A 53-4 Dhātupāṭhavṛtti

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Filmed in: A 53/4
Title: Dhātupāṭhavṛtti
Dimensions: 62.5 x 4.5 cm x 45 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Vyākaraṇa
Acc No.: NAK 3/400

Reel No. A 53-4+

Inventory No. 19258

Title *Ākhyātaratnakoṣa


Author *Pūrṇacandra

Subject Vyākaraṇa

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State damaged

Size 62.5 x 4.5 cm

Binding Hole three

Folios 45 + 1

Lines per Folio 5 and 6

Foliation only fols. 1–7 numbered

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 3/400

Manuscript Features

This MS contains parts of a commentary on the Dhātupāṭha of the Cāndra system of grammar. It starts on fol. 1v commenting on the roots of the second class (adādayaḥ) with Sūtra 2.1. Every section belonging to one root is marked with a running number between double daṇḍas at the end, sometimes followed by some auspicious sign. Thus, this portion consists of 63 sections. As the third class begins (juhotyādayaḥ), the numbering begins afresh. This portion consists of 16 sections. Whenever a Sūtra of Candragomins Sūtrapāṭha is cited, two numbers within double daṇḍas give both the Adhyāya and the Pāda of the Sūtra, e.g. 6.1.7 is referred to with || 6 1||, or 5.3.37 with || 5 3 ||. Not all roots of the Cāndra Dhātupāṭha belonging to these two portions are commented upon, sometimes the order of Sūtras is slightly different, sometimes a Sūtra is split into two sections. In two cases a variant reading of a Sūtra corresponds to the reading of the respective Sūtra of the Kātantra Dhātupāṭha. In section 1.33 (fol. 19r) we have rudir aśru vimocane instead of °vimokṣaṇe (cf. Kātantra Dhātupāṭha 2.31 and Cāndra 2.28), and in section 2.12 (fol. 42r) we read udāñ dāne, instead of udā dāne (cf. Kātantra Dhātupāṭha 2.84 and Cāndra 3.18).

Only fols. 1–7 are numbered, from fol. 8 onwards there are small numbers in the bottom of the utmost right hand margin of the verso (not always visible, as the exposure sometimes does not cover the whole folio). These are, however, by a later hand.
The writing on fols. 2v and 18v is slightly rubbed off in some places.

On exposure 2 there is the beginning of another MS, which is the same as the beginning of A 52/5, if a bit more extensive. The latter is supposed to be Pūrṇacandras Ākhyātaratnakoṣa (for further details see A 52/5). Exp. 2 reads as follows:

oṃ namaḥ sarvvajñāya ||

dhātupārāyaṇaṃ samyag nirūpya vyavahāriṇāṃ |
koṣa ākhyātaratnāṇāṃ svābhogāya kariṣyate ||

lakārāḥ khalu karttari bhāve vyāpye ca vidhīyante || karttari bhāvāt karttarīty adhikṛtya vidhānāt || karttari śap ity atra vā vihitadvāreṇa karttarīti lakārasya viśeṣaṇāt || bhā(2)vāpyayoś ca tiṅśiti yagaliḍāśīrlliṇīty atra liḍādipratiṣe〇dhāl liṅgād iti || trividhāḥ kriyārthāḥ | daśagaṇaparipaṭhitāḥ || sautrāḥ kā〇myajādyantāś ca | trayo ʼpy amī dvividhāḥ | savyāpyā avyāpyāś ca | tatra savyā〇pyāt karttari vyāpye va (!) lakārā bhavanti || avivakṣitavyāpya(3)tvenārthāntaravṛttyā vā vyāpyatve bhāve pi || avyāpyās tu karttari bhā〇ve prādiviśeṣayogāt savyāpyatve karmmaṇy api bhavanti || tatra prathamam bhuvāda〇ya ucyante || bhū ādir yeṣān te bhuvādayaḥ || ❖ || bhū sattāyāṃ || bhū | sattāya[[ā]]〇m vidyamānāyām bhū dhātuḥ || varttamāne laṭ | 12 | ārambhād āpa(4)risamāpter vvartamānaḥ kālaḥ || uktañ ca || pravṛto niṣṭhite bhāve va〇rttamānavyavasthitiḥ | varttamānasamīpañ ca varttamānam pravakṣyate || sa ca mu〇khyas tatsamīpaś caiva vivakṣitaḥ | tatra yā kriyā tadarthāl laṭ bhavati | tibā〇dayaḥ | nāmādiṣu prayujyaneṣv (!) aprayujyamāneṣv api prathamapu(5)ruṣādiḥ || adhikāratvena vidhiparaḥ kriyārthād bahulaṃ karttarīty adhikāratvenety anuvarttamāne kāle varttamāne laṇ iti kriyārthāt sarvvatra laṭ paro bhavati || ṭakāraṣ ṭittaṅām ed iti cihnārthaḥ ||    || lakārād akāram apakṛṣya | akāro vido laṭo veti cihnārthaḥ | | tatra lamātrasthi- (fol. 1v1–5)

