A 52-11 Rūpāvatāra
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: A 52/11
Title: Rūpāvatāra
Dimensions: 49 x 6.5 cm x 100 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Maithili; none
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Vyākaraṇa
Date: LS 383
Acc No.: NAK 4/764
Remarks: this portion of the Rūpāvatāra is also known as Dhātupratyayapañjikā or Tiṅantaśiromaṇi
Reel No. A 52-11
Inventory No. 77698
Title Rūpāvatāra
Author Dharmakīrti
Subject Vyākaraṇa
Language Sanskrit
Text Features Prakriyā type of grammar, based on Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī
Manuscript Details
Script Maithilī
Material palm-leaf
State complete
Size 49,0 x 6,5 cm
Binding Hole 1, rectangular, in the middle
Folios 100
Lines per Folio 6 on most fols.
Foliation letters in the middle of the left-hand margin of the verso
Place of Deposit NAK
Accession No. 4/764
Manuscript Features
This MS gives the tiṅanta portion of the Rūpāvatāra, a Prakriyā type of grammar, based on Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. Thus, many Sūtras of Pāṇini's are referred to, sometimes quoted in full, sometimes only by the two or three initial akṣara-s of the Sūtra.
As a rule, there are six lines per fol., except fols. 1v and 55r (7 lines); fols. 62; 80; 87–90; 93; 96–99 (5 lines); and fol. 100r (4 lines).
The scribe has erred twice with regard to the foliation, since he numbered two fols. "28" and left out "56", thus counting 55, 57. However, the text of the MS runs continuously.
On fol. 1r has been inscribed by members of the NAK tiṅantabhedavyākaraṇam, in Devanāgarī characters, as well as the accession no. of the NAK.
After the MS proper, another fol. has been added and micro-filmed, bearing a Newari colophon unrelated to the present text.
❖ oṃ namo mahāvighneśāya namaḥ ||
praṇamya śirasā devīm bālānāṃ hitakāriṇīm |
yathāsāram pravakṣyāmi dhātupratyayapañjikāṃ ||
atha tiṅvibhaktir yyathāsambhavaṃ kriyāvācibhyo dhātubhyaḥ parasya lakārasya sthāne ⟪yathā⟫ saṃkṣepeṇopadiśyate || kā ca ti(2)ṅvibhaktiḥ | tip tas jhi sip thas tha mib vas ma (!) tātāñ jha thās āthān dhvam iḍ vahi mahiṅ<ref name="ftn1">Cf. Pāṇ. 3.4.78.</ref> iti pakāraṭakāraṅakārā〇ḥ sarvve ʼnubandhāḥ kāryyārthāḥ |
(fol. 1v1–2)
sana<ref name="ftn2">Cf. Pāṇ. 2.4.47: sani ca ||</ref> (!) || iṅaś ca<ref name="ftn3">Cf. Pāṇ. 2.4.48: iṅaś ca ||</ref> || sani parata iṅo gamir ādeśo bhavati pūrvvavad dvirvvacanādi | ajjhanagamāṃ sanīti<ref name="ftn4">Cf. Pāṇ. 6.4.16.</ref> dīrghaḥ adhijigāṃsate (2) adhijigāṃsete adhijigāṃsante ity-ādi || evaṃ sarvvam unneyam ||
(fol. 100r1–2)
ity ācāryyadharmma〇kīrttiviracite rūpāvatāre tiṅantākhyaḥ samāptaḥ || || la saṃ 383 (3) āśvinakṛṣṇadvādaśyāṃ śukre ajinaulīśrāmavāstavyena śrīśaṅkareṇa likhitaiṣā 〇 pustiketi ||
namo bhavānīvadanāravindavilokanavyaśravilocanāya | apā(4)rasaṃsārasamudrapārasamtāraseto bhavate bhavāya ||
nāthasvabhāvarasikaḥ pramadāguṇo yaṃ
jīyāt kadāpi bhavitā mayi pakṣapātaḥ |
etasya yat sakhisamastakalāvido pi
śrāmyā haranti hṛdayaṃ tad ayaṃ vikhādaḥ ||
(fol. 100r2–4)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. A 52/11
Date of Filming 25-10-70
Exposures 105
Used Copy Berlin
Type of Film negative
Remarks foll. 23v/24r have been micro-filmed twice
Catalogued by OH
Date 09-01-2004