A 471-32(3) (Caṇḍīstotra)
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: A 471/32
Title: Ugracaṇḍīmantrastotra
Dimensions: 19.5 x 6 cm x 6 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Stotra
Acc No.: NAK 1/316
Reel No. A 471-32(3)
Inventory No. New
Title [Caṇḍīstotra]
Subject Stotra
Language Sanskrit
Manuscript Details
Script Newari
Material paper
State complete
Size 19.5 x 6.0 cm
Binding Hole
Folios 6
Lines per Folio 5
Foliation figures on the verso, in the middle right-hand margin and in the middle left-hand margin
Place of Deposit
Accession No. 1/316
Manuscript Features
There are impresses of the seal on the fols. 1r and 6v (probably of Chandra Shumshere with the year 1970 [VS]).
This MTM contains the following texts :
- Ugracaṇḍīmantrādistotra (fols. 1r1–3r5)
- [Ugracaṇḍāsotra] (fols. 3v1–5r5)
- [Caṇḍīstotra] (fols. 5v1–6v5)
There are two parallel foliation, the foliation in the middle right-hand margin starts from one and it goes up to six, whereas the foliation in the middle left-hand margin starts from 47 and it goes up to 52.
The second and third texts do not have colophon, but reading the texts thoroughly we can conclude that they are related to the Caṇḍīstotra.
❖ mārkkaṇḍeyo(!) vipadasahatān grahāyāvatāraṃ
cakre yasya pracūrṇṇaniṣaṇo(!) brahmavidbrahmakalpaḥ |
daityocchedapramuditaśirastotragarbbhaḥ prabhāvā
so [ʼ]yaṃ devyā bhavatu bhavatā śrīśraye caṃḍakāyāḥ || ||
yā devī madhukaiṭabhapramathanī yā caṇḍamuṇḍārddinī
yā †mādyā† mahiṣāsurakṣayakarī yā raktavījāśrayā |
yā sā śumbhaniśumbhadaityadahanī yā devidevāśrayā
sā devī mama rakṣa dakṣiṇabhujaiś caṇḍī jayo rakṣatu || || (fols. 5v1–6r1)
yā devī mahiṣāsuramathanī dhūmrākṣavidhvaṃsinī
yā devī madhukaiṭabhapramathanī krūrasya sādhāraṇī |
yā devī niśumbhaśumbhadahanī raktākṣavīrakṣayā
yā candrā(ga)kṛtacaṇḍamuṇḍadahanī sā caṇḍikā pātu vaḥ || ||
yāṣṭamyām adhivāsinī bhagavatī śrīrudracaṇḍādibhir
brahmāṇī pramukhā jayādisakalā ṣaḍyoginī vanditā |
puṣpaiś candanadhūpadīpapaśubhir valyādigamyocitā
saṃprāpte daśamī prayāti sakalā sā caṇḍikā pātu vaḥ || || (fol. 6r4–v5)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. A 471/32c
Date of Filming 01-01-19723
Exposures 9
Used Copy Kathmandu
Type of Film positive
Remarks The text is on exps. 7t, ll. 1–8, ll. 5
Catalogued by RR
Date 09-05-2008