A 1116-6 Uttarāmnāyanityakarmadīpapūjāśānticakra

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 1116/6
Title: Uttarāmnāyanityakarmadīpapūjāśānticakra
Dimensions: 28.7 x 9.7 cm x 15 folios
Material: thyāsaphu
Condition: damaged
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Karmakāṇḍa (vaidika, āgamika, tāntrika etc.)
Acc No.: NAK 6/2096

Reel No. A 1116-6 Inventory No. 104750

Title Uttarāmnāyanityakarmadīpapūjāśānticakra

Subject Karmakāṇḍa

Language Sanskrit, Newari

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material thyāsaphu

State incomplete; damaged

Damaged in the upper left-hand margin of exps. 3, 4, 5 and 7, and in the lower left-hand margin of exps. 18, 19, 20 and 21,

in the upper right-hand margin of exps. 3, 21 and in the lower right-hand margin of exps. 20, 21 with considerable loss of the text.

Size 28.7 x 9.7 cm

Lines per Folio 5

Foliation none

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 6/2096

Manuscript Features

The text is written in corrupt Sanskrit.

Some folios are damaged in the margin with the considerable loss of the text and some are probably written with a different hand.



-///śaṃ vāyum ākāsa(!)rūpaṃ svayaṃ jeṣṭā(!)nakṣeṣṭaṃ †s(‥)rasthītikakaṃ† paśubhyāṃ (śevaśaktyā) (‥‥‥) -///lasṛṣṭikmayī niśeśvaristhītiḥ(!) sarūpāṃ parayāṃ kujeśvali(!) guhyaśvari(!) siddhimuṣi(!) guhā-///śrītrpuresvarim(!) amṛtāla(‥‥‥) ||     || … asmat śrī 3 utrā(!)mnāya nityakarmmadīpapaṃktidīpapūjāśānticakrasaṃpūrṇārthaṃ (exp. (exp. 3t1–3 and 4t4–5)


paṃcaratnena cārādanaṃ || gluṃ gaga(na)ratnāya pādūkāṃ || gluṃ svargara-/// pādukāṃ gluṃ gabhyaraloyapādukāṃ || pluṃ pātāra(!)ratnāya pādukāṃ || (exp. 22 l. 4–5)


Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 1116/6

Date of Filming 18-07-1986

Exposures 23

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Remarks two exposures of exps. 5 and 6

Catalogued by MS

Date 12-12-2007
