B 432-10 Yājñavalkyasmṛti

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: B 432/10
Title: Yājñavalkyasmṛti
Dimensions: 20.3 x 10.7 cm x 20 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Devanagari
Languages: Sanskrit
Subjects: Dharma(śāstra), incl. didactic portions of the epics, Purāṇas, etc.
Acc No.: NAK 2/83

Reel No. B 432-10 Inventory No. 82466

Title Yājñavalkyasmṛti

Subject Dharmaśāstra

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Devanagari

Material paper

State incomplete

Size 20.3 x 10.7 cm

Folios 20

Lines per Folio 6

Foliation fol. 1: figure in the lower right-hand margin of the verso

fols. 2–20: figures in the upper left-hand margin under the abbreviation yājña. of the verso

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 2/83

Manuscript Features



śrīmanmahāgaṇādhipataye namaḥ

ūnadvivarṣaṃ nikhanen na kuryād udakan tataḥ ||

āśmaśānād anuvrajya itaro jñātibhir mṛtaḥ 1

yamasūktaṃ tathā gāthāṃ japadbhir laukikāgninā

sadagdhaś ca upetaś ced āhitāgnyāvṛtārthavat 2 (fol. 1v1–4)

«End: »

ahaṃkāreṇa manasā gatyā karmaphalena ca

śarīreṇa [[ca]] nātmāyaṃ muktapūrvaḥ kathaṃcana 63

vartyādhānasnehayogād yathā dīpasya saṃsthitiḥ

vikriyā pi ca dṛ (fol. 20v4–6)


Microfilm Details

Reel No. B 432/10

Date of Filming 29-03-1973

Exposures 24

Used Copy Kathmandu

Type of Film positive

Catalogued by BK

Date 12-10-2009
