B 13-43 Prakīrṇakapatrāṇi

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Filmed in: B 13/43
Title: [Prakīrṇakapatrāṇi]
Dimensions: 0 x 0 cm x 24 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: unknown
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Karmakāṇḍa (vaidika, āgamika, tāntrika etc.)
Acc No.: NAK 3/191
Remarks: subject uncertain;

Reel No. B 13/43

Inventory No. 53834 + 53835

Title Prakīrṇapatrāṇi

Subject Bauddhatantra, Karmakāṇḍa

Language Sanskrit and Newari

Manuscript Details

Script Newari and Maithili

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete and damaged

Size various

Binding Hole 1 in the centre left

Folios 26

Lines per Folio various

Foliation figures in the right margin of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 3-191

Manuscript Features

  • 1. *Tantrasādhana

❖ namo varadavajrāya ||

praṇamya sarvasaṃbuddhān caturvidyāḥ sabhaktitaḥ |
catasro jananī vidyā daśakrodhāṃ mahābalān ||
bodhisattvasahasrañ ca caturvyūtā(!)sahasrakam |
kriyate gūḍhasārārthaṃ sattantrasādhanaṃ sphuṭaṃ || (exp. 2a1–2)

  • 2. Seven folios of a Jyautiṣagrantha, with a binding hole and six lines per folio written in Newari script; five out of seven folios consist of mathematical charts.
  • 3. One folio with the note: śreyo ’stu || samvat 399 ///rājaputra ciraṃjīva ri(kti)yutaṃ (exp. 8b1–2), written twice on one side and two and half lines concerning jyautiṣa on the other.
  • 4. The first folio of a Homavidhi text, with a binding hole and five lines per folio written in Newari script. Thus begins the text:

❖ oṃ namo bṛhaspataye ||

homasya divase pūrvve rātrau kuryāṃ(!) tu śāntikaṃ |
ācāryo yajamānañ ca śuciḥ snātvā upoṣitaḥ ||(exp.10a1)

  • 5. One folio of a text related with Kuṇḍanirmāṇa, with a binding hole and six lines per page written in Newari script.
  • 6. One folio of a Karmakāṇḍagrantha, with a bilning hole and five lines per folio written in Newari script, maybe related with no. 4.
  • 7. Three odd-shaped folios with notes in Maithili script and language, possibly related with some Pañjī text. The binding hole is exceptionally in the left margin and five lines per page is evident.
  • 8. The 43rd folio of a Darśanagrantha, with a binding hole and five lines per folio written in Maithili script. The writing stops in the second line of the verso with an incomplete sentence.
  • 9. One folio of another Jautiṣagrantha on eclipse, with a binding hole and seven lines per folio written in Newari script.
  • 10. Two folios of a Saptamīvratavidhi, with a binding hole and three / four lines per page written in Newari script.

bhiya(!) ṣo ntaś ca || ñibhī bhaye || asmān makapratyayo(!) bhavati | kakāraś ca/// ṣakārasyākāra(!) viśeṣaṇārthaḥ || bhīṣma(!) | kurupitā |(exp. 22b1–2)

  • 12. One badly damaged folio of an unidentified text.

tyāgaṃ dānaṃ | aurddhadehikaṃ sivuyāta cchcchiyaddala karmma| nivāya pitara devatā satanna brāhmaṇadhau viyā indalāna | (exp. 24a2)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 13/43

Date of Filming 16-09-1970

Exposures 26

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Catalogued by DA

Date 16-12-2005