B 48-23 Jāgadīśī

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Template:JustImported Template:NR

Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 48/23
Title: Jāgadīśī
Dimensions: 24.5 x 10.5 cm x 54 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Nyāya
Acc No.: NAK 4/1825

Reel No. B 48-23 Inventory No. 25919

Title Jāgadīśī

Author Jagadīśa

Subject Nyāyadarśana

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material paper

State incomplete

Size 24.5 x 10.5 cm

Binding Hole 54

Folios 7–13

Foliation figures in the right-hand top margin of the verso above the abbreviation jā.dī. and only śive has been written lower right-hand margin of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 4/1825

Manuscript Features

Foliation has not been properly mentioned.



śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ || ||

samārabdhaṃ yad anumānaprāmāṇyaparīkṣaṇaṃ tatkāraṇībhūtaṃ yad vyāptigrahopāyapratipādanaṃ tannidānaṃ vyāpti(2)svarūpanirūpaṇam ity arthaḥ | tathā ca prāmāṇyavyavasthāpanopodghātasaṅgatyā vyāptisvarūpanirūpaṇam iti bhāvaḥ | avyāpyavṛttīti. ka(3)pisaṃyogī etadvṛkṣatvād ityādāv ity arthaḥ | (fol. 1v1–3)


paran tu. ālokāvṛttivṛttitvasyā(11)py abhāvam ādāyāvyāptivāraṇam eva tatphalam iti prāñcaḥ | tat tuccham. svāśrayaniṣṭhātyantābhāvāpratiyoginaḥ sādhyā(12)bhāvakūṭādhikaraṇavṛttitvasyāśraye varttamānamānasya tasyātyantābhāvasyāpratiyogitākātyantābhāvatvenaiva tādrśa- (fol. 45v10–12)


Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 48/23

Date of Filming 18-02-1971

Exposures 56

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Remarks The exposure 10 has been microfilmed double.

Catalogued by BK/SG

Date 28-06-2005
