B 312-1 (02) Ghaṇṭāpatha
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: B 312/1
Title: Kirātārjunīya
Dimensions: 27.1 x 9.9 cm x 232 folios
Material: paper?
Condition: incomplete
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Kāvya
Acc No.: NAK 1/1454
Inventory No. B 312 - 01 (02)
Title Ghaṇṭāpatha (Kirātārjunīyavyākhyā)
Remarks The text of Kirātārjunīya is given only in short pratīka's
Author Mallinātha
Subject Kāvya
Language Sanskrit
Manuscript Details
Script Newari
Material Paper
State incomplete (in a good state)
Size 27,1 x 9,9
Binding Hole(s) no binding holes
Folios 119 (exposures 115b-234 of B 312-1 Kirātārjunīya)
Lines per Folio
Foliation figure numerals in the middle + (in some cases) at the bottom of the right hand margin of the verso. In following transcription (s. Excerpts) the first folio number refers to the foliation in the middle and the second number (after a backslash) to the one in the bottom. (Cf. Manuscript Features below).
Place of Deposit NAK
Accession No. 1-1454
Manuscript Features
- This MS is a part of a larger bundle: B 312-1 Kirātārjunīya.
- The MS by itself consists of at least 2 clearly distinguishable "codicological units":
- The first unit (exp. 115b-141a) contains Ghaṇtāpatha ad Kirāta 11.6 till the end of the 12th chapter. The folios are foliated twice: in the middle of the right hand margin (verso) and in the bottom of the same. The numeration in the middle of the margin (103-129) appears to be older. It skips and misplaces several numbers and thus (?) was improved by a latter hand in the bottom of the margin.
- The second unit (exp. 141b-234) contains the text of Ghaṇṭāpatha on the chapters 13 to 18 of Kirātārjunīya. It is written by a hand (or rather hands) distinctly different from the one in the first unit. Its foliation (middle of the right hand margin of the verso) continues the numbering in the bottom of the right hand margin in the first unit and is done by the same hand.
ty āha bhūtānāṃ jantūnāṃ svādau jātau ca bhūtakirttir (!)<ref> Ed. 1913 reads: kṣmādau jantau ca bhūtāni; Oppert's edition of Vaijayantī read on p. 234, l. 117: svādau jantau ca bhūtaṃ klī samātītocite triṣu |.</ref> iti vaijayantī kṛdhadṛho [']nupasṛṣṭasya dhāḥ (?)<ref>Ed. 1913 has here: krudhadruhor upasṛṣṭayoḥ karma (Pāṇ 1,4.38)</ref> karmmasaṃjñāyāṃ kartt(ṛ)karmaṇoḥ kṛti <ref>Pāṇ 2,3.65</ref> ṣaṣṭī |
anabhidruhaḥ ahiṃsakasya satsūdviṣetyādinā<ref>Cf. Pāṇ 3,2.61</ref> kvip |
naivaṃ maheṣudhī mahāniṣaṃgau bhīmaṃ dhanuś ca śamaṃ na samarthayate iti vacanavipariṇāmaḥ kāryyaḥ || 16 ||<ref> Mallinātha on Kirāta 11.16 </ref>
bhayaṃkaram iti ||<ref>Kirāta 11.17</ref>
yugmakaṃ |
tatheti |
tathā mṛtyor aparaḥ bhuja iva prāṇabhṛtāṃ prāṇināṃ bhayaṃ karotīti bhyaṃkaraḥ meghv(!)arttibhayeṣu kṛṅ(!)<ref>Cf. Pāṇ 3,2.43 meghartibhayeṣu kṛñaḥ ||</ref> rupratyayaḥ <ref> Ed. 1913 reads here: khacpratyayaḥ, which certainly makes more sense in the given case. (cf. also Kāśikā ad Pāṇ 3,2.43 quoted above)</ref> arudviṣetyādinā <ref> Pāṇ 6,3.67 </ref> mumāgamaḥ |
asiḥ khaḍgaḥ tapaḥsthasya(!) tapasi tiṣṭhatīti tapaś caratīti kṣupi tasya (!?)<ref> Ed. 1913 gives here: supi sthaḥ (Pāṇ 3,2.4)</ref> iti kapratyayaḥ |
