B 12-16(6) Pīṭhikāstotra
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: B 12/16
Title: Triśaktimāhātmya
Dimensions: 20.5 x 4.5 cm x 68 folios
Material: palm-leaf
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Stotra
Date: NS 555
Acc No.: NAK 5/453
Remarks: as Varāhapurāṇa, B 1/4; various ms
Reel No. B 12-16f
Title Pīṭhikāstotra
Subject Stotra
Language Sanskrit
Manuscript Details
Script Newari
Material palm-leaf
State incomplete
Size 20.5 x 4.5 cm
Binding Hole 1, left of the centre
Folios 68
Lines per Folio 4-5
Foliation figures in the left margin of the verso
Date of Copying
Place of Deposit NAK
Accession No. 5-453
Manuscript Features
This bundle is a combination of several short manuscripts with stotras. Some pages have been filmed twice. Some of the texts are incomplete and without name, some are dated. The following is a list of the contents of the complete manuscript on the basis of the microfilm exposures:
- exp. 002-008 = 020-026 = Pīṭhikāstotra
- exp. 008-010 = 062-064 = Gurumaṇḍalapūjā
- exp. 011-013 = 065-068 = Pīṭhikāstotra
- exp. 016-017 = names of Śiva and names of Sūrya
- exp. 027-030 = (Caṇḍikāpūjāvidhi)
- exp. 031-035 = B 12-16(5) Saptaśatidevīkavaca
- exp. 036-039 = Pīṭhikāstotra
- exp. 039-040 = 1 folio without foliation, the recto begins: somyā bhṛgurevatīś caḥ kūjā asuni amṛtasidhijoga || ends: jātrā yā maranaṃ ceva, nāsti te sevāphalaṃ, the two lines on the verso are illegible.
- exp. 041-046 = (Akṣarastotra)
- exp. 047-055 = Triśaktimāhātmya
- exp. 056-061 = B 12-16(9)Saptaśatidevīkavaca (very similar to B 12-16(5))
- exp. 062-068 = exp. 008-013
- exp. 069-078 = Bhāratasāvitrī
- exp. 079 = empty page
- exp. 080-085 = Saptaśatidevīkavaca
- exp. 085-087 = Nārāyaṇadvādaśanāma
- exp. 087-091 = (Vāsudevastotra)
- exp. 091-093 = Ṣaḍakṣarastotra
❖ oṃ śrīkubjikauvāca(!) ||
pramādālopam āyānta siddhesamayamaṇḍale |
sādhakasya bhavet glāniḥ krīṣṭo vighneḥ prabādhyate ||
kā gatīs tasya deveśa kathaṃ siddhim avāpnuyāt |
tamācakṣo ca sarvvajñā samajaghnaḥ śudhyate yathā ||
aṭṭadāsāditaṃ(!) kṛtvā rājagṛham apaścimam |
āyudhaiḥ sahitā devī kṣetrapālasamaṃdhitām(!) ||
śrībherava uvāca || (fol. 1r1-4) (exp. 036)
kumbhakarṇṇasamopetām khaṭvāṅgakerabhūṣiṇīm
namāmi pāsasudhārthe cāmuṇḍā puṇḍa(!)varddhaṇe ||
parastrī |
prasannāsyā vajraśṛkhala(!)dhāriṇīm |
namāmi trijaṭopetām bhedajambhanakārikām ||
pṛṣṭhāpure vidyutmukhī daṇḍaśaktyāyudhodyatām || (fol. 3v2-4) (exp. 039)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. B 12/16
Date of Filming 19-08-1970
Exposures 93
Used Copy Berlin
Type of Film negative
Catalogued by AM
Date 30-09-2010