B 35-18 Svaritanirṇaya

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 35/18
Title: Svaritanirṇaya
Dimensions: 31 x 5 cm x 64 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Vyākaraṇa
Acc No.: NAK 4/102

Reel No. B 35-18

Inventory No. 73660

Title Svaritanirṇaya

Subject Veda/Prātiśākhya

Language Sanskrit

Text Features belongs to the Śuklayajurveda, enlisting only those syllables which bear the svarita accent (of all the hymns)

Manuscript Details

Script Nāgarī

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete, damaged

Size 31,0 x 5,0 cm

Binding Hole 1, rectangular, somewhat to the left

Folios 64+2

Lines per Folio 5

Foliation figures in the middle of the left-hand margin of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 5/102

Manuscript Features

Following the Vājasaneyimādhyandina school of the Śuklayajurveda, only the syllables bearing the svarita are enlisted. Every verse or kaṇḍikā is first referred to by a few initial akṣaras. The end of a verse is signalled by a running number between double daṇḍas, beginning anew with each hymn, that is, adhyāya. These adhyāyas are counted by numerals, which sometimes occur in Sanskrit, sometimes in their vernacular form. The so-called enclitic or secondary svarita is marked by additional diacritic symbols, as a double underlining, a frame drawn around the akṣara and the like. These extra signs, however, may have been inserted by a later hand, as there are quite a few later additions or marginal corrections.

The writing of this MS has been rubbed off in a few places. The scribe has numbered two consecutive fols. as “59”. Thus, there are really 64 instead of 63 fols. The last fol., numbered “63”, is broken in two, one half of it having been lost.

There are two additional fols. added to this MS, to be seen on exp. 67 below–69. Both are written in another hand. The first is written in Nāgarī, probably belonging to the Maṇḍalabrāhmaṇa or Maṇḍalabrāhmaṇopaniṣat. The second is written in Newārī characters, and seems to have originally consisted of only one fol. and is called gavastotra. Its language is a kind of hybrid Sanskrit. It is concerned with the different achievements gained by donating cows.



|| oṁ brahmaṇe namaḥ || athātaḥ svaritanirṇṇayaṃ vyākhyāsyāma || 〇 iṣe tvā<ref name="ftn1">Cf. Śuklayajurvedasaṃhitā adhyāya 1 kaṇḍikā 1. </ref> || tvā va vaḥ rpa ṣṭa rmma pyā drā va a va ī śa pa ja npā || 1 || vasoḥ pavitraṃ<ref name="ftn2">Ibid. kaṇḍikā 2. </ref> || so tra ra vya śca (2) rmmo dhā | ha te pa || 2 || soḥ tra dhā soḥ tra sra tvā pu soḥ tre | 〇 dhā pvā ma || 3 || sā viśvāyuḥ || ka dhā[[ḥ]] dra ta ṣṇo ra || 4 || agne vratapate || gne ca ccha nme | nṛ pai (3) || 5 || kas tvā || stvā tvā smai smai | rmma ṣā || 6 || pratyuṣta ⟪..⟫e 〇ḥ || tyu tyu rā ṣta ṣta rā[[ḥ]] || rvvaṃ ri nve || 6 || dhūr asi || ra rvvaṃ yo rvva dhū rvāḥ || nā hni sni pṛ ṣṭa ta || 8 ||

(fol. 1v1–3)


|| 13 || īśā vāsyaṃ<ref name="ftn3">Cf. adhyāya 40 kaṇḍikā 1.</ref> | ❁ || 〇 īśā vāsyaṃ | sya ga /// (4) asuryā nāma | ryā vṛḥ pi cā nāḥ || 3 || anejad ekam | 〇 ne na vī na ā rśat | va tye /// (5) | ṣu ci || 6 || yasmin sarvāṇi | rvā bhūḥ | ka ma śya[[ḥ]] || 7 || sa pa〇ri | rya ma ma ma pā | rmma pa s⁅va⁆ /// (fol. 63r1) saṃ dā saṃ | ti rā dvi || 10 || saṃbhūtiṃ ca || bhū ya | na bhū ta || 11 || 〇 adhaṃ tamaḥ | vi vi sa | ya /// (2) ya vi ta || 14 || vāyur anilaṃm | ni smāṃ rī | oṁ | to sma | 〇 sma || 15 || agne naya || /// (3) kham | vā ru so (7) | (o)3m || 17 || ❁ || ❁ || 〇 iti cālīśo dhyāya || ///

(fol. 63r3–63v3)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 35/18

Date of Filming 26-10-1970

Exposures 70

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks exposures 22 and 23 show the same fols. (20v/21r)

Catalogued by OH

Date 20-10-2004


  • Vājasaneyi-mādhyandina-śukla-yajurveda-saṃhitā: with the Mantra-bhāṣya of Uvaṭa, the Vedadīpa-bhāṣya of Mahīdhara …, ed. by Jagadishlal Shastri, Delhi 1971.
