A 1115-23(1) Annapūrṇāstotra

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 1115/23
Title: Annapūrṇāstotra
Dimensions: 16.5 x 9.3 cm x 6 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Stotra
Acc No.: NAK 6/2062

Reel No. A 1115-23 MTM Inventory No.: 90233–90235

Title Annapūrṇādistotrasaṇgraha

Author see Manuscript Features

Subject Stotra

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material Nepali paper

State see Manuscript Features

Size 16.5 x 9.3 cm

Folios 10

Lines per Folio 6–7

Foliation 1st foliation (fols. 1–4): figures on the verso, in the upper left-hand margin under the abbreviation anna. and in the lower right-hand margin under the word śrī

2nd foliation (fols. 1–4): figures on the verso, in the upper left-hand margin and in the lower right-hand margin

3rd foliation (fols. 3–4): ): figures on the verso, in the upper left-hand margin and in the lower right-hand margin

4th foliation (fols. 1–2): figures on the verso, in the upper left-hand margin and in the lower right-hand margin

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 6/2062

Manuscript Features

  1. Annapūrṇāstotra (fols. 1–4 1st foliation) attributed to Vedavyāsa (Complete)
  2. Annapūrṇāstotra (fols. 1–2 2nd foliation) (Complete)
  3. Annapūrṇākavaca (fols. 3–4 3rd foliation) ascribed to the Bhairavatantra (Incomplete; fols. 1 and 2 are missing)
  4. #Annapūrṇākavaca (fols. 1–2 4th foliation) (Incomplete; only fols. 1 and 2 are available)


«Beginning of the 1. Annāpūrṇāstotra:»

śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ

oṃ ntyānaṃdakarī varābhayakarī sauṃdaryyaratnākarī

nirddhūtākhilaghorapāvanakarī pratyakṣamāheśvarī

prāleyācalavaṃśapāvanakarī kāśīpurādhi(!)śvarī

bhikṣāṃ dehi kṛpāvi(!)lambanakarī mātānnapu(!)rṇeśvarī 1

nānāratnavicitrabhūṣaṇakarī hemāṃvarādaṃbarī


kāśmīrāguruvācitāṃgarucirā kāśīpurādhi(!)śvarī

bhikṣāṃºº2 (fol. 1v1–2r4 1st foliation)

«End of 4. #Annapūrṇākavaca:»

śiraḥ śrīṃ hrīṃ tathā klīṃ ca tripuṭā pātu me gudaṃ |

ṣaṭdīrghabhājā bījena ṣaḍaṃgāni punaṃtu māṃ || 12 ||

iṃdro māṃ pātu pūrve ca vahnikoṇe ʼnalo [ʼ]vatu |

yamo māṃ dakṣiṇe pātu nairṛtyāṃ nirṛtiś ca māṃ || 13 ||

paścime varuṇaḥ pātu vāyavyāṃ pavano [ʼ]vatu ||

kuberaś co (fol. 2v2–7 3rd foliation)

«Colophon of the 1. Annapūrṇāstotra:»

iti śrīvedavyāsaviracitaṃ annapūrṇāstotraṃ saṃpūrṇaṃ (fol. 4v6–7 1st foliation)

«Colophon of the 2. Annapūrṇāstotra:»

ityannapūrṇāstotra ||     ||     ||     || (fol. 2v2 2nd foliation)

«Colophon of the 3. Annapūrṇākavaca:»

iti bhairavataṃtre ʼnna⟨ṃ⟩pūrṇākavacaṃ samāptaṃ ||     || (4r2–3 3rd foliation)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 1115/23

Date of Filming 13-07-1986

Exposures 13

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Catalogued by BK

Date 21-10-2008
