B 147-4 Śivatāṇḍavatantra(1)

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 147/4
Title: Śivatāṇḍavatantra
Dimensions: 25 x 12.5 cm x 65 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Tantra
Acc No.: NAK 5/5097

Reel No. B 147-4 MTM Inventory No.: 66959

Title Śivatāṇḍavatantra

Remarks The text covered is the Dvādaśa- and Trayodaśapaṭalas and part of the Caturdaśapaṭala. The other text contained in this multi-text manuscript is part of the Caturdaśapaṭala of the Śivatāṇḍavatantra.

In the sub-colophon after the 12th chapter (fol. 9r3–4), the text alternatively is called Dakṣiṇāmūrtipārvatīsaṃvāda.

Subject Śaiva Tantra

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material paper

State incomplete, available folios: 1–48 (text a), 16–24 and 26–32 (text b)

Size 25.0 x 12.5 cm

Folios 48 (text a) + 16 (text b)

Lines per Folio 8–12 (text a), 10-13 (text b)

Foliation Text a: figures on the verso, in the upper left-hand margin and in the lower right-hand margin

Text b figures on the verso, in the lower right-hand margin under the word śrīḥ and in the upper left-hand margin

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 5/5097

Manuscript Features

For this MS the NGMPP catalogue card refers to “BSP 4.2, pp. 187f”, but since the MS bears the accession no. 5-5097, this reference rather seems generally to refer to the section of Śivatāṇḍavatantras in BSP 4.2. Furthermore, on the catalogue card of the NAK as viṣaya saṃkhyā is given Śaivatantra 1475, but on the catalogue card of the NGMPP is given Śaivatantra 1495.

Text a starts from the beginning of the Dvādaśapaṭala and covers part of the Catur­daśapaṭala.

  1. Śivatāṇḍavatantra (exps. 3t–50t, fols. 1–48)
  2. Śivatāṇḍavatantra (exps. 50b–65b, fols. 16–32)

śivatāṇḍavaṃ dvādaśādyapūrṇacaturdaśapaṭalāntam

Texts a and b are written in a different hand.



śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ ||    ||

dakṣiṇāmūrttir uvāca ||

atha vakṣyāmi deveśi paramādbhutakāraṇaṃ ||

yan na kasyacid ākhyātaṃ tat te vakṣyāmi sāṃpratam || 1 ||

śṛṇuṣvaikamanā(!) kāṃte mattamātaṅgagāmini ||

navyavastuparijñānaṃ pṛthak pṛthag yathā tathā || 2 ||

vaśyārthe bhūrjapatre tu mohane raupyapatrake ||

māraṇe lohapatraṃ tu staṃbhane paittalaṃ mataṃ || 3 ||

vidveṣe tu śmaśānasya cīvaraṃ samudāhṛtam ||

ākarṣe sīsajaproktarājyārthe brahmavṛkṣajaṃ || 4 || (fol. 1v1–6)


athocyate maheśāni yaṃtrarājo manoharaḥ ||

nārasiṃhaṃ tathā yaṃtraṃ nārāyaṇam athāparaṃ ||

bhavaty eva mahādevi yaṃtraikai(!) tu phaladvibhāk ||

nārasiṃhaṃ bhayaharaṃ rakṣakaṃ cāparaṃ priye ||

nayane nāgakoṣṭe(!) tu śive viśvamite svare ||

caṃdre manau ravau naṃde tithau vede rase punaḥ ||

vikāre daśame vāṇe vahnikoṣṭe(!) likhet sudhīḥ /// (fol. 48v6–9)


iti sarvataṃtrottame dakṣiṇāmūrttipārvatīsaṃvāde dvādaśaḥ paṭalaḥ ||     || (fol. 9r3–4)

iti śrīśivatāṇḍave navakoṣṭa(!)kayaṃtrakathano nāma trayodaśaḥ paṭalaḥ || (fol. 25v4)


Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 147/4

Date of Filming 02-11-1971

Exposures 66

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Remarks Text a is on exps. 3t–50t. Fol. 47r was photographed upside down.

Catalogued by BK

Date 23-05-2008
