.10.</ref> || ac arccā | kṛtasa śabdane || ❁ || (4) ity evam ādayo geyā || ❖ || śubha ||    || 〇 ||    || śubham astu sarvvajagatāṃ || (fol. 3r3–4)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 34/29

Date of Filming 25-10-1970

Exposures 115

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks exp. 33/34; 38/39; and 71/72 show the same fols. respectively

Catalogued by OH

Date 16-06-2004
