A 20-12 Chandomāṇikya

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Filmed in: A 20/12
Title: Chandomāṇikya
Dimensions: 32 x 5 cm x 6 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Chandaḥśāstra
Acc No.: NAK 3/690

Reel No. A 20-12

Inventory No. 14464

Title Chandomāṇikya

Author Tathāgatadāsa

Subject Chandaḥśāstra

Language Sanskrit

Text Features In the conclusion to his short treatise Tathāgatadāsa mentions Citrabhānu’s Chandaḥsundarikā, a hitherto unknown work on metrics, and confesses his indebtedness to it. Jñānaśrī[mitra], Jayadeva, Piṅgala and Ratnākaraśānti are also mentioned there. The Chandomāṇikya must have been written after Ratnākaraśānti’s Chandoratnākara but probably not very late than it, perhaps still in the 11th c. Cf. reel nos. A 20/16 and G 8/16.

Reference Dimitrov 200?

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete; only fols. 5, 7–11 are preserved.

Size 32.0 x 5.0 cm

Binding Hole 1, rectangular, in the middle

Folios 6

Lines per Folio 7

Foliation figures in the middle of the left-hand margin on the verso; fol. 10 is numbered on the left-hand as well as on the right-hand margin; below the figure on the left-hand margin of the same folio the figure 9 has been deleted.

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 3/690

Used for Edition yes

Manuscript Features

The edge of fol. 5 is partly broken off affecting the first line of fol. 5r and the last one of fol. 5v; approximately 7–8 akṣaras on each side are missing. Fol. 5v is partly rubbed off and hard to read; fol. 10v has suffered less but at places it is also not clearly legible. Fol. 11v which written by the same hand contains an incomplete list of the samavṛtta metres discussed in the Chandomāṇikya starting with the Vidyunmālā metre and ending with the Pravaralalita metre. The numbers given after each metre and calculated by means of the uddiṣṭa procedure (i.e. the second pratyaya) indicate the position in the prastāra table. This partly corrupt list has been appended probably by a later scholar.



(1)so tha lā⁅ṭ⁆ī ca | naṃdinī ceti sapta⁅dhā⁆ ||<ref name="ftn1">The first three pādas of this stanza in the Anuṣṭubh metre should have read something like this: *prabhāvatī praharṣaṇī lakṣmī ca mattamayūram | kalahaṃso ʼtha lāṭī ca* …</ref>

dvitīyakaṃ navamacaturthako yadi

trayodaśaṃ daśamalaghoḥ paran tathā |

gurūṇy amūny agurutayā pare ⁅s⁆thi⁅tā

⌣ − tv⁆.⁅tā bhava⁆ti tadā prabhāva(2)tī ||

⌣ − ⌣ − ⌣ ⌣ ⌣ ⌣ − ⌣ − ⌣ − ||

trīṇy ādau yadi gurutām iha vrajeyu (!)

catvāro pi ca laghavo gurur laghuś ca |

gurvv ekaṃ tadanu laghur guru (!) tato dvau

vicchedas triṣu daśasu praharṣaṇīyaṃ ||

− − − ◆ ⌣ ⌣ ⌣ ⌣ − ⌣ − ⌣ − − ◆ (3) || (fol. 5r1–2)


ati(fol. 5v)jagatibhedaḥ || (fol. 5r7–5v1)

śakva(7)rībhedaḥ || (fol. 5v6–7)

atyaṣṭibhedaḥ || (fol. 7r1)

dhṛtibhedaḥ || (fol. 7r6)

atidhṛtibhedaḥ || (fol. 7v2)

kṛtibhedaḥ || (fol. 7v6)

prakṛtibhedaḥ || (fol. 8r1)

iti samavṛttāni (3) || (fol. 8r2–3)

arddhasamavṛttāni || (fol. 8v7)

viṣamodgatābhedaḥ || (fol. 9v1)

iti viṣamavṛttāni || (fol. 9v1)

āryā uktāḥ || (fol. 10r3)

vaitālīyajātiḥ || (fol. 10r5)

mātrāsamakajātiḥ || (fol. 10v2)

|| iti pādena daṇḍakāḥ kathyante || (fol. 10v5)

pracito yaṃ || (fol. 11r3)


(4) Cchandaḥsuṃdarikāṃ vilokya vipulāṃ śrīCitrabhānoḥ kṛtiṃ

JñānaśrīJayadevaPiṃ〇[[ga]]lam⟪ā⟫atāc cādāya sāraṃ manāk |

śrīRatnākaram a⁅p⁆y agādham atulaṃ viṣvag vi⟪nā⟫gāhyo(5)ddhṛtaṃ

Cchandoratnam anargham arghitagirām bhūyād varobhūṣaṇaṃ ||

etan me sarasaṃ sakautuka〇m abhispaṣṭam prasiddhākṣarair

akliṣṭair vacanair apūrvvaracanā (!) vyutpannam udbhāvayan |

(6) yaḥ ko pi pratibhākṣaya⟪ḥ⟫pratibhayād aślokakāraḥ svayaṃ

so pītthaṃ bhavitā kavīndrasadasi prauḍho girā⟨ā⟩m īśvaraḥ ||

preṣaṇam prāpya bhikṣūṇāṃ śrīKhasarpaṇacāriṇām |

Cchandomāṇi(7)kyam asrākṣīd upādhyāyas Tathāgataḥ || (fol. 11r4–7)


|| Cchandomāṇikyaṃ nāma cchandasārasāstraṃ (!) samāptaṃ ||     || kṛtir upādhyāyaTathāgatadāśasyeti || || śubha || (fol. 11r7)

Beginning (fol. 11v)

(1) ❖ vidyutmālaprastāre (!) prathame 1 citrapadaṃ 55 samānikā 170 (!) catuḥpramāṇikā 84 padminī 19 pathyā 10 māṇavakakrīḍitakaṃ 1021 (!) || 8 || bhujagaśiśusṛtā 64 || 9 || ma(2)yūramālinī<ref name="ftn2">Read: *mayūrasārinī. </ref> 171 mattā 241 … (fol. 11v1–2)

End (fol. 11v)

… vasantatilakaṃ 2933 || 14 || caṃdralekhā 4647 (!) maṇi(7)guṇanikaraḥ 1627 (!) mālinī 4673 (!) || 15 || sukeśaraṃ 220448 (!) pravalalalitaṃ<ref name="ftn3">Read: *pravaralalitaṃ.</ref> 10178 || 16 || (end of fol. 11v)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 20/12

Date of Filming 31-08-1970

Exposures 10

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks fols. 10v–11r filmed twice (exps. 7–8)

Catalogued by DD

Date 16-12-2002


Dimitrov, Dragomir

200? Edition of the Chandomāṇikya.

200? “Ratnākaraśānti’s Chandoratnākara and Tathāgatadāsa’s Chandomāṇikya.”, in: Felicitation volume for Professor Michael Hahn.
