A 171-7 Mantramahodadhi

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 171/7
Title: Mantramahodadhi
Dimensions: 27 x 11.5 cm x 164 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Mantra
Date: SAM 1898
Acc No.: NAK 4/139
Remarks: folio number uncertain;

Reel No. A 171-7 Inventory No. 35165

Title Mantramahodadhi

Author Mahīdhara

Subject Śaivatantra

Language Sanskrit

Reference BSP, 4.2, p. 43, accession no. 4/139 (in BSP, 4.2, p. 44, the same accession number is assigned to the Naukā auto-commentary on the Mantramahodadhi, corresponding to NGMPP reel no. B 134/16)

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material paper

State complete

Size 27.0 x 11.5 cm

Folios 172

Lines per Folio 9–10

Foliation There are two foliations: 1–7 (table of contents: figures in the upper left-hand margin under the abbreviation maṃ. a. and in the lower right-hand margin under the word rāmaḥ on the verso) and 1–164 (main text: figures in the upper left-hand margin under the abbreviation maṃ. mū. and in the lower right-hand margin under the word rāmaḥ on the verso). There are two folios numbered 129, the second of which should have been numbered 130 (there is no folio with this number). What should have been fol. 134 is actually numbered 123, and all the following folios are numbered one less than they should be (fol. *135 is numbered 134 etc.). Sundry folio numbers were corrected by the scribe by overwriting them.

Date of Copying SAM (VS) 1898

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 4/139

Manuscript Features



śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ ||     ||

praṇamya lakṣmīṃ nṛhariṃ mahāgaṇapatiṃ guruṃ ||

taṃtrāny(!) anekāny ālokya vakṣye maṃ(2)tramahodadhiṃ 1

prātar utthāya śirasi dhyātvā gurupadāṃbujaṃ ||

āvasya(!)kaṃ vinirvarttya snātuṃ yāyāt sarittaṭe 2

(3) śrautena vidhinā snātvā maṃtrasnānaṃ samācaret.

smārtasaṃdhyāṃ maṃtrasaṃdhyāṃ kṛtvā devaṃ vicintayet 3 (fol. 1v1–3, 2nd foliation)


viśveśo girijā biṃdu mādhavo maṇikarṇikā

bhairavo jāhnavī daṃḍapāṇir me tanvatāṃ (7) śivaṃ 130

abde vikramato yāte vāṇavedanṛpair mite

jyeṣṭhāṣṭamyāṃ śī(!)vasyāgre pūrṇo maṃtramahodadhiḥ (8) 131 (fol. 164v6–8, exp. 179)


iti śrīmahīdharaviracite maṃtramahodadhau chinnamastādimaṃtrakathanaṃ nāma ṣa(4)ṣṭhas taraṃgaḥ || 6 ||     ||     ||     ||     ||     ||     ||     || (fol. 39v3–4)


iti śrīmanmahīdharaviracite maṃtramaṃ(!)hodadhau ṣaṭkarmādinirūpaṇaṃ nāma paṃcaviṃśas taraṃgaḥ 25 (9) saṃvat 1898 pau(!)māse graṃthasaṃkhyā 4250 || (fol. 164v8–9)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 171/7

Date of Filming 19-10-1971

Exposures 180

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Remarks two exposures of fols. 3v–4r (table of content; the first foliation), 20v–21r, 76v–77r, 126v–127r, 158v–159r; fol. 96v–97r is out of focus.

Catalogued by RK

Date 12-04-2007