tasya te tava kṣamāṃ śāntiṃ na samaryate(!) na saṃbhāvayati |
kiṃ śāntasya śastreṇeti bhāvaḥ |
nanu śāntasya kiṃ tapasetyāśaṃkya jayārtham ity āha || 17 || (103r1-6 [exp. 115b])
asaṃyeti (!) ||
jayinaṃ jayaśīlam udayam astrarābharūpam(!) anyatrodayādi(!)prāpyo [']saṃhāryotsāham anicāryodyogaṃ (!) jagato 'navasādāya gurvvīṃ dhuraṃ duṣṭabhāranigrahaṃ tayopahāraṃ ca vodhuṃ(!) dharttuṃ sthitaṃ svadhāmnā svatejasā lokān upari kṛtāsanaṃ kṛtasthitiṃ kṛtapadam anyatropariva(r)ttamānaṃ tapolakṣmyodītaṃ(!) padivam(!) amarā dinakṛtam ivāśvair(!) upajagmuḥ(!) sādhu mahābhāgyo [']sīti tuṣṭuvuḥ ||
śikhariṇīvṛttaṃ || 41 ||
vrajeti || śivena vraja svarūpaṃ(!) gacchānti(!,?)lokaṃ jayeti gadita uktaḥ || yataḥ pādapadmānata(!) śrīḥ san tathā devasaṃdhaiḥ ślāghita(!) stuto 'ta eva dhṛtā gurvī jayalakṣmīr yena saḥ paṇḍuputro nijagṛhaṃ svāśramaṃ gatvā prāpya sādaraṃ yathātathā dharmasūnuṃ rājānaṃ yudhiṣṭhiraṃ nanāma praṇato [']bhūd ity arthaḥ || (221/235v1-7)
iti śrīpadavākyapramāṇapārāvārīṇamahāmahopadhyāyakolacalamallī(!)nāthasūriviracitā(yāṃ kirā)tārjunīyavyākhyāyāṃ ghaṃṭapatha++++m aṣṭādaśaḥ sargaḥ paripurṇṇam astuḥ(!) || || 40 || śubham +++++ḥ || ||
|| iti śrīmanmahāmahopādhyāyakolacalamallī(!)nāthasūriviracitāyāṃ kirātārjjunīyavyākhyāyāṃ ghaṃṭāpathasamākhyāyām ekādaśaḥ sargaḥ || (119/118r2-3 [exp. 130b])
|| iti śrīmahāmahopādhyāyapadavākyapramāṇav(!)ārāvārīṇakolacalamallī(!)nāthasūriviracitāyāṃ kirātārjjunīyavyākhyāyāṃ ghaṃṭāpathasamākhyā⟪++⟫[[yāṃ dvā]]<ref>Added in the margin</ref>daśaḥ sargaḥ samāptaḥ || 12 || || śubham astu || (129v8-9 [exp. 141a])
|| iti śrīpadavākyapramāṇapārāvārīṇamahāmahopādhyāyakola[[cala]]<ref>Added in the margin</ref>mall⟪ī⟫ināthasūriviracitāyāṃ kirātārjjunīyavyā[[khyāyāṃ ghaṃtāpathasamā]]<ref>Added in the margin</ref>khyāyāṃ trayodaśaḥ sargaḥ samāptiṃ paphāṇa || (151r3-5 [exp. 163b])
|| iti śrīkirātārjunīyavyākhyāyāṃ ghaṃṭāpathasamākhyāyāṃ caturdaśaḥ sargaḥ || (167v2-3 [exp. 183])
|| iti śrīpadavākyapramāṇapārāvārīṇamahāmahopadhyāyakolacalamallī(!)nāthasūrī(!)viracitāyāṃ kirātārjunīyavyākhyāyāṃ ghaṃṭāpaṭa(!)samākhyāyāṃ paṃcadaśaḥ sargaḥ || (183v8-184r1 [exp. 198a-b])
|| iti śrīmahāmahopadhyāyakolacalamallī(!)nāthasūriviracitāyāṃ kirātārjunīyavyākhyāyāṃ ghaṃṭāpathasaṃ(!)mākhyāyāṃ ṣoḍaśaḥ sargaḥ || (196v3-4 [exp. 211a])
|| iti śrīmahāmahopādhyāyakolacalamallī(!)nāthaciracitāyāṃ kirātārjunīyavyākhyāyāṃ ghaṃṭāpathasamākhyāyāṃ saptadaśaḥ sargaḥ || (210r4-5 [exp. 224b])
Microfilm Details
Reel No. B 312 - 01
Date of Filming 5.7.1972
Exposures 235
Used Copy Berlin
Type of Film positive
Catalogued by AK
Date 22:44, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
- Yādavaprakāśa and Gustav Salomon Oppert. 1893. The Vaijayantī of Yadavaprakasa. Madras; London: Madras Sanskrit and Vernacular Text Publication; A. Constable.
- Bhāravi, Mallinātha, Durgāprasāda Dvivedi, Kāśinātha Pāṇḍuraṅga Paraba, and Śarmā Śrīnivāsa Venkatrāma. 1913. Kirātārjunīya of Bhāravi: Text with Commentary (Ghaṇṭāpatha) of Mallinātha and Various Readings. Seventh ed. Bombay: Tukārām Jāvaji.