A 1116-16 Kubjikāpūjā

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 1116/16
Title: Kubjikāpūjā
Dimensions: 20.3 x 8.2 cm x 16 folios
Material: thyāsaphu
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Karmakāṇḍa (vaidika, āgamika, tāntrika etc.)
Acc No.: NAK 6/2106

Reel No. A 1116-16 Inventory No. 96623

Title Kubjikāpūjā

Subject Karmakāṇḍa

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material paper

State incomplete, damaged; left-hand margin of the recto and verso of the MS is severely damaged with considerable loss of the text

Size 20.3 x 8.2 cm

Lines per Folio 6

Foliation none

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 6/2106

Manuscript Features



/// (phreṃ) mahācaṇḍayogeśvarī śrīpādukāḥ(!) || ▒ namo bhagavata|siddhilakṣm -/// (phaṭ) phaṭ svāhā || oṃ 9 || hrīṃ śrīṃ kheṃ ▒ ▒ (saḥ saḥ saḥ) śrīpādukāḥ(!) || ▒ ▒ ▒ ///- ṭ malāyakṣaṇī śrīpādukāḥ(!) pūjayā(mi ) || iti pūjā || (exp. 2 l.1–3)


parāparapare śānte, brahmalīne pare śive, |

acintyarūpacarite, a///rthaphalaprade || 6 ||

ekākinī viśvamātā, karavīranivāsinī ||

mahāsphārapradā nityā ///-ṇī || 7 ||

bindumadhye tvayā devī, kuṭilorddhe ticandrike ||

dvādaśāntā layā (de) -/// (exp. 19b l. 4–6)


Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 1116/16

Date of Filming 18-07-1986

Exposures 21

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Remarks Exp. 2 is microfilmed twice; the second one is situated as exp 20 and exp. 13 is also microfilmed twice.

Catalogued by MS

Date 14-12-2007
