C 6-18(5) Devīstotra

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Filmed in: C 6/18
Title: Viṣṇustotra
Dimensions: 30.5 x 5 cm x 8 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Stotra
Acc No.: Kesar 83

Reel No. C 6/18

Title unknown

Remarks The name of the Stotra is unknown. Its beginning is found in the Padmapurāṇa, Sṛṣṭikāṇḍa.

Subject Stotra

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete, slightly damaged

Size 30.5 x 5.0 cm

Binding Hole 1, left of the centre

Folios 8

Lines per Folio 5

Foliation letters in the left and figures in the right margin of the verso

Date of Copying

Place of Deposit Kaisar Library

Accession No. 83

Manuscript Features

The manuscript is incomplete - the end of the last text is missing. It contains 5 Stotras:



varāha uvāca ||

dṛṣṭvā ruruñ ca sabalam asurendraṃ nipātitaṃ |
stutiṃ cakāra bhagavān svayan devas trilocanaḥ ||

rudra uvāca ||

jayasva devi cāmuṇḍe jaya bhūtvā(!)pahāriṇi |
jaya sarvagate devi kālarātri namo stu te ||
viśvamūrtte śubhe suddhe virūpākṣi trilocane |
bhīmarūpe śiva(!) vidye mahāmāye mahodaye ||
manojave jaye jambhe bhīmākṣī(!) kṣubhite kṣaye |
mahāmāri vicitrāṅgi geye nṛtyapriye śubhe ||
vikarāli mahā[[kā]]li kālike pāpahāriṇi |
pāśahaste daṇḍahaste bhīmarūpe bhayānake || (fol. 7r1-4)


varāha uvāca ||

etad devi rahasyan te kīrttitaṃ bhūtadhāriṇī |
rudrasya khalu māhātmyaṃ sakalaṃ kīrttitaṃ mayā |
navakoṭy astu cāmuṇḍā bhedabhinnā vyavasthitā |
yā raudrī tāmasī śaktiḥ sārāmuṇḍā prakīrttitā ||
aṣṭādaśa tathā koṭyā vaiṣṇavyā bheda ucyate |
yā sā tu rājasī śaktiḥ pālinī saiva vaiṣṇavī ||
yā brahmaśaktiḥ satva° (fol. 8v3-5)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. C 6/18e

Date of Filming 16-11-1975

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Catalogued by AM

Date 12-12-2012