A 1333-21(1) Trisvabhāvanirdeśa
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: A 1333/21
Title: Triṃśikākārikā
Dimensions: x cm x folios
Material: paper?
Acc No.:
Reel No. A 1333-21
Title: Trisvabhāvanirdeśa
Author: Vasubandhu
Subject: Bauddha, Darśana
Language: Sanskrit
Manuscript Details
Script: Newari
Material: palm-leaf
State: complete
Size: 28.5 x 4.5 cm
Binding Hole: 1
Folios: 5
Lines per Folio: 6
Foliation: figures in the left margin of the verso
Date of Copying:
Place of Deposit: NAK
Accession No.: 5-6462
Manuscript Features
The manuscript contains three texts:
oṃ namo mañjunāthāya ||
kalpitaḥ parantraś ca pariniṣpanna eva ca |
trayaḥ svabhāvā dhīrāṇāṅ gambhīraṃ jñeyam iṣyate ||
yat khyāti paratantro sau yathā khyāti sa kalpitaḥ |
pratyayādhīnavṛttitvāt kalpanāmātrabhāvataḥ ||
tasya khyātur yathākhyānaṃ yā sadā vidyamānatā |
jñeyaḥ sa pariniṣpaṇṇaḥ svabhāvo 'nanyathā tv ataḥ ||
tatra kiṃ khyāty asatkalpaḥ kathaṃ khyāti dvayātmanā |
tasya kā nāstitā tena yā tatrā⟪tena yā tatrā⟫dvayadharmmatā || (fol. 1v1-3)
cittamātropalambhena jñeyārthānupalambhatā |
jñeyārthānupalambhena syāc cittānupalambhatā ||
dvayor anupalambhena dharmmadhātūpalambhatā |
dharmmadha(!)tūpalambhena syād vibhutvopalambhatā ||
upalabdhavibhutvaś ca svaparārthaprasiddhitaḥ |
prāpnoty anuttarām bodhin dhīmān kāyatram(!)ātmikām iti || || (fol. 3r2-4)
trisvabhāva samāptaḥ || kṛtir ācāryavasubandhupādānām iti || (fol. 3r4)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. A 1333/21
Date of Filming: 29-08-1988
Used Copy: Berlin
Type of Film: positive
Remarks: Retake on/of B 23-18
Catalogued by AM
Date: 23-04-2012
Bibliography: The manuscript has been used in:
- MIMAKI, Katsumi, TACHIKAWA, Musashi and YUYAMA, Akira. 1989. Three Works of Vasubandhu in Sanskrit Manuscript. The Trisvabhāvanirdeśa, the Viṃśatikā with its Vṛtti, and the Triṃśikā with Sthiramati's Commentary. Tokyo 1989. (Bibliotheca Codicum Asiaticorum 1). [A 112/12, A 114/11, A 1380/10, B 22/21, B 23/18, B 23/24, B 91/5],
- ANACKER, Stefan. 1984. “The Twenty Verses and Their Commentary. (Viṃśatikā-Kārikā [Vṛtti]). In: Seven Works of Vasubandhu. The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Delhi 1984. (Religions of Asia Series Number 4). [B 23/18],
- ANACKER, Stefan. 1984. “The Thirty Verses. (Triṃśikā-Kārikā). in: Seven Works of Vasubandhu. The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Delhi 1984. (Religions of Asia Series Number 4). Translation of: Lévi, S. Vijñaptimtratsiddhi. Deux Traités de Vasubandhu. Viṃśatikā (La Vingtaine) Accompagnée d'une Explication en Prose, et Triṃśikā (La Trentaine) avec le Commentaire de Sthiramati. Original Sanscrit Publiè pour la Première Fois d'après des Manuscrits Rapportés du Népal. Première Partie. Texte. Paris 1925. (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études Fascicule 245). [B 23/18],
- ANACKER, Stefan. 1984. “The Teaching of the Three Own-Beings. (Tri-Svabhāva-Nirdeśa). In: Seven Works of Vasubandhu. The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Delhi 1984. (Religions of Asia Series Number 4). Translation of: De la Vallée Poussin, L. Le Petit Traitè de Vasubandhu-Nagarjuna sur les Trois Natures. In: Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques. Publiés par l'Institut Belge des Hautes Études Chinoises. Vol. 2: 1932–1933. Bruxelles 1933. [B 23/18],
([1] List of publications based on materials made available by the NGMPP)