B 35-34 Sambandhasiddhi

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 35/34
Title: Sambandhasiddhavyākaraṇa
Dimensions: 29 x 4.5 cm x 51 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Vyākaraṇa
Date: NS 329
Acc No.: NAK 4/755

Reel No. B 35/34+

Inventory No. 59992

Title Sambandhasiddhi


Author Utpaladeva?

Subject Vyākaraṇa

Language Sanskrit

Text Features This is a ommentary on the Kārakacakra (ascribed to Vararuci), also known as Prayogamukha, consisting of 26 ślokas on kāraka relations, samāsa, taddhita and kṛt formation. The MS includes two folios of a text called Rambhāśukrasaṃvāda

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete, slightly damaged

Size 29.0 x 4.5 cm

Binding Hole 1, left of centre

Folios 33+2

Lines per Folio 5–7

Foliation letters in the middle of the left-hand margin and figures in the middle of the right-hand margin of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 4/755

Manuscript Features

In the beginning, the text lists the 26 ślokas of the so-called Kārakacakra (or Prayogamukha), which are quoted again and commented upon in the subsequent portion of the MS. The name Sambandhasiddhi, however, might also apply to the body of the 26 ślokas alone, since after listing these verses the commentator states: sambandhasiddhisūtraṃ samāptaṃ.

Besides the terms kartṛ, karaṇa, and saṃpradāna, which are universally accepted by Indian grammarians, the term ādhāra is used for adhikaraṇa, avadhi for apādāna, and vyāpya for karman. Although the latter (vyāpya) is more or less peculiar to the Cāndra system of grammar, the author of the Kārakacakra has incorporated whole sūtras out of Pāṇini’s grammar, as, for example, in verse 12:

sāmānyāsaṃkhyabhāvākhyas trividho ʼṇādir ucyate |
padānān tu samarthānāṃ prathamād vā prasūyate || 12 ||

In this verse, the words given in bold italics correspond exactly to Pāṇ. 4.1.82, which sūtra does, however, not occur in Candra’s grammar.

There are four divisions of the work, named paṭala, dealing with kāraka relations, samāsa, taddhita and kṛt formation respectively.

Exposures 3 and 4 top show a folio used as a cover leaf. Exp. 4 bottom up to 6 top show two folios of another MS, that is of a text called Rambhāśukasaṃvāda, which is styled here, however, Rambhāśukrasaṃvāda.

On exp. 6 bottom, the beginning of the Sambandhasiddhi, up to verse 7, is written on the back of the first folio of the Sambandhasiddhi proper, which begins on exp. 7 top. The MS breaks off with fol. 34r, commenting on verses 13 and 14. That is, about half of the original MS, most probably commenting on all of the 26 verses of the so-called Kārakacakra, is lost.

A few folios are slightly damaged in the margin, or have a few akṣaras being rubbed off.

The scribe is as it were oscillating within this MS between a slightly cursive and a more detached style of writing. He skipped the number “12” in his foliation, the text, however, running continuously from fol. 11 to 13.



❖ oṁ namaḥ śivāya ||

prayogam icchatā jñātuṃ jñeyaṃ kārakam āditaḥ |
tad eva ṣaḍvidhaṃ bhedāt trayoviṃśatidhā punaḥ ||

tatra pañcavidhaḥ ka(2)rttā vyāpyaṃ saptavidhaṃ bhavet |
karaṇaṃ 〇 dvividhañ caiva saṃpradānaṃ tridhā mataṃ ||

avadhiś ca dvidhā jñeyas tathādhāraś caturvidha(3)ḥ |
karoti kārakaṃ sarvvaṃ yathā śaktivi〇vakṣayā ||

teṣāṃ karttary abhihite prathamaiva vidhīyate |
tṛtīyā vāthavā ṣaṣṭhī (4) smṛtāna[[bhi]]hite dvidhā ||

kriyāpye bhi[[hi]]te 〇 tadvad vibhaktiṃ viddhipūrvikāṃ |
anukte prathamāṃ hitvā saptamīṃ pañcamīn tathā ||

(exp. 7 top = fol. 1v1–4)


tiṅām ataṅtaṅāṃ bhāge vaca(5)......... ⁅tridhā⁆ |<ref>Cf. Śloka 13 in the MS:
tiṅāṃ ca nava pūrvvārddhaṃ lādeśāv aparau dvidhā |
tiṅām ataṅtaṅām bhāge vacanāni tridhā tridhā || 13 ||</ref> puruṣāś ca trayo jñeyāḥ 〇 prathamamadhyamottamā<ref>Cf. first half of verse 14.</ref> iti ko rthaḥ | anantaranirde(ṣṭā)nāṃ tiṅsaṃbandhinām ataṅāś ca bhage (6) …….. ⁅vaca⁆nāni prathamamadhyamottamā[[ḥ]] puruṣā yathākramaṃ veditavyāḥ | ataṅāṃ yathā tip tas jhīti prathamaḥ | sip thas tha iti madhyamaḥ |
(exp. 39 bottom = fol. 34r)


iti sambandhasiddhau kārakapaṭalaḥ samāptaḥ || ○ || (fol. 11r1)

ity uktaṃ samāsalakṣaṇaṃ || ❁ || (fol. 19v2)

iti saṃbandhasiddhāv aṇādipaṭalaḥ samāptaḥ || ❁ || (fol. 33v2)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 35/34

Date of Filming 27-10-1970

Exposures 39

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks exposures 38–39 are over-exposed

Catalogued by OH

Date 19-11-2004
