B 13-13(2) Dvātriṃśatputtalikā

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Manuscript culture infobox

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Remarks: not recorded in the Preliminary Title List

Title Dvātriṃśatputtalikā

Subject Kathā

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Maithili

Material palm-leaf

State incomplete and damaged

Size 25 x 4.5 cm

Binding Hole 1 in the centre

Folios 41

Lines per Folio 4-5

Foliation figures in the right and letters in the left margin of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No.

Manuscript Features

This manuscript contains two texts: Vāsavapraśnottara and Dvātriṃśatputtalikā.

The available folios are: 1-16, 31-49, 51-54, one folio without number (one of 55-57) and 58.



❖ oṃ gaṇeśāya namaḥ ||

yaṃ brahma vedāntavido vadanti paraṃ pradhānaṃ puruṣan tathānye |
yasyo .. te kāraṇam īśvaraṃ vā tasmai namo vighnavināśanāya ||…

adhunā manasvijanamanorañjanāya dvātriṃśatsiṃhāsanaputrikā vicitrālāpakautukamanoharā gadyapadyamayaprabandhaṣ(!) kathyate ||

uktañ ca ||

kavīśvarāṇā vacasām prayogo nandanti vidyānidhayo na cāye |
candro(palā) eva karaiḥ sudhāṃśor ddravanti nānyā dṛṣadaḥ kadācit || (fol. 1v1-5)


= iti prathamā putrikā || 1 || (fol. 13v3) =
= iti dvitīyā || 2 || (fol. 15r3) =
= ity ekādaśī kathā || 11 || (fol. 32r2) =
= iti dvādaśī kathā || 12 || (fol. 34r3) =
= iti trayodaśī kathā || 13 || (fol. 35v4) =
= iti caturddaśī kathā || 14 || (fol. 38r1-2) =
= iti pañcadaśī kathā || 15 || (fol. 40r1) =
= iti ṣoḍaśī kathā || 16 || (fol. 41v1-2) =
= iti saptadaśī kathā || 17 || (fol. 43r2) =
= ity aṣṭādaśī kathā || 18 || (fol. 44v1) =
= ity ekonaviṃśati(!) kathā || 19 || (fol. 46r3) =
= iti viṃśatitamā kathā || 20 || (fol. 48r3) =
= iti dvāviṃśatiḥ || 22 || (fol. 51v2) =
= iti caturviṃśati(!) kathā || 24 || (recto of a folio without number) =


iti siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatikā samāptam iti || || śītāvaty aparājitā ca/// (fol. 58r4) (58v not readable)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 13/13b

Date of Filming 21-08-1970

Exposures 42

Used Copy Berlin

Type of Film negative

Remarks This MS is microfilmed using the index card of B 13/13a, so there is no record of it in the database.

Catalogued by DA

Date 2002