A 52-4 Aṣṭādhyāyī
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: A 52/4
Title: Aṣṭādhyāyī
Dimensions: 37 x 4.5 cm x 81 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Maithili
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Vyākaraṇa
Acc No.: NAK 5/408
Reel No. A 52-4
Inventory No. 4292
Title Aṣṭādhyāyī
Remarks styled in the colophon Pāṇinīyasūtrāṣṭādhyāyī
Author Pāṇini
Subject Vyākaraṇa
Language Sanskrit
Text Features Includes the Sūtrapāṭha and some citations of the Mahābhāṣya
Manuscript Details
Script Maithilī
Material palm-leaf
State complete
Size 37,0 x 4,5 cm
Binding Hole rectangular, in the middle
Folios 81
Lines per Folio 5
Foliation figures in the middle of the left-hand side of the verso
Scribe Vardhamāna
Date of Copying LS 314
Place of Deposit NAK
Accession No. 5/408
Manuscript Features
This MS includes the Sūtrapāṭha of Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī, some short passages of the Mahābhāṣya and the Kāśikā<ref name="ftn1">Right after the last Pratyāhārasūtra, the MS inserts a verse of the Kāśikāvṛtti, teaching how many pratyāhāra-s are to be formed with each anubandha respectively (fol. 1v3–4).</ref>. The text is complete, save a few missing Sūtras belonging to the end of the first Pāda of the fourth Adhyāya, i.e. 4.1.172–178. The sub-colophon of this Pāda is equally missing. There are numerous insertions in margine made by the same hand. The foliation leaves out fol. 22, the text running continuously from fol. 21 to fol. 23. Thus, there are just 81 fols. instead of 82.
Before and after this MS, two more fols. have been micro-filmed respectively, all in Maithilī characters, but unrelated to the MS. The last one gives just a table of the numbers from one two hundred, ordered in groups of ten.
❖ śrīrāmabhadrāya nāmaḥ (!) ||
yena[[ā]]kṣa⟪ā⟫rasamāmnāyam adhigamya maheśvarāt |
kṛtsnaṃ ⟪naṃ⟫ vyākaraṇaṃ ⁅pro⁆ktaṃ tasmai pāṇinaye namaḥ ||
a i uṇ || ṛ ḷk || e oṅ || ai auc ||
pratyāhāre nubandhānāṅ katha(2)m ajjgrahaṇeṣu na |
ācāra[[ād a]]pradhānatvāl lopaś ca balavattaraḥ ||<ref name="ftn2">Cf. Mahābhāṣya ad Vārttika 15 ad Śivasūtra 5</ref>
ha ya va raṭ || 〇 aṭāṃ madhye visarjjanīyopadhmānīyajihvāmūlīyānām upadeśaḥ karttavyaḥ || (3) laṇ ||
(fol. 1v1–3)
jharo jhari savarṇṇe || udāttād anudāttasya svari〇taḥ || nodāttasvaritodayama-gārgyakāśyapagālavānām || a a || ||
(fol. 82v3)
prathamasyādhyāyasya prathamaḥ pādaḥ samāptaḥ || ❖ || (fol. 3r4)
prathamasyādhyāyasya dvitīyaḥ pādaḥ samāptaḥ || || (fol. 4v5)
prathamasyādhyāyasya tṛtīyaḥ pādaḥ samāptaḥ || (fol. 6v2)
prathamo dhyā(3)yaḥ samāptaḥ || ❖ || (fol. 8v2–3)
a⟪a⟫ṣṭamasyādhyāyasya prathamaḥ pādaḥ samāptaḥ || (fol. 76v1)
aṣṭamasyādhyāyasya dvitīyaḥ pādaḥ || || (fol. 79r3)
aṣṭama(fol. 81v1)syādhyāyasya tṛtīyaḥ pādaḥ || || (fol. 81r5–fol. 81v1)
(4) saṃpūrṇṇā ceyaṃ pāṇinīyasūtrāṣṭādhyāyī || || || la saṃ 314 śrā〇vaṇavadi 13 ravau cāḍaṇḍitapāsaṃlagnadalakaulīgrāme māṇḍaragrāmīyapaṭha(5)tā śrī-varddhamānena svapāṭhārthaṃ ṭhakurūsārddhaṃ likhitaiṣā pustīti ||
vettā vidyuj jano nānyaḥ |
hanūmān ekaḥ paraṃ veda || ||
(fol. 82v4–5)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. A 52/4
Date of Filming 25-10-70
Exposures 87
Used Copy Berlin
Type of Film negative
Catalogued by OH
Date 07-01-2004
- Otto Böhtlingk: Pâṇini's Grammatik, Hildesheim 1971.
- F. Kielhorn (Ed.): The Vyâkarana-mahâbhâshya of Patanjali, Osnabrück 1970.