B 268-3 Amarakoṣa
Manuscript culture infobox
Filmed in: B 268/3
Title: Amarakoṣa
Dimensions: 39 x 8 cm x 74 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Kośa
Acc No.: NAK 5/7774
Reel No. B 268/3
Inventory No. 2236
Title Amarakośa
Author Amarasiṃha
Subject Kośa
Language Sanskrit
Manuscript Details
Script Newari
Material paper
State incomplete
Size 39.0 x 8.0 cm
Binding Hole 1, in the middle
Folios 69
Lines per Folio 5
Foliation figures in the middle of the right-hand margin on the verso
Place of Deposit NAK
Accession No. 5/7774
Manuscript Features
The text runs from the somewhat end of the Svargavarga of the first Kāṇḍa up to the near end of the Nānārthavarga of the third Kāṇḍa.
Available folios are: 5–61, 63–65, 67–73, 75, 76 and 78
Marginal notes have been quoted in many folios.
|| nabhasvadvātapavana,pavamānaprabhaṃjanāḥ |
prāṇo ʼpānaḥ samānaś co,dānavyānau ca vāyavaḥ ||
śarīrasthā ime raṃha,s tarasī tu rayaḥ syadaḥ |
javo ʼtha śīghraṃ tvaritaṃ, laghu kṣipram aran drutaṃ ||
(2) satvaraṃ capalan tūrṇṇa,m avilaṃbitam āśu ca |
satatanāratāśrānta,santatāviratāniśaṃ (!) ||
nityānavaratājapra,m apy athātiśayo bharaḥ |
ativelabhṛśātyarthā,timātrodgāḍhanirbharaṃ (fol. 5r1–2)
prācyāṃ purastāt prathame, purārthe grata ity api |
yāvantāvac ca sākalye, badhau māne va(5)dhāraṇe |
maṃgalonaṃtarāraṃbha, praśna kātsrye (!) ṣvathoatha ||
vṛthānirarthakāvidhyo, nānānekābhayārthathāḥ ||
nupṛchāyāṃ vikalpe ca, paścātsādṛśyayoranu |
praśnāvadhāraṇā/// (fol. 78v4–5)
ity amarasiṃhakṛtau nāmaliṃgānusāsane
bhūmikāṇḍo yaṃ sāṃga eva samarthitaḥ || || (!) (fol. 58v3)
Microfilm Details
Reel No. B 268/3
Date of Filming 20-04-1972
Exposures 73
Used Copy Kathmandu
Type of Film positive
Catalogued by BK/JU
Date 21-03-2006