The following observations seem to establish a strong connection between both texts of A 53/4. They are both commenting on the Cāndra Dhātupāṭha. The above fragment introduces the commentary on the first class of roots in exactly the same manner as the following fol. does with the second class. Compare the wording:

tatra prathamam bhuvādaya ucyante || bhū ādir yeṣān te bhuvādayaḥ || ❖ || bhū sattāyāṃ || bhū | sattāyām vidyamānāyām bhū dhātuḥ || (exp. 2 fol. 1v3)


tatra dvitāyam adādaya ucyante || adādir yeṣān te adādayaḥ || ada psā bhakṣaṇe || ada | psā bhakṣaṇe ʼbhyavahṛte ʼrthe ada dhātuḥ || (exp. 3, fol. 1v1).

Furthermore, both MS use the same mode of referring to the Sūtras of Candragomin:

|| 1 2 || refers to Sū 1.2.82, that is to say any Sūtra of this Pāda. Finally, the writing and outer appearance of both fols. favour the notion that both MS have been written by the same scribe. If we are right in supposing that the above fragment is the beginning of Pūrṇacandras Ākhyātaratnakoṣa, we might as well suppose that the remaining fols. of A 53/4 belong to the selfsame text.
A short description of this MS is to be found in BSP vol. VI, p. 28 no. 96, where the MS is styled Dhātupāṭhavṛttiḥ.



❖ tatra dvitāyam adādaya ucyante || adādir yeṣān te adādayaḥ || ada psā bhakṣaṇe<ref>Cf. Cāndra Dhātupāṭha 2.1.</ref> || ada | psā bhakṣaṇe ʼbhyavahṛte ʼrthe ada dhātuḥ || akāraḥ pāṭhārthaḥ || laṭ || tip | śap || adādibhyo lug<ref>Cf. Cāndra Sūtra 1.1.83.</ref> iti śapo lug bhavati || niṣedha eva karttavye lugvacanaṃ || tura tvaraṇa<ref>Cf. Cāndra Dhātupāṭha 3.10.</ref> ity asya turitaṃ tor ity am ity atrodupāntasya (2) sarvvato bhāvārambhayor vvety adeṅ vikalpārthaṃ | juhotyādīnāṃ śa〇bluksanniyogena vidhīyavidhīyamānaṃ dvitvaṃ hūyād iti | atra mā bhūd ity e〇vam arthañ ca || cartvam iti | kharicarjhala<ref>Cf. Cāndra Sūtra 6.4.148.</ref> iti dasya tatvaṃ | takārasya acarahito 〇 varṇṇaḥ paravarṇṇan dhāvati || atti kravyaṃ〇ḥ (!) | attaḥ | jh⟪e⟫[[o]] (3) nta<ref>Cf. Cāndra Sūtra 1.4.3.</ref> iti | adanti || kharicarjhala iti | atsi | atthaḥ | admi | 〇 advaḥ | admaḥ || (fol. 1v1–3)


|| 63 || ❁ || adādayaḥ samāptāḥ || ❁ || juhotyādaya ucyante || hu havane<ref>Cf. Cāndra Dhātupāṭha 3.1.</ref> 〇 || (fol. 34r3)


(2) āśiṣi | hāsīṣṭa | hāsīyāstāṃ | hāsīran | hāsīṣṭhāḥ | hāsīyāsthāṃ | hāsīḍhvaṃ | 〇 hāsīya | hāsīvahi || luṅ | ahāsta | ahāsātāṃ | ahāsata | ahāsthāḥ | ahā〇ḍhvaṃ | ahāsi | ahāsvahi || lṛṅ | ahāsyata || yak | hāyate | jahe | hātā | hāsyate | hāyatāṃ 〇 | ⁅a⁆hāyata | hāyeta | hāsī⁅ṣṭa⁆ || luṅ | ⁅ci⁆ .. | .. .. .. gaṇalīti yuk | ahāyi | (3) sic | ahāsītāṃ | ciṇvad iṭ | yuk | ahāyiṣātāḥ || lṛṅ | ahāsyata || 16 || ta〇ṅāninau<ref>Cf. Cāndra Dhātupāṭha 3.21.</ref> || ❁ || juhotyādayaḥ samāptāḥ || ❁ || (exp. 48 2–3)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 53/4

Date of Filming 26-10-1970

Exposures 50

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks fols. 22v/23r have been microfilmed twice (exp. 24 and 25)

Catalogued by OH

Date 01-04-2004


  • Cāndra-vyākaraṇa : Die Grammatik des Candragomin. Sūtra, Uṇādi, Dhātupāṭha. Bruno Liebich (ed.), Leipzig 1902.
