B 36-9 (2) = A 1153-9(2) Daśadikpāla-nakṣatrādipūjāvidhi

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 36/9
Title: Navagrahārcanavidhi
Dimensions: 22 x 4.5 cm x 23 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Karmakāṇḍa (vaidika, āgamika, tāntrika etc.)
Acc No.: NAK 1/1608
Remarks: A 1153/9

Reel No. B 36/9 (2) = A 1153/9 (2) MTM

Inventory No. New

Title #Daśadikpāla-nakṣatrādipūjāvidhi

Remarks The text contains miscellaneous Vedic rituals.


Subject Karmakāṇḍa

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete

Size 22.0 x 4.5 cm

Binding Hole(s)

Folios 5

Lines per Page 5

Foliation figures in the right-hand margin and letter in the left-hand margin of the verso

Scribe Jayaharṣa Kāyastha

Date of Copying illegible (must be 15th century)

Place of Copying Khāraṇima???




Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 1/1608

Manuscript Features

The text is copied in corrupt Sanskrit. The apparent errors are not marked in the Excerpt below.

This is the second text of this MTM which is not listed in the PTL separately.

Fol. 6 of the first text is missing.

The date of the copying mentioned in the colophon of the first text is in letters (akṣarātmakāṅka). Since it contains full of scribal errors, we are not able to pick up the date from it. Thus, we could only assume on the basis of paleography that the date of this MS must be 15th century.



❖ oṁ namaḥ indrāyaḥ || oṁ tātārāmiṃdra | oṁ agnaye namaḥ || oṁ agnimūrddhā || oṁ jamāya namaḥ || oṁ jamena dattaṃ | oṁ neratyāya namaḥ || oṁ yante devī | oṁ varuṇāya namaḥ || oṁ imaṃ me varuṇa | (fol. 16r1–3)


varttulaṃ bhāskaraṃ vidyāt dardhacandraniśākare |

trikonamaṃgārakaṃ syāpi 〈〈pa〉〉 budhasya dhanurākṛtiḥ ||

padmākṛti gurum vindyāt catuskonan tu bhārgavaṃ |

sūrppāka (fol. 20v4–5)


iti saptāvīśanakṣatrasya veda ṛcaḥ saṃpūrṇṇar astu || (fol. 20v3)


The colophon does not exist.

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 36/9

Date of Filming 27-10-1970

Exposures 26

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive


Catalogued by MS/RK

Date 18-09-2012
